Chapter 34: She used to be my miracle ♥

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Michael (P

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Michael (P.O.V)

The 4 boys are so happy when they received your confirmation that the management allowed them to perform this night with the One Direction Live on stage and they gave you a chance to sing at least 3 of our songs. The 4 lads then rehearsed on Their big private hotel room, they have their guitars and beat box there.. They rested for 30 minutes. Calum lay down at the carpet while scrolling at his phone, Michael is sitting and playing at his Nintendo as well as Luke and Ash.

"I knew it" Calum said while he is scrolling through his phone.

"Knew what?" Michael said.

"You and (Y/N) had an affair before" Calum said while Luke and Ashton got up from their seats while playing on their Nintendo's and looked at the pictures of you and Michael on Calum's phone.

"We didn't have any.. we are just.. friends.. close friends!" Michael told the boys trying to avoid some questions they might asked him.

"Yeah really? Like Louis wrote a song for you and (Y/N)" Calum said in a teasing way.

"Fu&(#$ you!" Michael said while laughing and throwing a pillow at Calum.

"Seriously, bro. Is she the one who inspired you to wrote the song Amnesia?" Luke asked Michael while sitting down next to Michael.

Michael sighed and looked at the 3 lads who are waiting for his explanation.. They are his band mates and friends after all.

"Yeah, yeah, she is the reason why I left (Y/C/N) and moved at the Canada

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"Yeah, yeah, she is the reason why I left (Y/C/N) and moved at the Canada. I told her that I was going to continue my studies there but I just don't want to see her marrying someone. She is the one who made me cry on the plane. I fell in love with her but she didn't felt the same way I think, we hang out and had some sweet moments but we never kissed.. Nothing like that. I just felt so hurt like she was my karma. I've been playing with girls and they are even running and throwing their self at me that time cause I was a big time millionaire. But she is not like that. She is very professional girl and her first and only love is Louis. As you can see they are married now. I knew their story. If there will come a time that people bash her, I will be the very first person to stand for her." Michael told the boys while looking down and smiling.

"You didn't have any relationship with her? Your pics with her as sweet like you are talking with each other. She is smiling" Calum said while zooming in your pics on his phone.

"We didn't. Besides, that time, they broke up already for 2 years. If it wasn't for Dad's company, they will not going to see each other again that time" Michael replied.

"I think we have an issue here. How about we don't go at the concert tonight?" Ashton said.

'Yeah, i remembered how he punched me that night.. How he told me to stay away from (Y/N)' thoughts Michael had on his mind.. (You can read Chapter 25 in case you forgot about this scene  )

"Yah, it can be a little awkward and might bring issues like this to be talked again" Luke said

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"Yah, it can be a little awkward and might bring issues like this to be talked again" Luke said.

"Nah, I think its the time for me and Louis to fix what we had before." Michael said while looking at the 3 lads.

"Come on, I already moved on, Im happy for Louis and (Y/N) now, I have no special feelings for her, yeah before but now, she is like my little sister. Just like that" Michael added.

"Be sure about that okay?" Ashton told Michael.

"Yeah, yeah, I am sure" Michael said.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us about it, but I have the guts but I'm afraid to ask you. You might get mad and punch me, ohh my beautiful face will be damaged!" Luke said while laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, its about my past and I don't want to talk about it anymore. Its all done" Michael said while smiling at the lads and put his ear pods and turn on his phone's music library. He played the song 'Statue by Lil Eddie'. He looked out of the window of their hotel room and reminisced the moment when he first played that song at his car after you had a first coffee break with him.

(You can read chapter 17 in case you forgot about this scene)

(You can read chapter 17 in case you forgot about this scene)

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Author's P.O.V

I advise you to play the Music Video at the top of this page in case you didn't know the song Michael is talking about. It is Statue by Lil Eddie. This is the song  what Michael is always playing when he is with you or he remembers you. Feel every words and imagine having a car trip with Michael Clifford while he is playing this song on his car (Like what happened at Chapter 17).. Thank me later ;)

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