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Mae and I were laying in my bed

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Mae and I were laying in my bed. I was playing with her hair. 

Why do you like playing with my hair all the time? Mae asked. 

I just like to, you have beautiful hair. I said. 

Stop no I don't. Mae said. 

Yes you do. I said as Mae kissed me. 

Can I ask you something. Mae asked. 

Yeah. I said.

In the future where do you see us? Mae asked. 

I looked at her and caressed her face. 

In the future I see you and me living here, and we're adults, and way later after we're married we have a kid and his name is Tommy. I said. 

Tommy? Mae asked. 

Yeah, I like the name Tommy. I said. 

Yeah, we are not naming are child Tommy, It sounds way to similar to your name. Mae said. 

No, it's not. I said. 

Yes it is. Mae said as we both laughed. 

As I was hugging her I saw that she was rubbing her stomach a lot. 

Hey you okay. I asked. 

Oh yeah, I'm fine. Mae said as she kissed me. 


Last week I heard about what happened to Denise. It took a huge hit on Daryl. 

I was going over to try to talk to him but he was on his bike. 

Daryl where are you going? I asked. 

Out you stay here. Daryl said. 

Wait Daryl can we talk? I asked. 

No, Thomas stay here where it's safe. Daryl said. 

What do you mean by that? I asked but before I could get my answer Daryl already was gone. 

I saw that Payton, Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita were following him. 

Wait let me come. I said. 

Thomas no, we will bring Daryl back. Glenn said. 

No, okay Daryl has been their for me for years, I need to be their for him this time. So I'm coming. I said. 

Fine. Rosita said as she made room for me. 

We stopped the car and found Daryl's tracks. Payton lead us to him. Once we got their we found Daryl but he almost shot Rosita. 

Watch out asshole. Rosita said. 

I did. You shouldn't have come. Daryl said. 

You shouldn't have left. Michonne said. 

When I spit off with my group, he was out there in the woods, in that burned out forest with them girls, put a gun to my head, tied me up. I even tried to help him. Daryl said.

So what you think it's your fault  so now your on some suicided mission. Payton said. 

Yeah, I know it's my fault. And now I'm gonna go do what I should've done before. Daryl said. 

Is it for her? I asked. 

Daryl turned around. 

She's gone man. Your doing this for you. Glenn said. 

Man, I don't give a shit. Daryl said. 

Daryl look at me. Okay I know you think it's your fault but it's not okay. We need get back home and we can figure this all out. I need you Daryl okay I can't lose you. Payton said. 

Daryl than kissed Payton. 

I can't lose you either or anyone else I care about that's why I need to do this. Daryl said. 

Daryl than looked at me and brought me into a hug. 

Go back home Thomas. Daryl said. 

No. Payton said as her and I followed Daryl with the others behind us. 

As we were walking we heard a whistle. Payton got her bow out while I got my gun. 

We looked and saw several people surrounding us. 

We than saw a man with a burn on his eye. 

So you must be the famous Payton and Thomas. The man said. 

I'm Dwight. He said. 

due to the amount of people they had we were forced to put are weapons down. They than gaged us along with Glenn and Michonne. 

They used us as bait. When we saw Daryl and Rosita we tried to warn them not to come closer. Dwight than went behind Daryl and shot him. 

No! Payton yelled. 

Luckily  Dwight only shot his shoulder.


The Saviors then took us. they gaged us and put blind folds on us. When they took the blind folds off it was dark, I looked around and saw Rick, my brother, Quinn, Payton, Daryl, the others, and Mae. No what was she doing here, she should be back at Alexandra. 

They all forced us on are knees. The only thing I thought was my family. I looked over to Daryl and saw how he was bleeding. I was panicking. 

Thomas it's gonna be okay. Daryl told me. 

I nodded. 

Alright we got a full bout let's meet the man. Simon said. 

Simon than knocked on the RV. A man with a leather jacket, with a red scarf and held a bat with him. 

Pissing are pants yet? 

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