Chapter 46: Quality Time ♥

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A/N: Sorry guys for not updating for a while! Been busy for the lads 5th year Anniversary! Just made a video for them. Gonna upload the video on my YouTube channel one of these days!

Thank you for the positive comments! I appreciate all of it and it makes me more motivated to write  a new chapter again :)


The lads are so busy on helping your mom and dad in packing the foods. Niall is doing the sandwiches, while eating 3 kinds of them.

"Good morning Niall" you said while kissing him on the cheeks.

"Good Morning, I'm just tasting these sandwiches that I made" he said while his mouth is full.

"Haha! You don't have to make an excuse, Nialler. I knew it" you said while giggling.

"Good morning (Y/N)" Harry said while walking at the kitchen, holding two cups of lettuce and onions.

"Early birds you are today!" you said while kissing Harry on the cheeks.

"What is that for?" you asked Harry.

"This is for Niall, for his sandwiches. Liam is done marinating the barbecues, Sophia is now cooking with your mom, Adah is with your dad, they are outside. Louis is out, buying some drinks for today." Harry said very detailed.

You went outside the garden and you saw everyone busy.

"Why you didn't wake me up earlier so I could help?" you asked them while walking towards your dad, kissing him on his cheeks and kissing Amanda on her forehead.

"Good morning Lovely, having a great time with grandda, aren't you?" while playing with her. You sat down beside them.

"Tea for you" Harry said while walking from the kitchen to the garden.

"Thanks Harry" you said while getting the cup of tea.

"We didn't bother to wake you up because Louis told us not to. He wants you to have a pampering time, he saw Adah is awake and he went straightly to our room to wake us up." Harry said while munching some of cereals and walk back to the kitchen.

You smiled and walked to Liam and Sophia who are busy cooking with your mom.

"Good morning busy bees!" you said while kissing Liam's, Sophia's and your mom's cheek.

"What can I do to help you guys?" you asked them.

"You don't have to bother about these, all is well." Sophia said while smiling at you.

"How about desserts?" you asked.

"I had frozen mixed fruits last night." your mom said.

"Hey!!" a shout from the kitchen. You looked at the kitchen and you saw Louis putting the groceries on the table. Wearing a green jacket and shorts with his white converse. He removed his aviator and smiled as he saw you with your mom. He walked towards you. He hugged and planted a soft kiss on your lips.

"Good morning love, hows your sleep?" He asked while rubbing circles on your back .

"All is good love, does anyone saw you?" you asked while holding his cheeks.

"No one of course. Imma secret ninja, love" He replied while laughing. He look around and went to Amanda.

"Hey, I got you something little lady bug" he said.

You are watching Louis as he is standing in front of your Dad while playing with Amanda.

"Such a wonderful father he is" your mom said while tapping your shoulders. You looked at your mom and you hold her hands on your shoulder and put your eyes again back to your husband and to your child.

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