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After a few hours Michonne finally decited to take us to the Kingdome, I was happy that Michonne was opening her heart again

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After a few hours Michonne finally decited to take us to the Kingdome, I was happy that Michonne was opening her heart again. Quinn was happy to about it. 

Once we got their, Connie's sister ran up to her and hugged her. Carol and Nathan came and hugged Quinn, Payton, Daryl, and I. 

I'm so glad you made it. Carol said. 

Yeah me to. I said. 

Once I made sure that Lydia was settled in, Rachel came up to me. 

Wow, little Rachel is all grown up. I said as I hugged her. 

Yeah, yeah, but I'm not the only one, there's someone here to see you. Rachel said. 

I looked at the gate and saw Cyndie. 

Once she saw me she came running up to me. Once she wrapped her arms around me I picked her up and swung her around. 

Once I put her down I brought her into a kiss. 

What are you doing here? I asked. 

Well Ezekiel reached out, saying that he needed a couple of more hands and I thought what the heck, besides Oceanside is doing well, so why not come and see what the Kingdom's  doing. Cyndie said. 

Well, than I'm happy that  you came. I said. 

Me to. Cyndie said as she took my hand. 


I introduced Cyndie to Lydia, they seemed to like each other. The rest of the day, Cyndie and I spent the day together, but I told her that I was going with Daryl and the others for a little while. 

Did Daryl call you this time? Cyndie asked. 

No, this was my decision. They need my help, hey you know, um I was thinking when I get back, maybe it was time that I took a visit to Oceanside, and I was thinking for staying a little while. I said. 

Ha, I would love that. Cyndie said. 

She pulled me into a kiss and I walked with Daryl to go get ready. 

Once we all  were their, I saw that Mae was there. 

She still gives me the cold shoulder, she practically makes sure that Tommy doesn't come any where near me. 

Mom, I can help you. Tommy said. 

I know you do, but this is something that I have to do be myself. Aunt Enid is here  so she will properly need so much help. Mae said. 

Okay. Tommy said as he hugged his mother so tight. 

Hey, I will be back, I promise. Mae said. 

Tommy than nodded and went with Enid. 


We all headed out to meet Ozzy and his people. He said that he found tracks but they said that they were Hilltop's people. 

No, this was the skins. The dead don't do this at all. Payton said. 

Well than we need to spilt up. Payton, Mae ,Daryl, Michonne, and Ethane can come with me the rest of you head back to the Kingdome, we need guards out there now. Carol said. 

Okay. I said as we went with Carol. 

We kept walking, we watched are backs, looked out for each other. 

Later on we found walkers but they were from Hilltop. We shot at them and saw more and more were coming. 

Daryl told us to go back to the road, but there were more. This was a trap. Alpha's people came out of the herd. 

Drop them. We heard two people say. 

I looked and saw two of the betas. 

I won't ask twice. The female Beta said. 

We than did what she asked. 

All you had to do was give me the girl, no one had to die, but now that deal is done. The male Beta said. 

Alpha than came behind her Betas. 

You never getting her back. I said. 

You think this is about my daughter? I ran into some trouble on the  road. It was unavoidable. Do you like my new camp? My people like to move. Keep moving. Alpha said. 

We granted Lydia asylum, any attempt to take her by force, will result in retaliation. Michonne said. 

What's your name? Aloha asked. 

Michonne. She answered. 

Does she speak for you? Alpha said. 

We speak for each other. Daryl said. 

My daughter isn't a concern anymore. She was weak. Alpha said. 

Was, the fuck do you mean was? I yelled. 

To be clear, your group is in no position to threaten me. That is a habit that needs to be broken. Come with me. Alpha said pointed at Daryl. 

I saw the look of fear that brought to Payton's face. 

It's okay. Daryl said as Alpha lead him. 


We waited, and waited for Daryl to come back. 

Once he did Payton hugged him. 

I know, I'm alright. Daryl said. 

Daryl than looked at me and I hugged him. 

We than grabbed are weapons and headed back to Hilltop. 

Once we were walking we found Siqqiq his head was bleeding. 

Michonne ran and helped him up. 

What happened? I asked. 

We walked up the hill that Siqqiq was pointing at. 

We saw sticks with heads on them. 

Once we got closer, we saw who those people were. 

The first person was Ozzy, he was helping us with this fair, the second one was his right hand man, the third one was one of Michonne's guards, the fourth one was Frankie, the fifth one was Tammy, my heart broke for Earl, he and Tammy were supposed to raise a new baby they found. 

The fifth and sixth one was Addy and Rodney, the seventh one was Enid, I looked and saw Mae reaction, she was crying, Enid was her best friend.

 The eighth one was Tara, Tara and I barley talked but she was still apart of my family, she was funny and kind.  

The ninth spike was Henry, Daryl stopped Carol from looking, the last spike my whole body froze, I felt tears coming from my eyes, the last spike was Cyndie. 

Payton than wrapped her arms around me while I was crying. I loves Cyndie and now I'll never be able to tell her. 

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