Chapter 36

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Chris had been here for 2 weeks now... I had blocked Josh and Gina because they kept texting the most horrifying things... I had been called every name in the book and i was done... Seb had left for 2 weeks because he was going to be filming somewhere but he had barely been here as he wanted us to have some privacy and alone time not wanting to be the third wheel all the time... Scott was barely home busy with his play and colleagues having fun... We didn't mind loving the alone time... It was heaven... We barely got out during the day spending our days wrapped around each other...  

Scott had his premier in 4 weeks, and we would both attend to support him... We were still debating if it was wise to go together... We wanted to but were both hesitant for what would happen if we were out in the open together... We went on a few dates having dinner together but never arriving together and never leaving together which sometimes i would hate as i missed that feeling of being all over each other leaving together and just fool around on the way home...

2 days after Scott his opening night Chris was going to go home to spend a week with his family before he had to leave to go filming for the next Marvel movie with Seb and i was counting down but not in a positive way... I was dreading him leaving it felt so nice to have him here but i knew it would end someday and i just hoped that we could make it work being apart for long periods of time... 

I sigh and run my finger down Chris his chest as he is still asleep... I have been awake for a while watching him... I planted a soft kiss on his chest before slipping out of bed and putting on his shirt and walking out the bedroom... I walked to my office and sat down behind the laptop and started working on my book... I hadn't been working a lot and to my surprise i didn't really care... Normally i would get restless if i didn't write for a period of time... 

I dont know how long i have been working when i noticed Chris in the doorway leaning against the doorpost watching me... I spinned around in my chair closing my laptop and smiled... "He is awake..." I said smiling looking him over biting my lip as he was wearing nothing more than grey sweatpants...

"You could have always woken me up love..." He said as he grinned... He walked over to me and put his hands on the armrests of my chair leaning in for a kiss... "What are you doing?" He asked and i smiled... "I did some writing..." I whisper and pout when he stands back up... "Do you always write in here?" He asked and i shake my head... "Not always... When i am sick of being here i go out... On a sunny day to one of the parks nearby... A coffee shop and a few times i just went on a trip booking a room in some little bed and breakfast writing in there... That is the beauty of writing you can do it anywhere..." I say and he smiles...

"Can i read what you wrote?" He asks and i shake my head blushing... He grins and leans down again... "Why not love..." He says with a grin on his face and i blush... "I'll let you read it when i am done... You can be the first to read it..." I whisper and his face lights up... "I am going to keep you to that..." He said grinning pushing himself up again... He walked to the window and looked out over the street and i blushed thinking at me spying on him when he had dropped Scott off...

"You should come with me when i go filming..." He blurted out and i look at him shocked... But he didn't look back at me... "You can write when i am working and at night we can spend time together..." He mumbles and i wonder if he is even talking to me... "Did you have breakfast yet?" He asks before i can even react on his previous statement and i shake my head... "No... No i didn't..." I whisper still in shock and confused, and Chris smiles and walks over to me kissing me... "I'll order us some..." He says and walks out of my office leaving me there stunned asking myself what the hell just happened... 

My phone rings pulling me out of my daze a little and i answer seeing Seb his name in the screen. "Hey, didn't expect you to pick up..." He said all chipper... "Yeah i was doing some writing..." I say still a little out of it... "Okay... Well just wanted to let you know i arrived at my hotel..." He says and i nod as if he can see that... "Neve?" He says and i snap out of it... "Okay did you have a good flight?  Is the hotel, okay?" I ask and i can feel him hesitate for a moment... "Yeah everything is good here... Is everything okay there?  Chris and you, okay?" He asks and i sigh... 

"We are great everything is good here..." I say and he takes a deep breath. "Neve... Do i need to come back to kick his ass?" He answers and i chuckle... "No... We are really good..." I say with a smile on my face because we are... other than him confusing me we are good...

"Hey breakfast is on its way..." Chris says popping his head in and i smile... "Seb i have to go..." I say and Chris smiles at me... "Call me when you need me..." Seb answers with a bit of concern in his voice... "Dont worry i will... But i am good..." I answer and Chris chuckles before disappearing again... 

I say goodbye and hang up the phone opening my laptop again to turn it off and stand up and make my way to the kitchen where Chris is making coffee still in the gray sweatpants his back turned towards me... I have been writing so my hands are cold and i smirk sliding them around his waist making him gasp and i smirk planting a kiss on his back before i hug him from behind... 

"Did you put your hands on ice..." He says taking my hands on his turning around putting them between his hands rubbing to warm them up and i grin... "No... I always get cold hands from writing..." I say smirking and he chuckles... "What did you order for breakfast?" I ask and he smirks... "Your favorite..." He whispers and leans in hovering his lips over mine... "That is not possible..." I whisper and he looks confused... 

"You are my favorite breakfast..." I say grinning and sink down on my knees taking his sweats with me to the ground and Chris groans throwing his head back... I smile as he is not wearing underwear... I wrap my hand around his dick pumping him up and down licking his tip before taking him in my mouth and sucking on his tip making him hiss... He grips onto the counter his knuckles turning white making me grin and i suck him all the way in my nose almost hitting his pelvis my tongue toying with him before i pull off taking a deep breath... 

"Taste so good..." I hum and he groans "Feels good to love..." He grunts and i smirk looking up at him... I take him in my mouth again bobbing my head up and down taking him deep wanting his cum showing no mercy... "Oh fuck... Shit... Feels so good..." He stammers leaning into the counter to steady himself... 

I keep going until he fills my mouth and i swallow it all and pull off of him standing back up again wiping the corners of my mouth smirking at him... Right then the doorbell goes and i smirk... "Now that is what i call good time management..." I say giggling and walk off to accept breakfast as Chris is still standing leaning against the counter trying to recover from my unprovoked attack... 

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