Chapter 18

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Chris pov... 

I wake up with a smile on my face as light fills the room... I stretch myself out and turn over wanting to reach out for Neve and cuddle... But the other side of the bed is cold and empty... I sit up and look around the room but there is no sign of her... The bathroom lights are out, and the door is open, so she isn't there either and then i see it... Her stuff is gone... She left... She fucking left... 

We had this amazing night with a connection i haven't had with someone in a long time... if ever... and she just left... She didn't even say goodbye she just sneaked out... I look around the room is quiet and i feel a little lost... Last night i was so happy having her lay in my arms and i never fell asleep so fast feeling absolutely content... And now... Now she was gone... The bed was cold and i it might sound corny... But i missed her... 

I have had a taste of her now and God i wanted her even more now... As sat there dazed and confused as to why she had left i got a little angry... Did she use me?  Had i interpreted last night so wrong... I needed answers but how... I didn't have her number... Should i go to her house? 

I sighed and let myself drop back on the bed again... I couldn't call Scott and ask... He had let slip that she had a date... His intention was for me to give up and to stop obsessing over her... He said that she moved on and didn't want to have anything to do with me... He said he was dating... But something deep inside of me told me i had to try one more time... 

I had promised Scott i wouldn't show up at her place... Even though i knew where it was because i had dropped him off... I lied saying that i had business in New York and we could drive into New York together... I had booked a hotel room and just met up with some friends in the city and just relaxed in my hotel room hanging out... I had no idea how long i was staying... He had hesitated about me driving him to her place, but he eventually gave in... I had seen her watching me from the window as i was on the phone with my agent... Was i crazy thinking she was lying to herself... That there was more between us than she was willing to admit... Was there really no way we could be together...

Scott telling me about the details from her date and where she was going, was the last thing he would do to meddle and help me... He said he didn't feel comfortable and was sure Neve would explode if she would find out he had told me this... Seeing her walk into the restaurant all dressed up and have dinner with another man was torture... She had noticed me but other than that almost completely ignored me... Only a few glances every now and then... I had excused myself to my friend and had walked over and introduced myself to test the mood... The guy she was with was welcoming... But she had asked me to leave but her face was flushed, and she didn't even look at me avoiding all eye contact like it was dangerous to look at me... 

I had gone back to my friend and had watched her laugh and talk having a good time and all i could think was... It should have been me sitting opposite of her... Scott told me the guy was a vet and like Neve had said perfect on paper... He told me she had doubts and as long as she had doubts i thought i still had a chance... When she stood up and walked towards the restroom i had taken my chance and had waited on her pulling her into a dark spot of the hallway away from prying eyes... 

She didn't stop me from kissing her and it was like fireworks exploding all over... Finally, i had my lips on hers... Finally, i could taste her and it was... Everything... Addicting... But eventually she pushed me away... I had begged her to listen to her heart asking her if she didn't feel it to... I could see the doubt in her eyes... She was in a battle with herself and i had only myself to blame for that... I just wanted her to see that i was serious... I had asked her to tell me she felt nothing and i would let her go... she said it and walked off... She had checked herself in the mirror before walking back to her date...

But the guy left... She looked kind of sad and called over the waiter and a few moments later she walked out with the doggie bag in hand... The doggie bag that was still standing on the table in the middle of my room... It was definitely ruined... It was the only thing she left behind... 

I had followed her outside and it quickly went from there... She had come with me to the hotel to talk... But she said the bar was too crowded an anxious look in her eyes and i had brought her up to my room at her request... because she didn't want to talk in the crowded bar... I really just wanted to talk but she had other ideas and i couldn't resist her... and now she was gone... 

I sigh and get out of bed... I walk to the table and take the bag throwing it in the trash... I gathered my clothes that were scattered over the floor but i couldn't find my shirt... It was gone she must have taken it... All of a sudden i saw a little piece of black fabric and i walked over and picked it up... Her panties... I smiled thinking about peeling them off of her god it was so exhilarating peeling off her clothes... She was even more perfect than i imagined... 

I sigh and lay the panties on the bed... The only proof that she had been here, and it had not been a dream... I took some clothes out of my suitcase and took a quick shower and got dressed... I texted Scott if he was up for lunch and he told me to come by the theatre... I had a plan... I was going to swipe his phone and get her number and call her... 

"Fuck what is happening to me..." I mumble... I killed my time watching tv until it was time to visit Scott... He greets me and we hug, and he introduces me to some people... I ignore one of the girls who is trying way to hard and i am not going to fall for it... I am not going to mess up any chance of getting together with Neve... I feel giddy when i am able to swipe his phone and i quickly put her number in my phone... I know it is wrong and almost borderline stalking and creepy... But i cant help it... 

I call her a few times, but her phone seems to be off so i send her a text with just one word... "Why..." And then i have to wait... I put Scott his phone back just in time and we have lunch at the theatre... Scott tells me he is excited because tonight he is going out with the whole cast to bond, and it clicks in my mind that it means that Neve is home... alone... for a while... I say goodbye to Scott and leave... I call Neve again and her phone seems to be on now, but she doesn't pick up... 

I am getting anxious... I need to see her... I need to talk to her and if she tells me to fuck off i will... But i dont want to give up without a fight... So, i get in a cab and tell them were to go... I go up to her floor and take a deep breath before ringing the doorbell and a minute or so later the door opens and standing there in my shirt and nothing else, she stands... Neve... Her hair is messy... She looks like she just had woken up and yet she was the most beautiful woman i have ever seen and the fact that she is wearing my shirt gives me hope...

"Chris..." She whispers looking at me shocked a blush appearing on her face...

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