Chapter 29

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I am sitting at the counter with Seb still when we hear the front door open and close and i hear my bedroom door open and close and a few moments later Chris appears in the kitchen smile changed into his own clothes and i blush as he walks over to me and without paying attention to Seb he kisses me... 

"Ahum... Still in the room guys..." Seb says and i giggle and Chris smirks... "Aahw do you feel left out... Do you want a kiss to...?" He says grinning looking at Seb and i giggle... He walks over to Seb pretending he is going to kiss him and i laugh as they start to run around the kitchen island like two kids chasing each other... 

"Do you two need some privacy?" I ask and Chris stops and grabs me dipping me low kissing me making me squeal into the kiss as i feel like i am going to fall down the bar stool... "Well i am going to go take a shower and get changed i have an appointment in town..." Seb says and walks off... Chris kisses me again and i smile... "What do you want to do today?" He whispers and i shrug my shoulders and kiss him again... 

"We could go out tonight..." He whispers and i smile... "Dancing?" I ask a twinkle in my eyes, and he smiles and kisses me again... "Do you want to go dancing love?" He whispers and i blush nodding... "You want to shake that perfect ass for me..." He whispers this cheeky grin on his face... "Yes..." I whisper and he smirks... "Okay then let's go out tonight..." He whispers and i blush... I dont know why but the fact he is willing to go out with me meaning people will see together is somehow a comforting thought and yet it is also making me nervous... 

Seb appears and Chris turns to him... "We are going out tonight... You, Scott, Neve and i..." He says and Seb smirks and nods... I dont know if i feel disappointed for them tagging along but i keep it to myself but Chris seems to notice... "As a distraction for the paparazzi love... Dont want you to be front page news and have them starting to hound you..." He says and i nod...  It makes sense and i dont want that either... I know it will probably happen someday but i am not ready for it just yet. For a moment i wonder if going out is a good idea but the idea of dancing with Chris makes me throw caution in the wind and i just want to let my hair down and have some fun... 

I shake all my doubts off and jump off the bar stool... "I have to go and pick out something to wear..." I say smiling and Chris chuckles and i walk off diving into my closet... "What to wear..." I mumble and see the dress i had bought a few weeks ago... I had no idea at the time when i was going to wear it but when i tried it on i fell in love with it and felt sexy... I just had to buy it... 

I hear Seb and Chris laugh in the kitchen and after a while there is a knock on the door and Seb appears... "I will see you tonight... We arranged a private table... I am coming here first so we can all go together so it won't be too obvious about you and Chris..." Seb says and i nod smiling... Seb says goodbye and a moment later i hear the front door open and close... 

Then all of a sudden i notice... Chris his suitcase... He didn't just go and change but he took his whole suitcase with him... It makes me smile and i feel a warm feeling spread through my body... I put out my dress and some accessories out on the bed and smile satisfied with my choice... 

I walk to the living room and smile seeing Chris sitting down on the couch flicking through the channels on the TV settling on some sports game... I slide in his lap and kiss him, and he groans throwing the remote control to the side... "So, i saw your suitcase in the bedroom..." I whisper and Chris blushes... I chuckle and kiss him again... "I kind of canceled my hotel room..." He whispered looking down looking incredibly insecure all of a sudden and i put my finger under his chin making him look up at me. I give him a peck on the lips and smile... "I hope that that is okay... I know i should have talked about it but..." He said rambling a bit and i shut him up kissing him again...

"It is okay... I like having you here..." I whisper leaning my forehead against his and he starts to smile... He moves us so we are now laying down on the couch cuddling and i let out a sigh my body relaxing and i close my eyes enjoying his embrace... "Have you picked out something to wear?" He whispers and i hum... "Yes... I think you will be pleased..." I murmur and he chuckles... "Love... You could wear sweats and i would be pleased... You look great in everything..." He mumbles and i chuckle and cuddle into him more... 

"Such a charmer..." I mumble and he laughs... "I am sorry we can't go just the two of us..." He whispers and i sigh... "It is okay... I understand..." I whisper as i plant a kiss on his chest, and he hums... "I know sometimes being with me will be hard..." He says sadness sounding in his voice and i sigh again... But i say nothing as i dont know what to say... He shifts and pulls me on top of him and i smile as this is my favorite place to be and hum... On his chest feels so comfortable... His steady heartbeat and warm body make me relax and i close my eyes again... I am slowly drifting off and give in letting sleep take over... 

I dont know the time but Chris wakes me up telling me he ordered burgers and i smile letting out a sigh... "Good that will be a good sturdy meal for drinking..." I say grinning and he chuckles... I sit up and he whines and i chuckle... About 20 minutes later our food arrives and we dig in and i laugh about his funny stories about him and Scott... 

After dinner i clean up the mess and kiss Chris telling him i am going to change and he nods... I take a quick shower to rinse myself off and i smile as i walk into the bedroom and he is changing... He is looking at the dress with a smirk on his face and i wrap my arms around him hugging him from behind... "Does it have your approval?" I whisper and he nods with a grin on his face and i chuckle... "You are going to look so sexy..." He whispers and i blush... He puts on a leather jacket and i push him out the door so i can change in peace... 

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