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Daryl and I finally et up with Sasha and Abraham

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Daryl and I finally et up with Sasha and Abraham. As we were driving we heard gun shots. They were getting closer and closer. 

Until one almost shot Daryl. We went at full speed with Abraham and Sasha following us. Daryl was able to make the bike go down so we could duck. The car behind us was still chasing Abraham and Sasha. 

You go help Abraham and Sasha I will try to distract them. Daryl said. 

What, no Daryl I'm not leaving you. I said. 

Payton you have to, okay. I will meet back with you. Daryl said. 

Fine you better. I said as I ran as fast as I could to catch up with the car. 


It took awhile for me to catch up with the car. But Abraham and Sasha crashed their car. Once other car stopped I got my bow and arrow out and shot the shooters. Abraham and Sasha took care of the rest. 

Sasha, Abraham, and I went to go see who were shooting at us. 

He caught a good bounce. Abraham said. 

There aren't enough people around to just around for somebody to ambush. And they couldn't been watching us, not with what we were doing. Sasha said. 

Nah, they were looking to chew up someone in particular. Whoever they were. Abraham said. 

Sasha than picked her radio and called for Daryl. But their was no answer. 

Dollars to Doughnuts he's on his way back to Alexandria now. Abraham said. 

No, Daryl would never leave us behind. I said. 

He already did. Abraham said. 

Well I know he didn't. I said. 

So we go look for him. Abraham said. 

The best way to find a tracker is to stay put. Let him find you. Sasha said. 

You just want us to sit here with our precious leathers in our hands. Abraham said. 

No. Sasha said as we all got up. 


We went into an clear building. Once we cleared it we all sat down an rested. Later on Abraham and Sasha were talking, or to me it looked like flirting. I was thinking about Alexandria and how everyone else was doing. 

After a few hours of rest we got back up Abraham said that he found a truck that we could use. After we saw it, we realized that Daryl was their two. 

We met up with him and all got in the truck and headed back to Alexandria.

As we were driving we were stopped by people with bikes who were blocking the road. 

Why don't you come on out, join us in the road? One of the man said. 

We did what the man asked and all got out. 

That's great. It's going well right out of the gate. Now step two, hand over your weapons.  The man said.

Why should we? Daryl asked. 

Well, they're not yours. The man said. 

Than who's are they? I asked. 

Your property belongs to Negan. And if you can get your hands on a tanker, your people our people want to know. So lets get those side arms shall we? The man said as he asked for Daryl's gun. 

Thank you. the man said as we all gave him are guns. 

Who are you people? Sasha asked. 

I get the curiosity, but we have questions ourselves. And we'll be the ones asking them while we drive you back to wherever it is you call home. Take a gander at where you hang your hats. First though your shit.  What have you got for us? The man said. 

Yeah, you just took it. Daryl said. 

Come on. I mean, can we not, okay? There's more. There is always more. T take my man to the back of the truck, start inside the back bumper, work your way to the front. The man said as he grabbed Daryl and took him to the back. 

Who's Negan? I asked. 

Ding dog. You see usually we introduce ourselves by just popping one of you right off the bat. But you seem like reasonable people. And like I said, we're drive you back to where you were. I mean do you know awkward it is to carpooling with someone who's friend or friends you've just killed? But I told you we had questions.  And than what did this women do? So that's that. I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me.  The man said as we drew his guns at us. He tan put them down. 

I'm not gonna kill you. Wait, wait. You know what? Yes I am. Before the man could lift his gun at us Daryl hit him with one of are weapons.  

I got up and checked of Daryl was okay. 

You good? I asked. seeing the cut on his back.

I'm fine I promise. Daryl said as he took my hand. 

Well let's get you fixed up at home. I said. 

Yes ma'am. Daryl said as we as we all got in the car and headed home.

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