Chapter 58

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"She is here to talk about her new book. 'Revenge.' Everybody please welcome Neve Kent..." Jimmy says all excited and i walk out waving at the crowd and i hug Jimmy and for a second his eyes grow wide, and he looks down and i know i am in trouble... He has noticed... I just hope he has the decency to not ask about it on live TV... 

He takes my hand and leads me towards my seat and i thank him as he walks to his chair and we sit down... The crowd quiets down....

"Welcome to the show..." He says smiling and i push my anxiety away... "Thanks for having me... My first ever talk show so exciting..." I say giving him my most charming smile and he smiles back... "Really we are your first?" He asks and i nod smiling... "Well i hope it won't be the last..." He says and the crowd chuckles... "That is all up to you Jimmy... You play nice and i will play nice..." I say smirking and he laughs... 

"Well, you are here to talk about your book... And later on, we have a special guest that you brought along... Who will join us in a game of true confessions..." He says and i smile nodding... "Can't wait is going to be fun..." I say and Jimmy chuckles... 

"Now you have written a new book... And to say it is something different than your previous books is an understatement..." Jimmy says holding out my book to show it to the camera and i have to push my emotions away because it all of a sudden hit me like a ton of bricks... I have to talk about what i wrote... "What can you tell me about it...?" He says... I put on a fake smile... "It is about a woman and her road to revenge... You know the usual boy meets girl... Stuff happens, and they break up... Her heartbreak is so paralyzing that she decides that the only way she can deal with it and move on is to get revenge..." I say trying my best to keep a smile on my face... 

"I got a copy and i read the book and i must say... It was pretty dark and twisted in the end..." He says and i laugh... "But it was amazing... You could feel all the emotion of both main characters... You really get sucked in and i couldn't put it down i needed to know how it would end..." He says and i chuckle... "That is very sweet..." I say smiling... 

"Neve Kent's book is out now, and she will be going around the country for book signings and live book readings in some local bookstores near you... You can find the details on her site... When we come back, we are going to play a game with Neve and her mystery guest... Stay tuned..." Jimmy says and the crowd cheers as we go to a commercial break... 

Jimmy being a gentleman helps me off the step and we walk over to the set up for true confessions and he helps me sit down and i give him a little smile and he winks at me squeezing my shoulder as to say dont worry your secret is save with me... I see Scott sitting in a desk chair waiting to be pushed on to the table... 

"We are back, and we are going to play true confessions with Neve Kent and none other than Scott Evans!" Jimmy says and the crowd goes wild as he is being pushed on stopping himself with the edge of the table before waving at the ground... "Welcome back Scott... Normally you are here as a guest of your brother but today with your friend Neve... Are you ready to play True confessions..." Jimmy asks and Scott smiles... "Happy to be here Jimmy... And yes, i am ready... Bring it on..." He says and i laugh rolling my eyes... 

"Seriously even in this you are competitive...?" I say and Jimmy and Scott laugh... "You should see him when he is here with Chris... It is even worse they are hyping each other up even before they both come on..." Jimmy says and all i can think is yes i know...  "Scott you can start first..." Jimmy says and Scott opens the envelope... "Scott read your confession..." Jimmy says all hyped up giggling and Scott takes a deep breath... 

"I once shaved my brothers head in his sleep and blamed it on an old friend of us who was black out drunk...  " Scott reads and i look at him and start to laugh... "Where was this...?" Jimmy asks getting into the game and i chuckle... "At Chris his house... After one of his parties... He had been pranking me all night and this was my revenge..." Scott explains... "When was this?" I ask as i know most of the stories but this one did not sound familiar... "Oh years ago..." Scott says and i chuckle... We ask him a few more questions and it is decision time... "I think it is a lie..." Jimmy says and he looks at me... "Oh true... 100%... Because everyone who knows them knows this is something they would do..." I say and Scott smirks and i know i am spot on... 

"Scott is it the truth or a lie...?" Jimmy asks and Scott chuckles... "Chris and Mike are going to kill me... But yes, it is true..." He says and i grin letting out a chuckle and the crowd laughs to... Then it is Jimmy's turn, and it is obvious that it is a lie... Then it is my turn and i open the envelope...

"My first book is not really my first book... I actually have written my first book under a pseudonym..." I say and Scott looks at me squinting to see if i am lying or not... "What is the book called...?" Jimmy asks and i blush... "Desire..." I say and both men's eyes grow wide... "You are Genevieve Heart?" They both yell and i smirk... "I dont know...? Am i...?" I say and they both squint their eyes at me... 

After a few more questions Jimmy and Scott say truth... "It is..... A lie..." I say and they both start to let out a groan not believing i got them... "She is actually a good friend of mine..." I say laughing as they still can't believe that i got them... 

Jimmy ends the show, and after he is done, he hugs me before Scott and i leave... "Let's have a drink somewhere..." Scott says smiling but i shake my head... "Not for me... I have to be at Colbert tomorrow and i dont want to come there with a hangover..." I say happy that i have an excuse... "Can i come with...?" Scott asks and i nod... "If you want to... Sure..." I answer smiling... We get in the car, and it takes us home... I am so tired and i decide to go to bed as i dont have the energy for anything else anymore... 

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling... I know i am playing with fire being here with Scott... Knowing if he finds out he will tell Chris and then everything will go crazy... I had spent days on finding dresses for on TV to hide the fact i was pregnant... But i was pretty sure Jimmy had noticed when he hugged me and that made me question if Scott had noticed... What if he had called Chris and he was on his way as we speak... I was starting to show but still able to hide it... But there would come a point where i couldn't... I just hoped i would be back in Violethill by then... I still was not sure if i wanted Chris to know and for now i was leaning towards doing this on my own... Selfish i know... But even hearing Chris his voice hurt and right now i had to think about the health of my baby... 

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