Chapter 3

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We drive into Boston and i feel nervous... Why do i feel nervous... O yeah because i dont know what is coming and Seb has been withholding things from me... We arrive at a store and i hold out my hand... "What?" He asks and i smirk... "I told you it will cost you..." I said and he chuckles handing me his credit card... I smirk and get out of the car... "Let's go..." I said and he groaned getting out of the car following me inside... The girl behind the counter eyes almost pop out of her head seeing Seb and i roll my eyes looking around... 45 minutes later i have an outfit for dinner and Seb has the girls phone number and we leave again... 

I laugh shaking my head as he puts the number in his back pocket. "What?" He asks and i laugh shaking my head... "I loved what you did with playing Bucky... It was so deep so raw... You really felt for the character..." I said mimicking the girl and he grins... "What can i say... She really knows what she is talking about..." He said with a face splitting grin and we now both laugh hard. We get in the car again to make the 30-minute drive to Chris his house... I sigh and get out the car watching the house... I have to admit it looks nice... Different than i expected... 

Seb takes the suitcases, and we walk up to the front door. He rings the doorbell and a few seconds later the door opens, and Chris appears smiling... "You came..." He says to me ignoring Seb while looking me up and down checking me out without any shame or attempt to hide it and i roll my eyes... "Yes, we did..." Seb says snapping Chris out of his fixation on me and he smiles, and they hug... Chris wants to hug me but i stick out my hand for him to shake but he is not having it pulling me into a hug and i freeze up... "You can let go now... I am not really a hugger..." I mumble and Chris releases me blushing a bit... "Sorry..." He mumbles...

"Is that Neve and Seb?" I hear a voice and i smile as i see Scott appear... "Scottie!!!" I yell excited and i push passed Chris into the house and hug Scott tightly as he picks me up and i laugh... "Nevie!!!" He yells... "You came!" He says all excited and i smile as he puts me down... "Not a hugger huh..." I hear and i turn around to Chris standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest and i smirk... 

"No i am not really..." I say keeping a straight face... "Let me show you where you sleep tonight... And we can catch up a little" Scott said taking the suitcases from Seb and i smile and nod walking after Scott... "How is Liam?" He asks and in the background i can hear Chris asks Seb who Liam is and i smirk... When i know we are out of earshot i sigh... "We broke up... He couldn't handle the fact i made more money than him and get this... He wanted me to stop writing because when we got married i needed to focus on the house and raising our kids..." I said rolling my eyes and Scott looked at me shocked and shook his head... 

"What an ass..." He says and i nod... "Dont get wrong i want that family life someday... But i want a partner not to be someone's replacement mommy let alone be a housewife in the traditional sense..." I say letting out a sigh and Scott smiles. "So... Liam is out... Didn't like him for you anyway..." He says and i chuckle... 

What Seb and Chris didn't know is that Scott and i met up in New York every time he was there and lately, he had been there a lot because of auditions for various plays... He had been staying with me when he needed to stay overnight and when he got a part, we decided he would be staying with me for the time he was going to be in the play... We just got along great, and he was great fun to be around... I just knew that living with him for a few months would be great fun...

"So when do rehearsals start for your play?" I ask and Scott has the biggest smile... "Next month... Is it still okay if i stay with you?" He asks and i smile. "Of course... I am excited... Just remember i want opening night tickets..." I say grinning and Scott laughs... There is a knock on the door and Seb walks in... "You two are all buddy buddy..." He says and i chuckle... "We better seeing as i am going to stay with her as i am going to star on Broadway..." Scott says bowing down and i laugh... "You got the part?  That is amazing Scott congratulations..." Seb says smiling. 

There is another knock on the door and Chris walks in... "What is all the excitement about..." He asks confused... "We are happy for your brother for getting the part on Broadway and apparently he is going to be staying with Neve for those months..." Seb says and i nod... "Wait, wait, wait... Neve is the friend you are staying with and have been staying with when you are in New York..." Chris asks and Scott nods... 

"So, we needed to help set up... What needs to be done..." I say changing the subject as Chris looks... Sad... Annoyed... Angry... I can't put my finger on it... "Right... I thought you and i could go to the store... I need to get a few things i had forgotten and then Scott and Seb could stay here and set up the games and stuff..." He says smiling at me and i roll my eyes... 

"What if you and Seb go do that and i go help Scott set up... Or me and Scott go get what you need, and you and Seb set up..." I say and Chris sighs looking disappointed... "No i can help Scott I dont feel like shopping... Besides you are picky when it comes to snacks and alcohol..." Seb says smirking nudging me and i give him a death stare... Even Scott smirks and i know i am being set up by everyone now and i roll my eyes... "Fine..." I say putting a fake smile on my face... 

"Let's go..." I say getting up from the bed grabbing my bag and walking out of the bedroom rolling my eyes again when i hear the guys wish Chris good luck and laugh... I swear to God by the time we are leaving tomorrow i can see inside my head with how many times i roll my eyes back... I sigh and take a deep breath waiting by the front door for Chris. I need to relax and make the best of it while i am here... I won't have fun if i get annoyed at everything... I am here and i have to deal with him so let's just play nice for now... There is no reason not to be friendly i just need to set clear boundaries and no time like this when it is just the two of us to make that clear...

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