Chapter 83

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"Mommy?" I hear a little voice say when i am cleaning up everything from lunch. I smile at her and run my fingers through her long brown hair... "Yes baby?" I ask and she looks at me pouting... "When is daddy coming home?" She asks and i smile... "Any second now baby..." I say to Riley... "RILEY!!! DAD IS HERE!!!" I hear Sade yell followed by the sound of running and the front door being thrown open... "Go..." I say smiling to Riley and i giggle as she runs as fast as she can following her sister out the door... 

 I chuckle and follow them out. Chris hand been gone for 3 weeks and i dont know who had a harder time. Chris or our girls... Chris face timed them every night before they were going to bed... He would read a story to Riley who still loved her daddy reading her stories. She was now 6 and just like her sister a total daddy's girl.  With Sade who was now 9 he had a ritual every night... During the day they would look up the most ridiculous dad jokes and swap them out... 

I walk out the front door and stand on top of the stairs of our porch watching the most adorable scene in front of me... Our girls clinging onto him hugging him tightly... It was always a little tough when Chris would leave for work. I mostly managed but this time i had a harder time. This time i found out i was pregnant and the morning sickness was kicking my butt. It was not planned... We hadn't even talked about more babies. 

Riley is 6 and Sade 9 and another baby well it would change so much.  We are not getting any younger and i wondered if we were still up for the task... I smile watching him hug our girls kissing their cheeks while telling them how much he missed them... He looks up while still hugging them and winking at me... I force a smile back at him... It is not that i am not happy to see him but... What if he does not want this baby... 

He puts the girls down and tells them the blue suitcase has gifts for them and to quickly take it inside so that they can open them... They squeal and i chuckle as Sade and Riley drag it inside as quickly as their little feet could carry them... 

"Hello love..." Chris whispered after he had walked up to me and hugs me... "Hello handsome..." I murmur smiling... This time my smile is not forced as he picks me up and hugs me tightly planting kisses in my neck... "I missed you, love..." He growls and squeezes my ass and i can't help but roll my eyes... The last time he squeezed my ass like this is how i became pregnant again... "Did you miss me, love?" He asks and i moan a soft yes in response... "So much you have no idea..." I whisper swallowing my tears away...

"I called Charlie and Rose they will take the girls Saturday so you and i can have some alone time..." He whispers in my ear in a low seductive tone... I let out a soft moan and i can feel him smirk...  I wanted to tell him tonight after the girls had gone to bed but knowing he arranged the girls to go over to Charlie and Rose for a sleepover i decide maybe it was best to wait until we were fully alone. I mean what is 2 more days... I already have been waiting a week... But could i hide it? I take a deep breath and scold myself internally to pull myself together... 

"You okay love?" He mumbles still holding me tight and i sigh... "Yeah just happy you are home... I missed you..." I whisper and i can feel him smile as he walks into the house kicking the door shut behind him... "Well i am home for the next 8 weeks, love..." He whispers and i say nothing just burying my head in his neck. Having another baby is not in the plans right now. His career is going amazing and well when i was pregnant with Riley he took the whole pregnancy off not wanting to miss a second. The thought of him being in and out well i was not looking forward to that with 2 kids and being heavily pregnant. 

Chris put me down as the girls were getting antsy ready for him to open his suitcase to give them their gifts. "Are you really sure you are okay?" He asks cupping my face ignoring the girls for a second longer and i smile and nod... "DADDY PLEASE!!!" Riley squealed and i chuckled... Riley has never been good at being patience, but especially when it came to gifts. Last year Christmas we caught her opening presents under the Christmas tree before Christmas morning. It took us two hours to wrap everything up again as she had unwrapped everything... Even the gifts for her sister and us... Her sister Sade was just patiently waiting, they were like night and day... I always joke that Sade is an old soul... She is to wise for her age... So smart and like me obsessed with books. 

Chris puts me down and kisses me again smiling. "Okay, okay, okay... Little monsters let's see..." He says and sits down on the couch next to his suitcase... "We are not monsters..." Riley says pouting crossing her little arms in front of her chest and Chris smirks kissing her little forehead... "I am sorry baby... You two are my little angels..." He says and i roll my eyes as she smirks back at him triumphally. 

He opens his suitcase and hands them their gifts and i groan as paper flies everywhere... He looks at me and smirks... "Dont worry i will clean it up..." He says and i smirk and shake my head... But all of a sudden, a wave of nausea hits and i excuse myself to go to the toilet... 

When i finally come back the girls show me their gifts all excited, while Chris is gathering all the wrapping paper. I smile kiss them before they run off to play... Chris smirks and wraps me in his arms again... "I got you something to..." He whispers and i look up at him and smile... "Oh yeah? What?" I ask and he smirks... "It is in my pocket..." He whispers a smirk on his face and i roll my eyes... "I am not falling for that..." I say and he laughs... He fishes a black pouch out of his pocket and holds it up for me and i chuckle...

When i open it i find a necklace with a pendant... On the pendant are a few dates... "The most important dates in my life..." He whispers... And i look... The date when we met the first time... The dates of our girls' birthdays our wedding date... But there is one i dont recognize... "Which date is that...?" I whisper and he smiles... "The date you forgave me... It is the best date in my life... Ssssh dont tell the girls..." He whispers smirking and chuckle but then start to cry... 

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