Chapter 80

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A few days had passed and there was not a peep from Seb. I had resided in the fact that it was done... I was sad about it but pushed it aside and focused on my little girl... My perfect little girl, she who was doing so good... Chris and i were doing so good... We have talked a lot and i am happy... I am happy with my little family. That is where i was going to keep my focus. My little family...

I am sitting on the couch with Sade in my arms... Chris is taking a shower and i coo at my little girl... I had just fed and burped her... I didn't want to put her down... Not just yet... I wanted to snuggle with her a little longer... Sometimes i had to stop myself from giving into the urge of waking her up as i just wanted to cuddle with her... Instead, i would watch her sleep...

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings and i stand up... Expecting it to be Dotty i swing the door open but i freeze on the spot as i look into the blue eyes of an exhausted looking Seb... 

"Hi..." He says looking at me with an anxious look as i stand there glued to the floor with Sade in my arms... "Hi..." finally manage to say back and he smiles... But the smile does not reach his eyes... "This is her?" He asks and i finally snap out of it. "Ye-es..." I say and smile as he steps closer... "She is beautiful..." He says this time the smile on his face is genuine as he lets her wrap her little hand around his finger... 

"Can i come in?" He says and i swallow... "Yeah of course..." I say and step aside to let him in... It feels weird having him here... "This is nice..." He says looking around and i force a smile... "Neve? Do you want me to go and get..." I hear Chris saying coming out of the shower still drying his hair and when he sees Seb he freezes and stops talking... 

"Seb..." He says taking a deep breath... "Chris..." Seb says and i take a deep breath looking between them... The tension is palpable and i dont know how this is going to end... "Please... No yelling... No arguing not around the baby... You guys want to yell it out then leave the house... Not around my baby..." I say quickly as the tension is getting to me... "Dont worry we won't yell or fight... Right?" Chris says looking at Seb and he takes a deep breath and nods... 

I am not sure what to do but Chris seems to take charge and i am thankful for that... "You want coffee? You look like you could use some..." Chris says and Seb nods... "Yeah i have been traveling a long way... God so many delays and then a long drive to get here..." He says and i blush... But he then looks at me and smiles... "But on the drive here i could see why you like it here... It is peaceful..." He says and i smile nodding... "Let me take her..." Chris says taking Sade from me... 

"You two go to the living room and... I dont know catch up or talk things out.... I will put Sade down for her nap and then make some coffee..." Chris says kissing my cheek and i blush as Seb watches us very intently... "It is good you are here..." Chris says patting his shoulder before walking to the nursery with Sade and Seb gives him a little nod... 

"I can't believe you are here... I really thought i had lost you..." I whisper almost inaudible as we sit down on the couch... Seb lets out a deep sigh and catches me off guard pulling me into a hug... "I am so sorry... I am so sorry i was not there for you..." He whispers and the dam bursts and i start crying clinging onto him... "I was just having a hard time with all the changes... You last text was spot on... I was just so frustrated... I was being selfish, only thinking how it all was an inconvenience for me... How everything was changing for me... I was so used to you being there when i came home from filming..." He says as i cry in his arms... 

"You were not the only one in the wrong Seb..." I say between sobs... "Shhhh no... You have nothing to be sorry about... You did what was best for you and your baby... I am sorry you had to go through most things alone... Let's face it Chris and i were not much help..." He says... "He is right..." I hear and as i look up Chris is standing in front of us... "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt... But Seb is right... Every choice you made was for our little girl... You have nothing to be sorry for..." Chris says and Seb nods... 

"Yeah... We are selfish assholes..." Seb says smirking and Chris chuckles as if that means something significant... But i dont want to know as i just want to look at the future, i just dont want to fight with Seb... Or have Chris and Seb fight. I just want peace and to move on... "I am so happy you are here..." I whisper putting my hands on Seb's face... He smirks and nods... "Me too..." He says before Chris excuses himself to go and make us coffee... 

Seb want to talk about everything some more but i shake my head... "It is all in the past... Let's just leave it there and just start fresh..." I say and Seb smiles... "Okay..." He says and i look up as Chris puts coffee in front of us... "So, i am guessing you two are back together?" Seb says and Chris smiles as i nod... "Dont hurt her again... Last warning Evans... You have a family now..." Seb says and Chris smirks... "I promise..." He says and i smile as i feel little butterflies in the pit of my stomach at his promise... 

"So, when is the wedding..." Seb says out of nowhere a big smirk on his face as Chris and i start couching...

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