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It's been weeks, since the fall of the prison

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It's been weeks, since the fall of the prison. At first Quinn and I went looking for the rest of the group. We searched around the prison. near Woodbury. But we didn't find anybody. 

After a few days later I lost hope of finding them. Quinn however refuses to give up. Later that day Quinn and I were still looking. 

Quinn refused to move away from the prison. She thinks that Michonne is still around. But that is highly unlikely. 

I was on watch while Quinn went to go look around the prison. 


Later that day while I was waiting for Quinn at camp. While I was waiting I heard groaning. I followed the sound and found a herd of walkers on their way towards are camp. 

Oh you got to be fucking kidding me. I said as I grabbed Quinn's and my stuff and spirited where Quinn went to go look.  

As soon as I saw Quinn I grabbed her arm and dragged her away from are camp. 

What are you doing? She asked. 

We got to go. I said. 

What no, we have to look for the others. Quinn Said. 

Quinn we have to go now, there are walkers coming up on us! I yelled as I continued to drag her. 

Once we at least thirty minuets away from the prison Quinn and I decided to take a break.  

Ok, since we are far away from the walkers, I say we double back and check the prison again. Quinn said as she grabbed her bag. 

No. I said. 

Quinn than turned around. 

What do you mean no? She asked. 

I mean no. Quinn there is no one at the prison. Not Michonne, not Daryl, not my sister, and defiantly not Dylan. I said. 

So what your just gonna give up. Quinn said. 

No, Maybe, I don't know. The point is that we need to move. If anything the others probably went went with Rick. And if we want to live we have to go to. I said as I got up and started moving. 

Quinn than eventually followed me. 


While we were traveling Quinn kept talking about where we could look for the others. I really did not care. For all knew my siblings are dead. Along with Daryl, Beth. And so much more people. 

A few hours later I noticed that it was going to get dark and we needed to find a place or anywhere to stay in. Just not out here. 

While we were walking we came upon a few stores. I grabbed my gun out and I told Quinn to stay outside. 

I went on the store. For my luck it was clear there was no walker in sight. 

Quinn and I checked the store to make sure all the doors, windows, anything that walkers can enter in was closed. 

Was everything was set Quinn and I just sat down in silence. Of what I hoped would be silence. 

Did you feel anything? Quinn asked. 

What? I asked. 

When you killed the Governor, did you feel anything? Quinn asked. 

I was relived that he was dead. What did you want him alive or something? I asked. 

Oh fuck no. I was just asking because, it was a person. Actually the Governor is a terrible example of a human being, but the point is that it's different when their walkers. When it's a person  than it's a little complicated. Quinn said. 

Well I did not feel regret about it. Like you said the Governor was not a person. But after I did it, I really didn't know how I felt, there was no regret, no happiness, I guess I can say that I was releveled that the Governor was gone. But I was not happy about everything else.  I said. 

That's fair. Quinn said. 

Alright well if that that's all the questions you have for me I am gonna go to sleep. I said. 

Ok, night. Quinn said. 


The next mooring I told Quinn to get her stuff so we can move. 

We were walking for a few hours, and I had no idea where we were going. The only thing I knew is that we were far away from the prison. 

Quinn started asking me a few questions. Like what school was like, or who was my favorite teacher. In a funny way she remined me a lot about Sophia when I first met her.  

Ok, well than how did you meet Rick and the others? Quinn asked. 

If I tell you how will you take it easy on the questions? I asked. 

No promises but I will consider it. Quinn said. 

Ok, um basically Payton had an injury and Dylan went to go find help, he came back and brought Rick, Daryl and Shane, and they took us to their camp and yeah that's pretty much how I met them. I said. 

Wait who's Shane? Quinn asked. 

He was an asshole. I said. 

How? Quinn asked. 

Didn't we say if I told you how I met the rest of the group you would take it easy on the questions. I said. 

Um no I told you no promises. Quinn said. 

Well he just was. I said. 

That's not really an answer. Quinn said. 

Well it is for me. I said. 

But what made him as asshole. Quinn said. 

He tried to kill Rick. Does that sum it up for you? I asked. 

Oh, um yeah pretty much. Quinn said. 

Good than can we keep moving? I asked. 

Sure. Quinn said. 

  Great. I said. 

But, well I have just one more question. Quinn said. 

No, nope no more questions. I said. 

Alright. I got it. I said. 

Jeez was I like this when it was just Payton, Dylan and I. I thought. 

I than saw Quinn pick up the pace a little. 

Well if your sick of my questions than we better find Michonne or anyone else. Quinn said. 

Hopefully. I said. 

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