Chapter 30

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I put on the dress... Did my hair and makeup and put on my heels and spritz on some perfume... I look myself over one more time in the mirror and smile... Seb has already come home and was with Chris in the kitchen i could hear them laugh... I hear the front door open and close, and Scott comes running in. "I am going to change quick be right there..." He yells and i chuckle... I twirl in front of the mirror again and i am satisfied with my choice of dress and i take a deep breath and make my way to the kitchen...

I smile and twirl around... "How do i look..." I ask and Seb smirks... "Hot... You are definitely will get some..." He says joking and i giggle but Chris is just staring... his eyes almost popping out of his head and i can see him swallow... "Chris?" I whisper and he shakes his head... "Damn..." He whispers and walks over to me taking my hand and he twirls me around again slowly... 

"You look... Damn..." He mumbles and i giggle... "Damn?" I ask smirking and he nods... "You look gorgeous..." He says his eyes roaming my body and i blush under his gaze... He leans in and hovers his lips over my ear... "Can't wait to peel it off of you..." He whispers and i bite my lip looking up at him with a twinkle in my eyes... 

"I heard that..." Seb says... "Yeah me to..." Scott says coming into the kitchen... I chuckle and Chris grins. I groan when Seb starts to pour out some shots for us... We slam them back and Seb tells us a car is waiting downstairs... I grab a jacket and smile when Chris helps me in it after planting a kiss on my shoulder. 

"We can't walk in together... You have to walk in with Seb or Scott... They know you guys know each other..." He says and i sigh... "Can you guys give us a minute...?" I ask Scot and Seb and they nod... "We will meet you downstairs in the lobby..." Seb says before walking out the door with Scott... 

I wrap my arms around his neck and smile as his hand automatically go to my hips and i kiss him... "Can i dance with you tonight?" I ask and he smiles and nods... "We can do whatever we want once we are inside... No phones allowed in this club..." He whispers and i smile kissing him again... "Then i will be fine..." I whisper and he smiles pressing his forehead against mine... "You are going to drive me crazy dancing in that dress..." He whispers and i giggle... "That is the point..." I whisper... "Drive you crazy enough for you to have your way with me..." I whisper and kiss him... I gently biting his lip when i pull back making him growl... I feel his hands glide down to my ass and i chuckle pulling away from him... "They are waiting for us..." I whisper and walk out leaving him standing there... 

A few seconds later he joins me, and we step into the elevator and make our way down... I smile feeling his eyes on me and i suppress a giggle... The doors open and i walk over to Seb and Scott and they smirk... "We thought you guys were going to bail on us..." Scott says and i smirk... "Have to admit... it crossed my mind... But i want to dance..." I say smiling and they all chuckle...

I take Scott's arm and let him lead me to the car and he opens the door for me and i am the first one to slide in... The guys get in and the car takes of making its way through New York traffic... Not much later we arrive at the club and i am shocked to see the line but then i remember who i am with and i am glad we dont have to wait... 

Seb and Chris get out and all of a sudden, the street gets crowded... Flashes go off everywhere and i can see why it would not be smart to walk in at Chris his arm... Scott gets out and he hold out his hand and i take it keeping my legs pressed together getting out so there will no pictures of me flashing the cameras... Scott tucks me under his arm and we follow Seb and Chris inside ignoring the screaming and flashing of cameras... And the yelling of these paparazzi... The most vulgare questions are being thrown our way and i cringe thinking what kind of pictures it would be if i was holding Chris his arm... 

As soon as we are inside and out of side of the paparazzi Chris takes me over kissing me and i smile... "Are you okay?" He asks and i nod kissing him again. "Are you?" I whisper and he smirks and nods kissing me again... "God you two are awful... Dont forget to breathe..." Scott says and we break the kiss smirking... "Shut up Scott..." I say and Chris laughs as Scott shakes his head... 

We get brought to our table and i look at Chris... "I thought no phones allowed?" I whisper waving my purse where my phone is in, and he smirks... "Not for us love..." He whispers and i blush... Of course, we have special treatment... Chris takes the jacket off me and plants another kiss on my shoulder and i smile... He sits down across from Seb and Scott, and pulls me in his lap making me giggle... 

A waitress comes over and introduces herself as Mandy and smiles at the guys before she gives me a nasty look and i roll my eyes... But i guess i should get used to that... Seb orders a bottle tequila and beers for them and for me a rum and coke... 

She brings us our drinks slamming my rum and coke down a little harder than the beers in a passive aggressive manner and i just ignore it... "Is there something else i can do for you?" She asks looking specifically at Chris and he shakes his head not paying attention to her just planting kisses in my neck "You smell so good..." He murmurs and i giggle... I look at the waitress still standing there and smirk at her... She huffs and turns around in one swift move and walks off... 

Seb waves over the woman that brought us to our table, and she leans down and whispers something in her ear and she nods... I watch her walk over to the waitress and i see her get spoken to and leave another waitress appearing and i can see she gets some sort of instructions... 

"What did you do?" I ask Seb and he shrugs his shoulders... "We are here to have a good time and then we dont need a waitress who treats you like that..." He says and i smile... "Thank you..." I say and he nods smiling back at me... "Why what did she do?" Chris asks oblivious as his attention was on me... We laugh and he looks even more confused but shrugs his shoulders... 

We toast with the shots Scott had poured us and i smile turning towards Chris... "Still want to dance with me?" I ask and he nods smirking and i stand up taking his hand and leading him to the dance floor...

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