Chapter 8

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Chris Pov...

I sit on the couch after i kicked everyone out... Seb is pacing up and down trying to call Neve over and over again... "I can't fucking believe you..." He yells at me as she doesn't pick up again... "Neve where are you... Please call me back..." He says leaving yet another message before hanging up... 

He calls her again and Scott sighs... "Seb she isn't going to pick up..." Scott said and he looks at him angry... "No shit Scott..." He says... "Neve... I just need to know you are okay... Please answer the phone..." He says with panic in his voice... 

"This is the last fucking time i am listening to you..." He says pointing at me after he hung up... "Please Seb... I really like her..." He says mocking me and i roll my eyes... "I do...!" I whisper and he scoffs... "Then why!!! Has she left...!" He yells and i look down in shame... I had told him she had left but not why... 

He was drunk when i told him, but it had sobered him up pretty quickly... At first, he didn't believe me and walked to their bedroom and when he saw that her suitcase was gone, he exploded... "What the fuck did you do... Please dont tell me you try to force yourself on her because so help me God Chris..." He yells and i look at him shocked standing up... 

"What!!! No of course not! I would never... I might be an asshole sometimes but i would never fucking do that!!! I would never force a woman to do anything she doesn't want to, and you fucking know this...!!!" I yell standing in front of him angry at him for even suggesting something like that... "Than what the fuck happened!!!" He yells... "She walked in on Julia kissing me!!! Okay!!!" I yelled and before i knew what happened Seb punched me and i tumbled into the couch... "That is enough!!!" Scott said jumping between us as i stood back up ready to punch him back...

"This is no use... Neve is a big girl, and she will be fine... She can take care of herself... She obviously doesn't want to talk to either of us... Now... We are all a little drunk and not thinking straight... Let's go to bed and talk about it in the morning..." Scott says standing between Seb and i as we are staring each other down.

Seb scoffs and walks off a few moments later we hear a door slam shut... "Who invited Julia?" Scott said looking at me and i shrugged my shoulders... "Dont look at me... I didn't... She must have come along with someone..." I mumble and Scott sighed... "Seriously Chris... We all sticked our necks out for you with Neve..." He says and i roll my eyes... "Dont you think i dont know that..." I said walking off and slamming my own door shut...

"FUCK!!!" I yelled and punched the wall regretting it immediately as it hurt like a motherfucker... I sigh and run my hand through my hair... "Fuck... Fuck... Fuck..." I say loudly before sitting down on the bed and letting me drop onto it... 

I need to fix this... Can i fix this? I think to myself looking at the ceiling... I dont want it to be over before it even began... The feeling of her body against mine was amazing and all i wanted to do was kiss her but my brother had to ruin the moment... If he hadn't, she would probably still be here maybe even sleeping next to me... It is not like i expected to have sex with her tonight... I just wanted to hold her... I just wanted her in my arms and kiss her... See her when i wake up in the morning... I need to fix this... The more i got to know her the more i realized i wanted her not for just one night but forever... She is perfect... Sweet, funny, smart and incredibly sexy... In my eyes she was the full package and the idea of her being mine made a warm feeling spread through my body and made me smile... She was in my eyes the type of woman you settle down with... She was the type of woman you gave everything up for without hesitation... Is that weird...?

I sigh and sit up again pulling my clothes off and throwing them aside not caring were they land... I walk into my closet and put on some sweatpants... I just feel fucking stupid for getting in a situation and not realizing what was happening... For not reacting quicker and most of all for putting myself in a situation for Julia being able to kiss me... 

I walk into my bathroom and look in the mirror and groan because my eye is already starting to change color... I sigh and walk to the kitchen and open the freezer to get some frozen peas... "What happened..." I heard and i almost jumped out of my skin seeing Seb sitting in the dark... I sigh and lean against the counter putting the frozen peas on my eye... 

"Julia jumped me kissing me and before i could push her away Neve saw..." I mumble and Seb sighed... "I want to fix it Seb..." I say and he sighs again... "I dont think you can... She already was reluctant coming here... I had to trick her... She didn't really want to but i tricked her... She is probably pissed off at me to..." He says and i sigh and nod... He puts his phone to his ear again and i watch him try to reach Neve again, but he gets her voicemail... "Neve this is getting ridiculous... At least let us know you are okay... We are worried..." He says leaving another message... "She doesn't even react to my texts..." He mumbles and i sigh... 

"I didn't kiss her... I didn't even invite her... She just jumped me out of nowhere when i came out of the bathroom... God all i want is Neve... Julia means nothing to me... Neve is all i can think about ever since i met her at the premier..." I mumble but Seb just shakes his head and stands up... 

"I dont know if she will ever let you in again... Neve is not easy to get to know and when she lets you in you should be so lucky... Because she doesn't let many people in... I saw that she had fun with you even if she didn't want to totally admit it to herself... But she also knew about you reputation and seeing you and Julia probably confirmed what she heard about you... I dont know if she would ever be able to get passed that... I dont even know if she is going to forgive me..." He says and walks out to his bedroom again...

I walk back to my bedroom, and I crawl under the sheets and sigh again... I need to sleep because when i wake up i need to think of a plan to fix it with Neve because i knew one thing... I wasn't going to give up on her without a fight... 

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