Chapter 75

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40 weeks and 3 days i am pregnant now... I am lying in bed looking at Chris who is asleep and it pisses me off... I know it is not rational... But everything irritates me about him right now... The way he breaths... That he looks so peaceful... The little whistling sound his nose makes... Oh it irritates me so much... The thought of putting a pillow over his head came to mind more than once...

All of a sudden i feel a sharp pain and something wet... I lift the blanket and look in shock... "My water broke..." I mumble and i take a deep breath... "Chris..." I say shaking him trying to get up... He doesn't respond so i push him a little harder... "Chris!" I say louder this time and he groans... "What's wrong..." He mumbles still in a daze... "My water broke..." I say and he sighs... "I will clean it up in the morning..." He mumbles half asleep and i would laugh if i was not wet and in pain... 

"Chris!! The baby is coming...!" I yell and he shoots up... It was if my words finally had sunken in... "Okay... Okay..." He says in panicked tone of voice jumping out of the bed... He is getting dressed grabbing the birth bag and i watch just stunned as he runs out the bedroom leaving me there struggling to sit up... 

I am stunned... He had just run out... What the hell... I finally manage to sit myself up and i breathe heavy as another sharp pain runs through me... All of a sudden, the door of the bedroom flies open... Chris appears his face flushed as he looks at me sheepishly... "Forget something?" I ask looking at him with a smirk because i have to admit it was quite funny... 

Chris helps me off the bed and i pause for a second... "Can you please help me to get changed..." I say and he nods and walks off to the closet to get me something to wear... I smile as he brings me one of his sweats and hoodies... Even pregnant it looks way to big on me but i didn't care... It was comfortable and that was all i wanted right now... 

After he helped me to get changed, he takes my hand helping me to the front door and i smile seeing the bag near the front door... "I thought you were going to be halfway to the clinic before you would notice you had forgotten me..." I say smiling and he chuckles... "Sorry love..." He whispers and i giggle... 

He helps me in the car and after he has put the bag in and got in himself we make our way to the clinic in town... Woman over here didn't go to the hospital as it was too far away... Chris had opted to stay in a hotel near the hospital before the birth, but Dotty had calmed him and told him the clinic was great and that they knew what they were doing... 

I call ahead letting them know we are coming while Chris drives... I call Dotty but seeing as it is the middle of the night, she doesn't pick up so i leave her a message... I do the same with Rose, my mother and Lisa... I tell them we will call as she is here because i dont want them to keep calling us... I even call Seb although i haven't heard from him in months... I tell him we are having our baby and that i wished he would answer that i missed him... Chris sighs and takes my hand... Seb didn't answer his calls either and he hated that i felt so sad about it. He had no idea to why either...

I push Seb to the back of my mind and take a deep breath as another contraction comes up... "Just breath love... Just like we practiced..." He says and i know that he means well but i snap... "Oh shut up! You try to breathe as it feels like someone is stabbing you..." I growl and he takes in a deep breath... "Asshole..." I mumble and Chris smirks... "Sorry love..." He mumbles back and i sigh... "Sorry you are not an asshole..." I whisper and he chuckles squeezing my hand a little... "It is okay... I know you dont mean it..." He says and i sigh...

We arrive at the clinic and to my surprise we are being met by a woman with a wheelchair... Chris walks around the car and i am being snarky... "Oh look he doesn't forget me this time..." I say to the woman who looks at me and smirks as she walks up to us with the wheelchair... She must have done this hundreds of times and have heard it all... Chris lifts me up and puts me in the wheelchair... "Dont forget the bag..." I say and he chuckles and opens the back of the car and takes the bag... I hold his hand as he walks beside me the woman pushing me into the building... It is quiet... We have been her before for the checkups but then it would be busy and during the day... 

"Nobody is here?" I ask the woman who nods... "Just the doctor and i... You are the only pregnant woman in town at the moment... We are only open at night for emergencies and to deliver babies... There is always a doctor and a nurse like myself on call... She says and i nod... "I am Elsie by the way..." She says and i blush... "I am sorry... I am Neve this is Chris..." I whisper and she smiles... "He is the one who did this to me..."I mumble and Chris chuckles squeezing my hand... "Hate to break it to you love... It takes two to make a baby..." He says proud of himself and i shoot him a look...  He starts to laugh and kisses the back of my hand... "Okay, okay, okay... I did this..." He says giving in and i smirk... 

Chris and Elsie help me get in the bed and get comfortable when the doctor walks in smiling... "Are you ready to meet your girl..." He says and i nod... "So ready..." I say letting out a big sigh and he smiles at me... "She took her time huh..." He says and i nod... "Yes, and i am so ready for her to come out..." I say and he chuckles... "Dad ready to?" He asks Chris who nods looking a bit out of it... I think the realization sets in he is going to be a dad... In a few hours we will be able to hold our little girl...

"Chris? You okay?" I ask and he snaps out of it looks at me and leans down kissing me hard... "I am okay..." He whispers and looks up at the doctor... "I am so ready to meet our girl..." He says with the biggest smile on his face...

"Okay... I am going to check how far along you are and we make a plan from there..." The doctor says and i nod and take a deep breath... I pray this will be over quick...

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