Chapter 14

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"You really have no shame, do you?" I say not daring to turn around and look at him as Chris stepped closer... I fell him step behind me... And even though we were outside his sent surrounded me and his body heat radiated towards me... "Is this a game to you... Do you get your kicks out toying with me..." I whisper as i am hyper aware of his presence... I dont want to but my body reacts to him... My body longs for him but my mind is still in control... But as my senses get flooded my body is taking over more and more... He doesn't answer but just steps closer his body now touching mine...

"Neve..." He whispers again and i fell his hands on my arms slowly turning me around to face him... "Dont..." I whisper looking at the ground not daring to look up... Because i know if i do i will cave...  "Can we go and get a drink... and talk..." He asks but i stay quiet because my brain and body are in a battle to answer... "Just talk..." He whispers and puts his finger under my chin making me look up at him as he towers over me... "Just talk..." He whispers again and i swallow hard... "Just talk..." I murmur and he nods... I take a deep breath and bite my lip not saying anything...

"Neve?" He whispers as i still not answer... "Fine... But somewhere private please..." I whisper and he takes in a sharp breath... "We can go to the bar of the hotel i am staying at..." He whispers as he cups my face with one hand and rubs his thumb over my cheek and i close my eyes reveling in his touch... I dont know what i am doing but my body wins and takes over... 

He puts up his hand and this car pulls up and Chris opens the door for me... I hesitate for a moment and look at him and he takes my hand kissing the back of it before helping me step inside... I scoot over and he sits down beside me closing the door and the car takes off... 

Little bolts of electricity run through my body as he takes my hand again and plays with my fingers... I look out the window as i am blushing because my body betraying me and i know i have thrown all caution in the wind and this is not a good idea but i can't seem to resist anymore... His touch feels just the way i remembered it and my body craves it... Neither one of us is saying a word... But i can feel his eyes are on me... I turn and look back at him and he kisses the back of my hand and i blush... 

We arrive at the hotel, and he leads me to the bar holding my hand in his but i stop walking as i see the crowded bar... "What is wrong..." He asks softly and i blush... I shake my head and he steps closer to me... "Neve? tell me what you want..." He whispers carefully wiping a strand of hair out of my face with his free hand... His other hand is still holding mine with no sign of letting it go as if he is afraid i will run away... 

"Take me upstairs... It is too crowded in there..." I whisper and he looks at me and for a moment i see hesitation and i cringe because if he turns me down now i will die of shame and lock myself away in my apartment and never go outside again... Without saying a word, he changes directions and walks us to the elevator... I take a deep breath to calm my nerves as adrenalin runs to my veins and i am sure my face is flushed and bright red... 

We step into the elevator and another elderly couple steps in with us and Chris pushes the button for his floor before politely asking the couple where they need to go... He pushes the button for their floor, and we ride up in silence... The elderly couple get off and they are just one floor below Chris's room so a few seconds later we arrive, and he walks me down the hallway his hand on my lower back sending tingles all through my body and a familiar throbbing starts between my legs and i am pretty sure my panties are soaking wet... 

He opens his door and steps aside letting me in first and i step inside... It is a luxury suite, and it is beautifully decorated, but the focus of the room are the windows looking out over the city... The view is breath taking and i walk to the window on auto pilot and take a deep breath looking at the dark city... The lights are mesmerizing and i smile... 

"What do you want to drink..." Chris asks and i turn around... "Scotch... If you have it..." I whisper and for a moment he looks at me surprised but he snaps out of it and nods... I watch him pour 2 glasses and i lean against the window thankful for the cool glass to cool me off... I watch him stride over to me his eyes fixed on mine and neither one of us looks away as he steps in front of me, and he holds the glass up for me to take... He looks down at me and even the glass of the window can't cool me down anymore as i feel my body heat up in his gaze... 

"Neve... I..." He starts his voice soft and warm... but i cut him off putting my fingers on his lips... The lips i long for... The lips that now that i have had a taste off i want again... The lips i want all over my body just like in my dreams... My mind is quiet it has given up fighting this... "No talking... I dont want to talk..." I whisper and i pull him in at his tie his lips finding mine in a passionate hungry kiss...

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