Chapter 39: The Unknown Number.

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It was the 4th day since the lads had their vacation

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It was the 4th day since the lads had their vacation. We still have 6 months to go before their tour again. It was a sunny day, You can see through the curtain the light sunny rays of the sun. You turned around and hold your belly. You saw the sleeping Louis beside you. He got tired cause they fixed the baby crib last night, from 8pm to 2 am in the morning. Yes that long, because they had to play with the parts of the crib before seriously working on it. You put away some strands of his hair away from his face.

"You don't know how much I am honored and thankful for having you and the lads in my life. Never in my dreams I thought of having this. When I met you in the concert, our first date.. I thought it will stops there. What if you don't let us come here on London with you? What if you didn't feel in love with me? God I'm gonna die if I'm going to wake up one day and find that all of these was just a dream" you whispered at the peacefully sleeping Louis. You run your fingers through his hair as you are saying those words, suddenly his phone vibrates.

"UNKNOWN NUMBER" you saw it on the screen.

"The last day when we are about to go at the hospital to find the gender of my baby, I saw this Unknown Number also calling him that day. He had some missed calls too" you whispered on your mind as you stared at the screen.

You slide the screen of the phone and trying to hear the voice on the other line.

"Hey Louis, have you already think about it?" the girl's voice on the other line said.

"Louis? You're trying to avoid me. i can feel it! You sick head!" She added.

You cleared your throat as you speak to her calmly.

"This is (Y/N), Louis wife. Who are you and why are you talking to my husband that way?" You asked the girl on the other line.

"Haha, oh, hi, Im Emily. Im a friend of Louis way back before he is with Eleanor. Im working on a Magazine Company and trying to make a deal with Louis and with the boys to be our cover and to have you know, some interview." She replied.

"Maybe you should talk to the management not to the lads cause the management can handle all of the agreements when it comes into stuff like that, if you want I can gi..." you're not finished talking but she cut you out.

"I think I'll call him later and talk to him not to you. Just tell Emily Calder just called. Thanks." She replied.

You became shocked and your heartbeat races as you heard 'Calder' Is she somehow related to Eleanor?!You bit your lip as you look at Louis who is still sleeping

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You became shocked and your heartbeat races as you heard 'Calder'
Is she somehow related to Eleanor?!
You bit your lip as you look at Louis who is still sleeping. You put his phone back on the side table and you got up and sit on the side of the bed while holding your baby bump as you are trying to control yourself and try to keep calm. You inhale and exhale as you looked at Louis.

You stand up and you went outside of the room and went on the kitchen. Trying to make a good breakfast. Things are running on your mind. Why is this girl keep talking to Louis? Why is she still calling Louis? Why Louis is not telling you about it?

You just prepared cereals, you are cutting fruits when you jeard footsteps on the stairs, its Perrie.

"(Y/N) good morning! Let me help you prepare or I would say you sit down and I'll do it" she offered. You smiled at sat down on a chair on the kitchen watching her as she prepares food for the lads.

"What do you want?" Perrie asked as she fries bacon and eggs.

"Anything will be good, Im not hungry yet" you replied.

"What's the matter?" Perrie asked.

"Nothing I just dont have a good sleep" you replied

Your phone rings and its also an unknown number. You slide your phone to answer it.

"Hello? Who's this?" You asked

"God you already forgot me?" The voice said.

"Im sorry you're number is not dispalyed maybe you just called the wrong number" you replied and about to hang up.

"Hey! Its me Ryan!!" He replied.

"Ryan?" You asked.

"Ryan Smith! Your workmate from CIAA" he replied!

"Oh God! Rye!! I miss you!! Its been ages! How are you?!" You asked while being so happy and excited.

"Haha! Were good! Jane, kris and I were here at the London to fix some agreements and plans for our company, still with CIAA tho" he replied.

"You're here?? Can we catch up? Maybe tomorrow? I want to see all of you" you replied.

"Why tomorrow? Why not today? I will tell Jane and Kris, we are staying on a hotel here. Courtesy of our boss." Ryan replied.

"That's great! See you at 9 okay? I will just prepare text me your number!" you replied

"That sounds great! We want to see your baby bump. Be sure not to bring paps okay?" He jokingly said.

"Yea,yeah Rye! Funny! See you" you replied then hang up.

"Perrie, Is it okay if I leave you here? I will just meet my workmates before. its been ages since I saw them. You replied.

She nodded and then you walked back on your room, you saw Louis is still sleeping. You took a shower and prepared. You wear a pink dress and wear just a cute flat, you wear your shades and your sling bag. You get your coat and the keys of your car. Its Louis's car but he has a new one so he is not using this old one anymore.

"Perrie, I'll go now, just tell the boys. i'll be with my friends" you told Perrie

"Have you not tell Louis where you are going?" Perrie asked.

"He's sleeping and I dont want to disturb him" you replied even the true reason is that you have a little hate on him for not telling you that this Emily Calder is calling him. Calder huh?

"I see, you want me to drive you then?" Perrie offered.

"No Perrie, I can drive besides, we'll be meeting near here so you don't have to worry, thankyou by the way! See you later" you replied while walking out of the door.

"No Perrie, I can drive besides, we'll be meeting near here so you don't have to worry, thankyou by the way! See you later" you replied while walking out of the door

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