Chapter 74

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"Chris... Can you please rub my back..." I whisper pouting at him as we are lying in bed... He chuckles and moves his hand down my back and under my shirt rubbing circles gently yet firmly knowing my lower back is killing me at the moment... I hum as i can feel my back pain let up a little bit and i can feel myself relax... "Chris?" I whisper with my head buried in his neck and he hums while still rubbing my back.  

I try to find the words but i stay silent as i cant seem to find them and he plants a kiss on my forehead not saying a word either... "I swear if i was a dog my leg was doing that thing they do when you find the right spot for scratches..." I hum as Chris pushed on the right spot on my back... Chris laughs and i smile thinking how much i love that sound and the idea to not have that sound in my life kills me... "Let's try again..." I blurt out and Chris lifts his head his eyes almost popping out of his head... "Really?" He whispers with shock and amazement in his voice and i nod... "Yes..." I barely get out before he crashes his lips on mine... 

"I do think we have to talk about a few things though..." I murmur into the kiss, and he nods... "I know..." He mumbles and i take a deep breath... "I love you Chris... More than i can ever tell you... But... This is it... After this no more chances... I will not be the woman who forgives and forgives or looks the other way..." I say and he takes in a sharp breath and nods... "I know love... But you never ever have to... I know it will take time for you to fully trust me... But i will spend my life showing you that you can... You make me so happy by giving me another chance and i will not fuck it up... When i thought i lost you i... i... It hurt... It hurt so much and i never want to feel like that again...  And i never want to be the reason you are hurting ever again... I love you so much..." He whispers and i smile before i take another deep breath... 

"There is one other thing..." I whisper and he pecks my lips... "What?" He whispers back... "You do understand i dont want to move away from this place for now right..." I whisper and he nods smiling... "I know this is home now..." He says and i smile... "Yes... It is..." I whisper back and i groan as he finds the spot on my back again and i shake my leg as a joke making him laugh hard clutching his chest...

"Silly girl..." He whispers kissing me passionately when he is done laughing and i smirk into the kiss... 

Over the next week we spend time with Lisa... She goes with us to a doctor's appointment... It is also the first appointment Chris is coming with, so it is all very emotional... Dotty tags along to... It was a full house, but she had been there when i needed her and i didn't want her to miss out now...

 To my relief Lisa and Dotty get along great and we are invited for dinner at Dotty's with Rose and Charlie... Charlie has warmed up more to Chris and i smile as i see them sitting outside drinking a beer together... 

We show Lisa around town, and she gets why i love it here so much... It is just peaceful. I have promised her she can come and visit and that we would come and visit her... Chris had some stuff sent over by his sisters so he could fully move in... Maybe it was not the wise but i didn't want to waste any more time... The idea of being a family made me smile... 

The only thing that bothered me lately is that i had not heard anything from Seb... Chris said he was dating someone, and it was serious but that he hadn't heard anything either... I thought it was because i was no longer in New York, but he didn't respond to my calls or texts... But i let it go for now... I had other things on my mind. 

I was now 35 weeks pregnant and i was close to being done... Moving around was a pain... My back was killing me... I felt uncomfortable all the time and i swear i was as big as a house... Not to mention that our girl kicking started to hurt... But it was going to be worth it... I couldn't wait to meet our little girl... The doctor had said everything seemed okay and that she looked healthy...

The day Lisa was leaving Lisa and i cried hugging each other... I was going to miss her and although i was happy to be just Chris and i again having Lisa here had been easier then i thought it would be... It gave me the confidence that we could host her in the future without trouble...

I am sitting on the couch as Dotty brings me some tea sitting down next to me... Chris is taking Lisa to the airport, and he rather not have me be home alone and asked Dotty to sit with me... I had chuckled at the fact he arranged someone to babysit me but i found it cute... He was really worried something would happen and i would be alone... Dotty had brought me pancakes from the diner with strawberry's and i had eaten them with a grin on my face absolutely happy with my treat... As long as people kept bringing me food i would be happy... 

I hear the front door again and i smile seeing Chris walk in... He leans over and kisses me... "I am so happy for you both that you have been able to work it out... Your baby is going to be so lucky..." Dotty says smiling and i blush... After drinking tea together Dotty leaves and i smile as she tells me to not get up and tells Chris to take good care of me... When he has walked her out i giggle as he sits down and i wriggle myself in a position so he can rub my feet... He just grins as he does... He never complains... He just does...

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