Chapter 44: The Uncles Part 2 ❤️

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After having the breakfast, the lads started to pack their things that they are going to need for 1 week vacation. Louis talked to the management over the phone to told them that you will be having a quality time (atleast for them to know where all of you are) after 1 hour the boys finished packing their things.

"So what now? We have nothing to do now here.." Niall said.

"What if we go to (Y/C/N) today?" Harry suggested.

"In a hurry little Harry?" You replied.

"What about?? Xbox?!" Liam said.

"Sounds nice! Sounds new!" Zayn said while getting up from the seat where he lays and pulling the zipper of his jacket down.

"Its quite cold in here! Xbox sounds fun. Lets sweat all together." Harry replied.

"I'll text Sophia, so she could bring us something maybe?" Liam said while scrolling at his phone.

"Pizza. Chicken from Nandos!!" Niall said.

"Okayyy" liam said while shaking his head.

Harry opened the TV and set up the xbox..

"I want to dance..." Harry said.

"Come on' put the just dance Cd that we have there!" Louis shouted.

"Ugh its 2014.. is it okay guys?" Harry said while putting up the cd for everyone to see.

"Why the fuck we still have 2014? We didnt buy any new xbox games?" Louis said while looking at the lads while he is sitting on the couch.

"We have Just dance 4.. Is it didferent from Just Dance 2014?" Harry said while raising his eyebrows while reading the back of the CD's

"Look, we have here our songs, I totally forget about that. have we played this stuff really? Before?!" Harry said.

"Put them in now! Lets dance to the beat! The loser will be the one who will wash the dishes" Niall said.

They started to play and try to imitate the dance steps. Your stach really hurts as you watch them dancing like crazy ones. All of them are really really good dancers in a sarcastic way haha!

"What about Macarena?" You suggeated while you are feeding baby Amanda.

"Dance with us, Love" Louis said.

"No, no, no... Im feeding Adah" you replied.

"I will feed Adah instead! We are dancing for like 20 songs and you are just laughing there! I will rest and you dance!" Niall said as they pull you up from where you sat.

"Macarena bayybeee" Harry said while setting the Xbox.

"I dont get ehy the fans wanted ua to dance this before but nkw I know, it looks like im a sexy stripper when I move my hips" Liam said and you all laughed.

While you are dancing, someone knocked on the door. Niall and opened it and it was Sophia, carrying the foods and more.

"Sophia, thankyou very much for being a fairy god mother to us!!" Niall said while getting the bag of foods. she have Nandos, 5 boxes of large Pizzas, 10 different chips, different softdrinks and beers in can, Xbox new CDs and some of eggs, hotcake mix, bacon and box of tea.

"Hi everyone" Sophia said. Liam stopped dancing and immediately helped Sophia.

"Ive got you guys a new CD! The newest one" Sophia said.

"Howdya now that we are playing Xbox? Ahhh, never mind. Liam told yah" Louis said while dancing.

After dancing the Macarena, Liam and Sophia put the chicken on a plate as well as the Pizzas and softdrinks.

You all ate while Sophia is baby sitting Amanda and Louis is reading the back of the case of the new Xbox Cd, Sophia bought.

"Look! Best song ever!" Louis exclaimed!

"Lets watch it!!" Niall said.

"Why watch? Lets dance!" Louis said while eating the remaining slice of pizza on his hands.

Louis pulled you and the lads. He played the Best Song ever ang you all dance with the song. Sophia recorded a video of you and the lads while dancing on the last chorus of the song. she posted it on Liam's instagram and twitter account.

The God fathers and momma are dancing on the beat! -amanda louise :)

After having the crazy bonding with the lads, you all continued to eat. Its 3pm in the afternoon.

"Guys take a shower okay?" You told the boys.

"Yeah, yeah" Niall and Harry said while they are still playing on the Xbox.

"Hey Sophia, where are your baggage? I thought you will come with us?" You asked Sophia.

"Ah yup, About that, I have these outfit on my bag that I am going to wear tomorrow, can we drop off to my flat to get my things first.. My baggage I mean" Sophia pleased.

"Of course! No need to worry about that hun" you replied while smiling at her. She is sweet and kind, quiet sometimes but can get along with anyone, Perrie is a happy go lucky, funny girl. She loves making videos with funny faces and dancing like crazy. I still can figure out how she likes Zayn cause Zayn is totally contrary of her personality.

"Are you and Perrie are comin to?" Sophia asked Zayn who is drinking his Pepsi while starring at the TV, watching the steps of the song Harry and Niall are dancing to..

"Yep, maybe only me after 3 days. Perrie is so busy with her album launching. I made a promise to her that I will come on her show thats why I wasnt able to go with you the same day" Zayn replied.

"But you have to promise you'll be there with us for 4 days!! You cant say no to Amanda" you replied.

"Ofcourse, yeah. And I can say No to you" Zayn replied with a smile.

He is the closest one to you among the lads. All his problems, secrets, plans. you and Louis knew all about it, but sometimes there are stuff that he is telling none of the boys but only to you.. thats how close he is to you.. :)

"Yeah, and you also love Adah so much and you cant sleep without hearing her voice crying at 2 in morning!" Louis replied.

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