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It had been few mouths since Daryl and I joined Mercer's team

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It had been few mouths since Daryl and I joined Mercer's team. Mercer asked me to check on Maggie a few times. I heard she declined, but  Mercer still told me to go see her. 

Ethane decited to stay at Hilltop. He wanted to stay where he was conformable. 

As Maggie and I were cleaning up around Hilltop I saw her turn to me.  

So how's married life? Maggie asked. 

Really. I said as I laughed. 

What I haven't seen you in years. I can't ask about your marriages. Maggie said. 

Okay, it's been good. Daryl and I have been really good. I said. 

You know I was gonna come back home, sorry to change the subject. It's just that when I left I never stopped thinking about coming home it was just. Before Maggie could say anything else I hugged her. 

You don't ever have to apologizes to me. I know the reason why you left and I understand, so don't apologize. I said. 

Maggie nodded and we talked. We talked about what has happened over the years and how it was, It was nice talking to her again. 

After we cached up I talked with Ethane, he told me Gabriel was missing and that Maggie and the others would back him up. 

Ethane I come and back you up. I said. 

No, Payton you are finally happy right now, you don't need to fight my battles for me anymore. So it's okay. Ethane said. 

Before I could disagree Mercer came to Hilltops gates. 

Dixon let's go. He said. 

Before I left I hugged both Maggie and Ethane. 


By the time we got back I saw that Mercer's hands were shaking. 

Wanna tell me why your hands are shaking? I asked. 

I'm fine. He said. 

Nope, don't give me that bullshit, trust me I had to raise two young boys, so I know if your lying. I said. 

Your husbands and friend were sent by Sebastian to try and get money for him, if they didn't then he would do something to your kids. They found this women named April, she told us that thousands were sent just like her. But in the end we couldn't save her. So I killed the men who were involved.  

As we drove in to Commonwealth I saw Sebastian and Daryl walking by. 

Aw here's the wife. You know Daryl if she were helping me and not you, I would be over the moon. Explicably with an ass like that, damn Daryl I don't know someone like that could marry someone like you. You know Mrs. Dixon if you ever want something new, or younger I could pay you, you could get the money and I could  get a good fuck. Sebastian said. 

Daryl than yanked Sebastian by the shoulder and pined him to the wall. 

Dixon! Mercer yelled. 

You listen to me, and I only will say this once, You can threaten me all you want but if you ever treat my wife as just women you can fuck for money ever again I will put you down. Daryl said. 

Daryl than let go of Sebastian and went up to me. I saw the look in his eyes. I knew how he hid his emotion's, I could tell he was angry at himself.  He felt guilty. 

I brought him into my arms he rested his head on my shoulder. 

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