Chapter 11

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"Hey... Come on in..." I say smiling after i opened the door for Scott... The rehearsals for his play are starting in a few days and he wanted to settle in before starting work... He called me a week after the party and visited a few days later and we talked everything out... He said he understood as i didn't want him to stay with me anymore but i told him i didn't want to hear it... I had done a lot of thinking and decided to let it go and move on... I just had one request and that was no mentioning of Chris... He had protested a little but eventually agreed... 

I didn't want to know how he was doing... Or how sorry he was...  I had tried my best to push him out of my mind and to just move on... I had said take it or leave it and Scott had agreed... 

"Hey roomie..." He said smirking and i laughed. I closed the front door and chuckled looking at the 4 suitcases... "Are you moving in indefinitely?" I ask smirking and he chuckled... "Hey you never know what you need... I am going to be here for a while... Besides i needed a few outfits for when we go out... I need options..." He said smirking and i chuckled... "Do you need to put your car in the garage?" I asked grabbing my keys... "No..." He said blushing and i looked at him surprised because he said he would be driving to New York...

"You have flown in?" I ask and he shook his head and blushed... "I got dropped off..." He said and i looked at him surprised for a second before it sank in "Oh..." I said and took a deep breath... "Let me show you the bedroom..." I said and walked off followed by Scott... "Bedroom with bathroom... Keeping it clean is your own responsibility and please do so..." I said and Scott chuckled. "Next to you is Seb... He is out of town for a few days but will be back after the weekend and i am over there..." I said forcing a smile because i was wondering if i looked outside Chris still would be there and i was thinking of a excuse to go peak... 

I shook it off and turned to Scott again. I will let you settle in... I am in the zone at the moment so i am going back to my office if you need anything my office is over there but feel free to explorer... I say smiling and he nods... "Thanks again for letting me stay here..." He said and i smiled and hugged him. "Of course, i am excited you are here... I know it doesn't show because i am locking myself away in my office but i really am... I just need to write when i am in the zone before  i lose it..." I say and he smiles and nods telling me no problem and i walk off... 

I close my office door behind me and i can't resist and i look out the window and see Chris standing next to his car on his phone... I hold my breath as if he could hear me otherwise as the adrenaline of spying on him runs through my veins... I quickly hide when he looks up and i feel myself blush...  I pray he hasn't seen me... I sigh and groan... Why am i doing this to myself... The dreams had just stopped.... 

Ever since i had gotten home from Boston Chris haunted my dreams... I just chucked it up to the fact i was processing everything but after a few weeks it got annoying and ridiculous... It was like i was working out all my sexual frustrations in the dreams as they got quite graphic... It had gotten to a point i almost called my ex to come over but i refrained because i knew it wouldn't help... He wasn't Chris and even in the few touches Chris and i had had there was more chemistry than in the year and half Liam and i had been together... Eventually the dreams stopped... But every now and then Chris ran through my mind...

But i need to get it out of my head... I needed to move on... I even had gone on a few dates but i felt nothing... Tomorrow i would have another date and it looked promising but i didn't hold my breath... I sighed and got up from the floor and sat down behind my desk and worked for a few hours before there was a knock on the door... 

"Hey i was thinking of ordering dinner..." Scott said smiling as he walked in, and my stomach growled... "Good idea..." I said grinning and closed my laptop. "Chinees?" I asked and Scott smiled and nodded... "Wanna stay in or go out...?" I ask and he smiles... "Let's stay in... And tomorrow we can go out to dinner..." He says and i blush... "I can't tomorrow... I have a date..."  I say and he looks at me shocked for a moment but pulls himself together... 

"Who is the lucky feller..." He says smiling and i blush... "Dont know... A guy named Josh... Blind date set up by a friend..." I say blushing even more and he smirks looking at me... "You dont seem to be excited..." He says and i sigh shrugging my shoulders... "He is perfect on paper... But that makes me wonder... Nobody is perfect thus the question what is wrong with him..." I mumble and Scott laughs. 

"What do you know about him?" He asks and i smile... "He is a vet... Has his own practice and a brownstone... Family orientated apparently is looking to settle down and if i have to believe my friend incredibly handsome... Has his life in order and is just looking for someone..." I mumble and Scott nods... "Sounds perfect indeed..." He mumbles but he looks a bit sad... 

"What do you want me to order for you..." I say changing the subject and Scott gives me his order and i call the Chinees restaurant... When i turn back around he is fiercely typing on his phone and i wonder what is going on but i dont want to pry... "It will be here in 45 minutes or an hour..." I say and Scott nods putting his phone away... 

"So where are you going on this date..." He asks and i smile... "This new restaurant... If nothing else i am excited for that... Apparently you need to have reservations months in advance... and their food is supposedly to die for..."  I say and Scott chuckles... "Well at least you will eat well..." He says and i nod smirking... "Just text if you need to get out of there and i will call telling your grandma is in the hospital or something..." He says smirking and i giggle... "Deal..." I say and we both laugh...

The rest of the night we watch movies while eating and laughing and joking. I smile and i am happy i decided to let him stay here after all that happened... It will be fun...

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