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Life in Alexandria was good

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Life in Alexandria was good. Everyone had jobs and we all worked together. 

I was guarding when Michonne came out. 

We should make you are only gardener. Michonne said. 

Oh, please and make Aaron have to find another job, I don't think that will do. I said. 

Look, Quinn I know this isn't fair but we need someone to help out with the sanctuary, and you don't have to go. Michonne. 

No, it's fine, anyway Dylan was gonna head out their to check on Payton. So I will to. I said. 

Okay. Michonne said as she and hugged me.


Dylan and I got on are horses and headed to the sanctuary. 

So have you talked to Mae? I asked. 

Quinn, you know Mae doesn't want to talk to me. Not after Negan. Dylan said. 

Maybe because you both don't talk to each other. You know she had the baby. And it's a boy. I said. 

That's amazing. Dylan said. 

You should see him. I said. 

No, be both know Mae does not want me near her kid. Dylan said. 

He's your nephew, you deserve the right to see him. I said. 

Yeah, but he is his mother. And if she wants me away than I will be away. I said. 

Dylan and I made it sanctuary. Operantly one of the saviors were killed by one of us. 

Rick, do you have any idea who would do this? Dylan asked Rick. 

Well the wound it small, and it looks like an arrow so if anything  it could be. Rick said. 

Your not thinking it was Payton right? Dylan asked. 

Or it could be Daryl, both of them hated Justin. Rick said. 

No, I know my sister if she did kill him she would not do it at night, or secretive. Dylan said. 

Look, I'll ask around see what's up, but all I'm saying it could be anyone of us. Rick said. 

Rick and Dylan than went to go talk to the rest of the people at the camp. 

I went over and saw Alden, he had ice on his cheek. 

What happened to you? I asked. 

I kinda got punched in the face. Alden said. 

I can see that. Well did you at least get a few hints in? I asked. 

Alden than laughed. 

How's Hilltop? I asked. 

It's really good with Maggie in charge everything is good. Alden said. 

What about Gregory? I asked. 

I think she made the right choice. Alden said. 

Yeah. I said. 

I told Dylan that I would head back to Alexandra. He told me he was going to stay and try to find out who was behind Justin's death. 

I got back on my horse and headed back home. 


Once I got their I met up with Ethane. He told me that Negan was not eating, and how he wanted to talk to Ethane. 

Maybe you should? I said. 

No, Quinn I can't. Whatever Bullshit he wants to say to me he can save it. Ethane said. 

Ethane than got up and went for look out. 

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