Chapter 71

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Chris is here for 2 weeks now... It is nice... I can sleep comfortably... He even naps with me so i can use him as my human pillow... To my surprise Chris had cleared his schedule for at least a year... Until he had to shoot his next Marvel movie... We haven't really talked about what we would do once Pip is here other than being parents and Chris was staying for now... But i would be lying if i said i didn't want him to stay...

He had met Dotty and Rose it went better than expected... Dotty did chew him out and he let her... But he catches her and me for that matter by surprise thanking her for being here for me while he wasn't and that he couldn't thank her enough... I dont know why i doubted it but even Dotty was no match for his charm... She did tell him if he hurts me or our little girl again that she was going to find him and make him hurt... Chris began to love it here as he just could walk around, and no one batted an eye or went crazy seeing him... Nobody... Except for the town teen/ young adult population but they were overall used to him roaming around town by now... Besides Dotty told them all to back off and treat him normally... The pull Dotty has in this town baffles me sometimes... 

The only ones not really charmed by Chris were Charlie and Oliver, but Dotty told me they would come around... They were always a little stubborn meeting new people she had told me... 

I was sitting on the couch a plate balancing on my belly with the fruit snack Chris had made me... I smile at Chris as he walks in and sits down beside me pulling my legs in his lap and he starts to massage my feet... "I could get used to this..." I mumble before letting out a little groan... Chris chuckles and i let out a sigh letting my body relax while i eat another piece of apple... I had gone off bananas because all of a sudden, they were disgusting... Rose kept joking that it was because it was replaced by some other banana... I had turned bright red because it was true that every chance i had i climbed him like a tree... The horny stage was real...

"So, i want to talk to you about something..." Chris says and i groan as he hits the spot on my feet... "Yeah whatever just dont stop..." I said letting out a sigh closing my eyes... "When you are done with my feet can you please rub my back..." I say pouting with my eyes closed and Chris laughed... "Sure no problem..." He said and i smiled... 

"So i wanted to talk to you about something..." He said again making the mistake of stopping to rub my feet... "Not if you are not rubbing my feet..." I mumble and he started again letting out a chuckle... "So..." He said and i opened my eyes because he sounded nervous...  "Ma called earlier when you were napping..." He said taking a deep breath... "Okay..." I said pushing myself up a little more and the plate with my snack fell to the floor... "Shit..." I say and start to cry... 

Chris looks at me and sighs taking the plate with the few slices of apple setting it down on the coffee table and sitting down again pulling me in his lap... "Love dont cry it is okay..." He whispers rubbing my back rocking me back and forth and i cry even harder... I dont even know why i am crying... "Shhh..." He whispers... "Sorry... I dont even know why i am crying..." I mumble and he kisses my temple... "It is okay just cry let it all out..." He whispers. 

"What did you want to talk about..." I say between my sobs, and he takes a deep breath... "Are you sure you want to talk about it now?" He asks and i nod... "Well, my mother called..." He said and i sigh... "Chris you already said that... My mind is not that far gone that i dont remember that..." I say sobbing referring to the fact i was forgetting a lot at the moment... "Alright... We will talk later..." He says and i let out a sigh of annoyance... "Just spit it out already this is only upsetting me more..." I say and he sighs... "Ma would like to come and visit..." He says and i look up and stop sobbing... 

"Why?" I ask surprised and Chris chuckles... "She wants to see you... See us... Show her support come see the nursery... I dont know... Why do mothers come and visit..." He says and i smile a little... I think about his face when i showed him the nursery and he had started to cry... Sad about the fact that he hadn't been the one putting it together as the dad... But he did love mom her art on the walls... He loved the nursery, but it solidified the fact he hadn't been there to pick it out and put it together... 

"Oh okay..." I say and he looks at me a little unsure... "Are you sure it is, okay?  If you are not ready for it... Then it is no problem... We dont want to force you into something you are not ready for yet..." He says and i sigh... "No... She is Pip's grandmother, so it is fine..." I say gliding off his lap... "Where are you going?" He asks and i sigh... "Need to pee... Again..." I groan and i let out a frustrated scream... 

The fact that my emotions are all over the place annoys me... It is so frustrating to cry about stupid things... I mean who fucking cries about a plate with a few slices of apples falling to the ground... I pee and wash my hands after it and when i walk out of the bathroom Chris is waiting for me leaning against the wall looking worried... "I am fine Chris... Go call your mother to arrange her coming to visit... But the last 2 weeks before my due date i want no people here... Other than you of course..." I say and he smiles and nods and he step towards me and kisses me... "I changed my mind call your mother later..." I moan into the kiss fishing his phone out of his back pocket throwing it aside and he growls into the kiss pushing me towards the bedroom...

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