Chapter 45: Vacation

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After long hours of flight, finally you are all on your country. Thanks to the management for giving you a hassle free orivate flight so you will peacefully spend the day with your family in private. No fans for today.

Your dad picked you all from the airport while your mom is at the house preparing for your arrival as well as your cousins, uncles and grand parents.

"Hi dad! Its so good to see you!! I miss you" Louis said while approaching at your dad..

"Good to see you, son! Hows everything?" Your dad asked.

"All is well and wonderful" Louis replied while putting the bags and luggage on the back of the car.

"Hi (Your/Dad's/Name) its so good to see you again!" The rest of the lads told your dad.

"Let me see my little pumpkin! Granddy is so excited to see you" your dad said while walking towards you and Amanda.

Amanda is sleeping but your dad is speechless as he saw Amanda for the first time.

You all went inside the car and your dad drove it.

"Feels so good to be back.." Louis said while looking at the window.

"Its been a long time, son" your dad replied while driving.

"Remember that big arena over there? Its where we had the concert" Harry said.

"Its where we met (Y/N)" Liam told Sophia who is looking on what Harry is pointing out.

"Many changes uh" you replied.

"Where's mom?" You asked your dad.

"She's preparing foods, with your grand parents.." your dad simply replied.

After few moments, you finally arrived at your parent's house.

"Wow! Its so big!! Its so nice" Niall exclaimed as he went out of the car.

"Look! There's a lake! For godsake!! A lake!!" Harry exclaimed with excitement.

"I think Zayn should see this." Harry said while putting his phone out of his pocket and taking a picture of the lake.

"Lake! Gotta be here in 3 days! Fishing and camping are on the list" he typed and sent it to Zayn.

"Oh God! Look at you! (Y/N)" your mom said while hugging you.

"Is this my baby precious?" Your mom said while getting Amanda from your arms. Amanda opened her eyes and looked at your mom. maybe she is trying to figure out who is she..

Your went inside the house. There's a lot of people.. well, relatives inside the house. Some of them saw Louis and the lads in personal for the first time.. The lads are talking to some of your cousins and having a great time while waiting for the barbecue dinner party for all of you. You left Amanda to them while your dad and mom and walking you and Louis around the house. The house is nice and very beautiful. Your mom is crying while talking to Louis cause she is so thankful of Louis being the kindest man on Earth.

"We owe it all to you, Louis. My daughter is so blessed to have you on her life" your mom told Louis as she cries..

Louis hugged your mom and told her to stop crying and they deserve all the best..

"No mom, you are so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.. and I am blessed because she is mine. I am the luckiest man cause I have (Y/N) on my life.. I owe you for that. For bringing this wonderful woman in this world. All the best for the parents of the person whom I love the most." Louis said while hugging your mom.

Hearing those words from Louis, its really heart melting. How thankful he is for having you on his life..

"Here are the rooms, you'll be staying at this one.." your mom opened the door of the master bedroom.

"No mom, we can use the second room, this is your house mom, cmon. Its Louis' gift to you both." you replied.

"But he.." your dad started to talk bit he just got cut out by Louis.

"Nope, dad. we'll be staying on the next room and the lads are on the guest rooms.." Louis replied.

"You all better get down now, dinner is ready" your auntie yelled.

"Come down now, Amanda wants her grandda and grandma to baby sit her" you replied..

Everyone was happy and enjoyed that night you spend with you and the lads. Your uncles enjoyed talking to the lads, specially to Louis. That night ends too late that you only went to bed at 3 in the morning.

The next day, all are having a breakfast at 11am, maybe an early lunch too. your mom prepared and cooked the meals.

"Wow, mouth watering foods really" Harry said while sitting on the chair.

"Lets dig in!!!!!" Niall shouted.

You all had lunch together with your mom and dad, Amanda is with your mom and it was like a weeks of day off for you as a mom.

"Zayn called, he will be here tom morning. im gonna pick him up" Louis said while all are eating.

"We will come with you" Liam said.

"We will buy groceries too so we can have more stocks for the week" your mom said.

"We can actually buy mom" you replied

"Many of the people will going to see you. i thought you want a peacefull vacation?" Your dad said while eating.

"Yeah but they will eventually find it out" you replied.

"But not this early. why? Do you want to buy something?" Your mom asked.

"Actually...." you replied while looking at the lads cause you know what they actually want specially Niall..

"I know what each and evryone of this lads wants to have but if you insists, I can give you a list and maybe you can find it for them?" You told your mom.

"Actually, we can find it on our own" Harry said like he is too shy..

"No, of course we can" your mom and dad replied while smiling at them.

"We can atleast give our own budget for the week" Niall said.

"No, no, you are our guest. please, let us handle this." your dad replied.

"Thankyou (Y/Dads/N)" Liam replied.

"We are going to the beach today, remember the beach? We had our first date? It is owned now by a multi millionaire here. its a private property now but we made a reservations already when we are at London. Surprise!!" you told all of them.

"Im not prepared! Im so gonna build my muscles for tomorrow! Biceps, dont be shy!"harry said while kissing his biceps.

"So you lads are going to pay for the foods. Lunch, Dinnier and breakfast romorrow. That's the deal! Ha!" Louis replied.

"Tommorow we will be going straight to the airport to pick up Zayn after the swimming.." you added.

"Mom and dad, tomorrow, you will go straightly to buy groceries, im afraid we will be home early than the two of you, so I will be cooking what the ref has to offer. Im sure Zayn is not eating the foods on the plane" you told your mom and dad.

"Jetskii time" Liam replied while looking at Sophia.

"You will pay. For us." Louis said while his mouth is full.

"Okay, we will work on that thing" Liam said while you all continued eating.

"Adah is going to be with uncle Liam today! Jetskiing little love?" Liam asked Amanda while she is on your moms lap, sitting and laughing with his Dad who is across the table.

"Its her first swimming lesson with her uncles! Right lovey dovey?" Louis said while doing crazy facial expressions at Amanda.

"Its a busy relaxing weekend!! Yeeeyyy!! Finally" Niall replied.

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