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When we got back to the Kingdome I had to find Tommy, he was with Enid

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When we got back to the Kingdome I had to find Tommy, he was with Enid. I kept looking and looking. Later on I found him with Rosita. 

Once he saw me he ran up and jumped into my arms. I was holding back tears, how could I tell Tommy that  Enid died. 

Hey, sweaty I need to tell you something, it's about aunt Enid. I said. 

Really, where is she, she told me to stay with aunt Rosita, where is she? He asked. 

I couldn't hold them anymore, I let my tears fall. 

Tommy, Aunt Enid is not here, because she passed away today. I said. 

What? No she was here today, she told me after she got back she would teach me how to ride s horse. Tommy said with tears in his eyes. 

I pulled him into a hug. 

I know baby, I know. But she's with Uncle Carl now, and I know she's happy. I said as both Tommy and I cried. '


Mouths went by Tommy was able to except what happened to Enid, but me I was still grieving, but I made sure to hind my grief when mt son was around. 

It was winter and Hilltop was not looking good. 

Aaron invited me to come to Hilltop, but still knowing that Negan was their scared me and it scared me for my son. 

I was able to work some of the heaters for us, we grabbed a blanket and sat by the heater together. 

Mom can you tell me about dad? Tommy asked. 

Maybe some other time honey. I said. 

Well what about your friend Riley? Tommy asked. 

Okay, fine. One time when Riley and I were in middle school we both hated this teacher. She would always cuss at us and get on us for nothing, so Riley told me that we were gonna get her back. So at the last day of school, Riley went to get are teacher some coffee. Now are teacher love her coffee cold, so Riley got her a really hot coffee. And when she drank that coffee she was yelling about how hot that was. I said. 

Wait how did, you guys get get her back? Tommy said. 

Well we managed to get her togue burnt.  I said as we both laughed. 

Mom, do you think Riley could be alive? Tommy said. 

I wished I knew baby, but the last time I saw her a walker was chasing us and she told me to go while she lead it away. So apart of me really wishes she was alive but I don't know. I said. 

Tommy than came and hugged me. 

I know your still sad about aunt Enid mom, but I want you to know that I miss her to, like I know how you miss uncle Dylan to, even though your mad at him. Tommy said. 

I kissed Tommy on the head. 

Later that night I tucked Tommy to bed, I went outside, the snow storm went on it was just snow now. 

I saw Rosita standing outside, I went over to her and we started talking. 

You know, now that Tara is dead, we need to see who's gonna run this place. Rosita said. 

I already spoke to the council and they all voted that I take the role of leader. I said. 

No, no Mae their can be someone else, your already head of security here and raising your kid. Rosita said. 

Rosita it's okay, I agree with them, Aaron always told me that if your a leader than you have to step up when your people needed help. I than grabbed Rosita's hand. I'll be okay, Rosita. Trust me. I said. 

Okay. Rosita said.


The next morning Tommy came in my room and woke me up. 

Mom, come on aunt Rosita just challenged me to a snowball fight, I need your help. Tommy said. 

Okay, I'm coming. I said as I grabbed a coat and headed outside. 

Rosita hit me in the face with a snowball and I made one and throwed one at her back. 

I saw how happy my son was playing in the snow, I only wished Thomas could be here to see this, but I know he's watching us. 

But even though we were happy, I knew the enemy was watching us, and I would be ready if they made a move. 

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