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It was the next day, Thomas was getting better, he could actually talk about Sophia and smile. But he was not fully better, there would be sometimes where he would tell me he would have nightmares about it. 

I would try my best to comfort him. But Daryl was able to get a little out of him while they were having gun practice.

I know Daryl hides it but I can see that he enjoys Thomas's company. But Daryl, had still been grieving the loss of Sophia. 

He would distance himself from the group. I wanted to talk to him, but Carol told me that I should give him some space. 

I went in the house and saw that Dick and Carl were once again playing cards. 

Hey Dick, why don't you come outside for a little. I said. 

I'm good. Dick said. 

Dick come on. I said. The whole time we have been here you and Carl have been playing that card game, just take a break. I said. 

Come on Dick, I should properly go check on my mom. Carl said. Dick than put his cards down.

Dick and I went outside to take a walk. 

You doing ok? I asked. 

Um, yeah I'm doing fine. Dick said. 

You sure, you don't have to lie to me. I said. 

What is this a therapy session? Dick said with a chuckle. 

No, I- I just want to know that your ok Dick, I mean, I just want to make sure your alright. I said. 

Well I'm doing fine. I promise. Dick said. 

Alright, if you promised than I believe you. I said. 

How's the shooting coming along? I asked. 

It's going good, Carl is a good teacher. Dick said. 

That's good, you know how to turn the safety off? I asked. 

ha, yeah I do. Dick said. 

Alright, well as long as your ok, and you know if anything is bothering you you can tell me. I said putting my hand on his head and patting it. 

Yeah I know. Dick said. 


Dick's Pov 

After the little chat I had with Payton, I went to go find Thomas. 

I found him in his tent, cleaning his gun. 

So, you finally got Daryl to teach you. I said sitting down. 

Yeah, and he's such a good teacher, like he tells me these cool things.  Like how track, and how to shoot, oh and he taught me a little about the crossbow, but he said I could not touch it. Oh but maybe I can convince him to let me ride his motorcycle. Thomas said. 

Thomas, your fourteen years old. I don't think he is gonna let you ride his motorcycle. I said. 

Oh, whatever you never know, I mean I was able to convince him    to teach me how to use as gun. Thomas said. 

So how are you doing, you know with Sophia. I asked. 

Thomas was silent for awhile. I'm doing better, I don't cry every time I mention her name, anymore. Thomas said with a chuckle. 

I just staired at him, for while. 

I- It's just that she was the first real friend I had made. And I just really hoped she was alive. But Shane was right. Thomas said. 

I'm sorry Thomas. I said. 

Thomas than smiled. But Payton told me something that really helped me, she said that  Sophia lives in my heart and my brain. Thomas said. 

What? I said to him. 

It means that her memories live on in me. And I should remember her as she was. Thomas said. 

I smiled. Well than I'm glad your alright. I said. As I was about to leave Thomas said something. 

Also do you think there's something going on between Payton and Daryl. I said. 

What? I asked. 

You know what , I'll just tell you when your older. Thomas said. 

I smiled and left his tent. 

On my way back I saw Carl, it looked like he just came back from the woods. 

Carl, are you ok? I asked. 

No, I just saw a walker. Carl said. 

Ok, well I'll go get Rick and the others. I said. 

Wait, no, the walker is not gonna come here. Carl said. 

Ok than what did you mean when you said you saw a walker. I said. 

I went out in the woods, and I found it, and I thought I was strong enough, but I couldn't kill it. Carl said. 

Carl, that doesn't always mean your weak, it's can also mean your strong. And Carl, we are still young and we are gonna make mistakes. I said. 

That's the thing, Dick the way the world is now, we can't think that way anymore. Carl said. 

Carl and I started walking back to the house. 


Payton pov 

Rick had told me he was able to get Hershel to understand, the rest of the group was talking about what we were gonna do about Lori being pregnant and what we were gonna do. 

Until we heard a scream. We all heard it and went outside. 

But what we found was horrifying It was Dale, his insides were shredded. 

Thomas and Dick, came up behind me. As soon as I saw the, I put them behind me, shielding them from the view of Dale. 

GET HERSHEL! Rick screamed. 

I turned my head, and saw Dale. Tears started to form in my eyes. I didn't know Dale that well, but I knew enough to know that he was kind and generous. 

Hershel came. 

What happened? He asked. 

Rick explained. 

We have to get him to the house. Rick said. 

He'll never make it. Hershel Said. 

Than we have to do the procedure here! Rick yelled. 

Rick. Hershel said. 

We all knew Dale was suffering. 

Rick was about to end it, but Daryl stepped up. 

Payton take Carl, and the boys inside. Daryl said. 

I got up and took the boys inside. 

On the way there I heard the gunshot, that's when I knew Dale was dead. 

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