Chapter 5

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"Wauw looking good Neve..." Scott says smiling as i walk into the living room... "She better... It cost me a fortune..." Seb says smirking and i chuckle... "Oh, that reminds me..." I say opening my purse and handing him his credit card... He looks at me and i smirk... "Thanks for the drinks and snacks..." I say smirking and Seb groans... "I told you... You were going to pay..." I say and he sighs putting his credit card back in his wallet. 

"Did i miss something?" Scott asks and i shake my head... "He lied... He is now paying for it..." I say and Scott laughs. "What did you do?" He asks Seb but he shakes his head... "Nothing... Can we go... I am starving... and we do need to be back her by 8 for the party..." Seb says and Chris nods... "Yeah let's go ma is waiting for us..." Chris says and Scott takes my arm... "Front or back..." Scott asks and i look at him with a smirk and we both burst out laughing and it feels good to laugh this hard it makes me relax and take the edge off... 

"I dont mind either..." I say smirking and we both burst out laughing again as Seb and Chris look at us amused... Scott opens the front passenger door and i get in... He and Seb get in the back as Chris gets behind the wheel... He drives off as Scott and i keep joking and laughing and not 10 minutes later we arrive at what i guess is their moms house... I calm myself down and take a deep breath... "She won't bite..." Chris whispers as Scott and Seb are already out the car and i look at him and force a smile... Scott opens my door and hold out his hand for me to take and i get out... 

I dont want to be here... If i could i would run and for a split second i wished i had booked that hotel room... It feels wrong being here and i dont know why... I take a deep breath and catch up with the rest as they just walk in... I stand at the threshold and hesitate for a moment... Chris looks back and holds out his hand and without thinking i take it and step inside and he lets my hand go smiling... I hear a warm friendly voice greet Seb and i smile as we walk into the kitchen to see Seb being hugged by a sweet looking woman... 

She hugs her sons and then turns to me and i blush... "You must be Neve... I heard so much about you from my boys... It is so nice to finally meet you..." She says pulling me into a big hug and i look at the guys over her shoulder... Chris is blushing Scott has the biggest grin on his face and Seb just smiles at how she greets me... 

"It is nice to meet you to..." I say and she lets me go... "The boys told me all your favorite foods so i made it all..." She says proudly and i look at her and blush again... "That is very sweet... But you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me..." I whisper and she smiles... "No trouble at all i am just excited to finally meet you..." She says leading me to the table and sitting me down before she asks the guys to help her bring the food to the table forbidding me to move a muscle as i am a guest... Seb smirks at me and i roll my eyes... 

After everything is being put on the table, they take their seats and of course Chris is seated next to me... I swear everyone is in on this and i just want to disappear... Why dont they seem to understand that this is not a good idea... Chris and i won't work... He is in the height of his career women dropping at his feet... He doesn't want me... He likes the idea of me... I need to protect myself to not be sucked in... No matter how nice and welcoming his mother is... No matter how much Scott and Seb keep pushing us together... I need to stay strong and stand my ground... 

"So Neve i really enjoy your books..." Lisa says as we start dinner and i smile... "Thank you... It is nice to hear when people enjoy them..." I say and she smiles... "Can't wait for the next one..." She says and i chuckle... "I am still researching but when it is done i will send you a copy..." I say and she looks at me beaming... "That is a different reaction then when i told you i loved your book..." Chris says and i blush... "All i got was... You can read?" He says and they all laugh but i blush... "That is not true... I gave you a gold star... for reading them yourself and not having your assistant reading them to you..." I mumble and they all laugh even harder... 

"I like her..." Lisa says beaming at Chris who blushes. We fall in a comfortable conversation and i smile listening to Seb and Chris laughing and joking about the time they were filming together... Scott talks about his play and all the plans he has while staying with me in New York... "Are you sure you want him staying with you?" Lisa asks smirking... "Hey!" Scott says and i laugh... "Yeah he has been staying with me before... I think i can handle him... It will be nice having someone around for a while... I have a tendency to be a bit of a hermit so having him around will be good for me..." I say smiling and Lisa nods... 

Dinner is over and it is now 7 so we say goodbye and rush back to Chris his place... Seb changes in the bedroom while i lock myself away in the bathroom I freshen up and change my make-up, hair and outfit... I put on my heels and look in the mirror and smirk... I know it is not smart but i can't help but feel hot... I feel sexy... Maybe it is the wine i had with dinner... Lisa kept pouring and i didn't know how to say no... She was quite the woman it was hard to say no to her in general... 

"Are you ready in there?" Seb asked and i opened the door... "Is this, okay?" I ask and Seb smirks nodding... "You look hot..." He says and i grin... "Thanks..." I say walking out and Seb walks in and starts to do his hair and brush his teeth... 

I walk to the living room where Chris is busy with some music installation and i groan seeing a karaoke machine... Chris hears and turns around freezing on the spot and i internally high five myself even though i shouldn't...  I should let this idea of torturing him go but somehow i can't stop myself... "Damn... You look... Wauw..." He says dropping everything walking over to me and i blush... "Thanks..." I whisper looking at my feet... He takes my hand and twirls me around and a warm feeling washes over me... Why am i fighting this again? I think to myself as i start to wonder if this is how it should feel like... Feeling desired is certainly nice and good for your ego... Even if it is just for one night...  

I shake it off and scold myself internally... "Perfect..." He whispers in my ear as i am with my back turned to him and i have to bite my lip not to moan... It is definitely the wine... I think to myself... Trying to convince myself...  

I let out a sigh of relief when Scott walks in oblivious to the situation and start talking about party games and how he wants me on his team and i better bring my A game...Chris steps back and i feel the warm feeling disappears... But i am thankful for the distraction and if Scott keeps his word i will get through the night without running into Chris too much and distracted by the games so i won't think of him... 

I just need to get through this night and then tomorrow i am going home... I just need to control my urges... I can do that... I will not fall victim to the Evans charm... I can't... I shouldn't... I just have to keep in mind the stories i heard of girls being flown in for just one night... And I can't help but feel a little bit put in that position served up by Seb on a silver platter...  And although it feels nice to be desired and this is sort of new because Liam never made me feel like this i can't give into it... I dont want to be put in the same category as one of those groupies or fan girls... I need to keep that in the back of my mind... I dont want to feel cheap and used... I dont deserve that... I worth more than that... 

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