Chapter 25

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"You came here because i didn't pick up my phone?  How did you even know were i life..." I ask him and he smiles... "Gina told me..." He says and i roll my eyes... "Of course, she did..." I mumble... 

"Look Josh... You are a really nice guy... But..." I start... "But what...? We had a nice time right... You said you had a nice time..." He says and i nod... "I did... And i did have a nice time but..." I started to say again but once again he didn't let me finish... "I dont see the problem... Get dressed and i will take you to lunch... You dont have anything better to do anyway..." He says and i am just floored... "Excuse me?!" I say a little louder... "What the fuck is that supposed to mean...?" I ask him as i get angrier by the second for his dismissive behavior of my time... As if i should just drop everything because it wasn't important according to him... It irks me that he talked about my life as if it was useless and not worthy of his respect... The fact that he didn't even ask if i was doing something and just assumed... 

All of a sudden Chris and Scott appear in the hallway and Josh looks at them and then at me... "Oh you have company... But he is here to visit his brother so you can come to lunch with me..." Josh says and i sigh blushing... "You guys dont mind if i steal my girl away, right?" He says looking at Scott and Chris and i cringe...  "Actually, i do mind..." Chris says walking over to me and wrapping an arm around me staking his claim... "He is not here for his brother is he Neve..." Josh says in a tense tone of voice...

"Look i am sorry... The dinner was nice but..." I start to say but Josh scoffs... "Unbelievable..." He says... "Really this guy?!" He says with venom in his voice and i am just shocked... "Oh no absolutely not just a friend of a friend..." He mimics me and again that venom in his voice... 

"Easy buddy..." Chris says protectively pushing me behind him a little bit... "Dont fucking buddy me..." He growls before he turns to me... "You prefer him over me...?  Me who can give you everything a woman dreams off... Stability... A home... A family... Never having to work a day in your life again... No more writing your silly books to make a living and provide for yourself... No... You prefer this guy who probably will dump you when some model comes along..." He growls and i look at him shocked...

"Look i am sorry... I think you got the wrong idea... I dont want to be a stay-at-home mom or be taken care off... I can take care of myself... I am sorry if you feel hurt... But even if Chris and i weren't together we wouldn't work out... I dont want all that and the fact that you disrespect what i do for a living... Why would you be with someone you dont respect..." I mumble and can feel Chris is getting tense and even Scott has taken a step closer... 

"Unbelievable... Gina spoke so highly of you... Saying you wanted to settle down... Yet your nothing more than a common whore... Tell me Neve... Did you use me to get him to notice you... Or are you some little whore who spreads her legs for just anyone..." He growls... and i look even more shocked... The nice, charming man i met the other day is gone and i wonder if this is the real him... If so... I really dodged a bullet... 

But before i can even respond Chris grabs him by his collar and pushes him up against the wall Scott rushing over to try and calm the situation as i am just frozen in my place... 

"Dont you dare speak to her like that... You know nothing about her... So, you guys had a date, and you like her... It is not reciprocated... Get over it... It happens but you do not get to call her a whore you piece of shit..." Chris growls... "Chris..." Scott says putting his hand on his shoulder as Chris is so tense and about to punch Josh...

Josh scoffs and Chris lets him go... "Come on Neve... He is using you... Do you really think he is into you... You are just and ordinary woman... Nothing more than a toy to keep his dick warm until he leaves again and is surrounded by models and actresses... Then you will no longer exist to him..." He says and it feels like a slap in my face... 

"Okay that is enough..." Chris growls and grabs him and opens the door and throws him out... "You dont know me... You CLEARLY dont know her... You have no idea what you are talking about... Dont come back... You have no business here..." He growls before slamming the door shut...

Chris pauses for a minute taking a deep breath before turning to me and i look back at him... "I'm sorry... I hadn't had time to..." But Chris stops me and pulls me in his arms holding me tight... "It is okay... I am glad i was here dont want to know what he would do if you were here alone with him..." He mumbles... "That was the date Gina told you was perfect for you..." Scott said with disgust in his voice and i sigh mumbling a soft "Yes..."

"God he sounded like he wanted a Stepford wife..." Scott says and i sigh holding Chris a bit tighter... "He was like Liam but worse..." Scott mumbles and i groan and pull back from Chris... "I need a moment..." I whisper and i walk into my bedroom closing the door behind me... 

Josh his word gotten to me more than i like to admit... Doubt about me and Chris started to set back in... After last night i had given in because it was nice... We talked... He made me laugh... We talked about my work... His work and i didn't feel judgement and i loved it... He made me feel comfortable and listened to... But Josh telling me Chris would move on when he had no use for me anymore had brought all insecurities back to the surface again... I didn't want it to... I wanted to give this a chance and wanted to dive in giving him a chance but the thought of diving in... Letting him only for him to leave made me feel sick... It was like someone punched me in the stomach... Am i foolish... Thinking that it could work... 

I sink down to my knees and start to cry because i am so confused... I am getting angry at myself for driving myself crazy doubting everything... But i can't stop crying... All my doubts and securities coming out screaming at me to protect myself... That this couldn't possibly be my happy ever after...

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