Chapter 2

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"Good morning..." Seb says all chipper as he is making breakfast and i sigh... "Why are you always so chipper in the morning..." I mumble rubbing sleep out of my eyes and he grins... "Why are you always such a cranky person in the morning..." He says and i sigh... "I am not... You just need to let me wake up a bit and feed me coffee..." I said and he smirked putting a cup of coffee in front of me... "Here you go... And breakfast is almost ready... I made pancakes..." He says and i smile... 

"What am i going to do when you go off filming again..." I say smirking when he puts a plate of food in front of me... "Have breakfast delivered..." He says smirking and i stick my tongue out at him. "You really should learn to cook..." He says and i groan... "Why... I live in New York... You can get whatever you like delivered... I can afford it... Why would i cook..." I mumble with a mouth full of pancake grinning at him and he chuckles... 

"Very ladylike Neve..." He says and i open my mouth grossing him out... "Still want me to come to the party?" I say smirking and he laughs... "You are not getting out of it... You promised to come with..." He said and i groaned again... "Fine... I am going to take a shower and get dressed then..." I mumble and get up... "Aren't you going to help clean the kitchen up?!" He yells after me and i smirk... "Nope... Why do you think i never cook...!" I yell back and walk into my bedroom... I walk into the closet and sigh... I need an outfit comfortable enough for the car ride...

I decide on some yoga pants with matching sports bra and jacket... I lay it all out with my favorite sneakers and go to take a shower... I take a hot long shower to let all my worries wash away... I dont know why i am so worried... I just dont like not knowing what i am walking into and i hate it even more that i have no way of getting out of it seeing as we are going to stay over at Chris his house... Maybe i should book a room in a hotel nearby just in case... 

"Just dont drink too much... Than you won't lose control and do something stupid..." I mumble to myself and sigh... I get out of the shower and dry myself off and get dressed... I put the last of the things i need in my suitcase and walk out putting it by the front door. I walk into the kitchen and smile as it is clean again and Seb is nowhere to be seen as he is probably taking a shower and getting ready to... 

This is such a stupid idea... I dont even know who all is going to there... I dont get why Chris wants me there... There will probably be enough of those fan girls he can have his pick from... "Are you going to work out or on a road trip..." I hear behind me pulling me out of my own thoughts and i turn around. "It is comfortable..." I say shrugging my shoulders... "Besides i think i look okay..." I say and Seb grins kissing my cheek... "Yes, you look nice..." He says and i smile. 

"Let's just go..." He says and i look at my phone... "It is only 9 o'clock..." I say and Seb shrugs his shoulders... "We are ready... I dont want to sit around and wait for another hour... Come on..." He says dragging me out and i groan letting him... He loads our suitcases in the car and i get in the passenger seat of his car... 

Seb gets behind the wheel, and we drive off... Getting out of the city is a pain and it will definitely take longer than 4 hours getting to Boston. "See it is a good thing we left early..." Seb says proudly and i hum in response as i am hooking my phone up with the car to play music... 

We finally are out of the city and make our way to Boston... I love looking out the window watching the world go by just living in my own head... I am a bit of a day dreamer maybe that is the reason i got into writing books... I loved escaping in my own little world... I had control in my own world... It would be precisely how i wanted it to be... "Hello control issues..." I thought to myself...  

Maybe that is why i hated going with Seb to Boston... It was out of my control... Well up till a certain point... I had resisted the urge to book a hotel room but i was wondering if that was a mistake...

About an hour into our trip i looked at Seb and took a deep breath... "I was thinking of booking a hotel room just in case..." I blurted out and he looked at me surprised... "Why?" He asked and i shrugged my shoulders... "Just in case... So, i have a place to go when i dont feel comfortable..." I said blushing and he sighed... "Neve... I got your back... I promise you will have a bed to sleep in and when someone makes you uncomfortable just tell me and i will deal with it..." He said looking as tough as possible... "Fine... No hotel room..." I mumble and put my phone away... 

"Who is all going to be there anyway?" I ask and Seb shrugs his shoulders... "When Evans throws a party, you will never know... His brother... Some of the Avengers cast seeing as they just finished shooting that... Some of his high school buddies... His best friend Tara will be there for sure... She is nice you will like her... We will have dinner tonight at his mother's house..." Seb says and i drop my phone in surprise... "We will what now...?" I say as i search under the seat to find my phone... 

"Oh... didn't i tell you this yesterday..." He says smirking acting like Mr. Innocence himself... I sit up again after i found my phone and give him a death stare... "No... You didn't..." I say annoyed... "She wanted to see us all again, so she invited us all to dinner at her place... We all love his mother, and her cooking is... Heaven..." He says smirking and i groan... "Well, you better stop at a clothing store in Boston then because i dont have an extra outfit to wear to dinner... And my party outfit is not fit to be a dinner outfit..." I say rolling my eyes and he smirks... "You got it..." He says and i know he is proud of himself for pulling one over on me... "I swear to god Seb when we get back to New York you and i are going to have a long and lengthy discussion about honesty and trust in this friendship..." I say and he looks at me and blushes knowing i am serious and annoyed...

I look out the window again and take a deep breath... I tell myself to calm down and make the best of it... "We are going to have fun... I promise..." Seb says and i can hear his voice has changed knowing i am not happy that he pulled this stunt... "You better hope so... If not, this will be the last time i let you drag me somewhere... And this little stunt will cost you... Big time..." I say smirking and he laughs, and the tension is broken...

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