Chapter 14: Lies are Lies..

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Its 11am in the morning

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Its 11am in the morning. You opened your eyes. You fell asleep while crying but only for 30 minutes. You're not feeling hungry. Not feeling okay at all. You started to cry again.

It was 2pm, you heard some footsteps on Lou's condo. It maybe Lou's. You sat and hold your head as you are trying to stop crying.

"Hey, You're not eating yet?" Soft voice of Lou said.

"Im not hungry, Lou. I want to go home, can I borrow your laptop? I will book my flight today" you replied.

Your vacation is actually 3 weeks. But you convince yourself to go home cause there are no reasons for you to stay at London.

"Okay, let me just get it" Lou said while rubbing your back.

You opened the browser. Open the airline's site. And immediately scheduled your flight. You cannot book today cause the seats are all occupied.

You shake your head. It's because it is pick season. You insist to have a flight back to your country by tomorrow evening.

You closed the laptop, not even surfing the net. Maybe there are someone who saw what happened last night. And you dont want to hear anything. You tried to open your phone. Notifications are coming. You saw 89 miss calls. 57 was from Louis. The rest is your mom and your friend, some are from Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall and Lou. Your Viber start to beep. Messages from Louis and the rest of the boys. You didn't open anything. Instagram and Twitter are full of mentions. You put your phone into silent. You went to the comfort room. You saw your face. Your eyes are puffy. It is red. Your face looks so dull. You started to cry again.

You've been on the comfort room for 2 hours. Just sitting on the toilet. Looking at the floor, with you bathrobe wrapped around your body. You can feel Louis's arms wrapped around you. You can imagine it. Tears began to fall. You heard a knocked.

"(Y/N) i will just go back to the studio, its an emergency. If Alice sent baby Lux here can you please take a look at her?" She asked.

"Okay, I will. Dont worry. Take care" you replied.

You comb your hair and put it into a messy bun. You wear white pull over. Off shoulder. You don't want to open the radio or the TV. You dont want to hear everything.

You stand up and you get a glass of water. You can see the view outside. If you only have your best friend beside you it will going to be a bit alright. You heard a knocking on the door. Its a bit loud and faster. "Its maybe Alice, baby Lux's baby sitter" you put down the glass of water and opened the door. You're looking down the floor.

"Lou's said tha.." You're not finished yet as you saw Louis, standing in front of you. You didn't say any word. You looked at him. His eyes are puffy and red. He is crying while looking at you.

 He is crying while looking at you

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