Chapter 42: ALT ❤️

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The days gone by so fast

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The days gone by so fast. The lads are been and there everywhere. Joining the charity works, clubbing, watching other band's concerts. Being with 5 sos sometimes as they visited London. On the date with their girlfriends. watching movies on the Cinemas. Eating. Going out of the mall, joining some premiere nights. Louis family even visited London for a month, his mom stays until you gave birth. Her twins are on the flat as well. Louis and the lads are playing with them but they have their own nanny's from Doncaster as well. Before you know it, it was your due month. Yup, 3 months had just passed. All your things are prepared. the baby's room are done with decorations. Your mum and dad can't come on your due month cause they are not allowed to leave their work, they decided to go and visit you a month after you gave birth. All the things are getting well. Mother-in-law knows what best for you. Louis's sisters are texting you trying to give their support as you are afraid to give birth. Louis has been so amazing and supportive. He is very excited.

It was a peaceful night at the flat when you woke up at 2 in the morning, you peed. When you are about to stand up from the toilet, you felt some back ache and another mild ache from your bump.

"Okay wait, Lovely little carrot, are we going to push today? Please not now.. im.. im not ready love" you said while rubbing your tummy.

As you rub your tummy it started to ache and ache as well as your back. You tried not to yell and try to control the pain but its not stopping. You've been standing on the comfort room for 30 mins. You are sweating already.

"Louis!!! Louis!! Aaaahhhhhhh, help! Louis!!" You yelled. Suddenly you saw Louis with a puffy eyes like he just went out of the bed when he heard you.

"Love? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"I think the baby will come out in any moment! God Louis, it hurts so much" you yelled while gripping on the edge of the sink on the comfort room.

"What? Wait I will call mom" he replied while he run out of the door and yelling for his mom upstairs. Few seconds and then, Johanna, his mom and all the lads are on your room and starting to panic.

"You are giving birth!!! You are oh god! What we gonna do???" Niall keeps on repeating.

"Get the baby bag, Zayn. Harry get the car keys. Liam, Louis, help (Y/N) to go inside of the car" Johannah instructed the lads...

Harry tries to calm down as he drives the car to the hospital.

You are at the deliver room with Louis. Johanna and the 4 lads are outside the hall waiting. Niall and Harry keeps on walking around. Zayn texted Perrie and Liam texted Sophia as well. After 30 minutes they just arrived at the hospital too.

At the delivery room, you are laboring for an hour. Doctor Maxx was there, he is your OB and he will be the one who helps you deliver your baby.

"Love, you can do it. I will be here okay? I will hold your hand. You can get some force from me okay? I will not leave you" Louis said as your doctor told you to push.

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