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A few days have past

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A few days have past. I was training the alexandrines all day. Carl came up to me 

Hey Dylan you want a break? Carl asked. 

No, I'm good. I said. 

You have been at this for days, how about you come and watch Judith with me for a little bit. Carl said. 

Carl, thanks but I'm good. I said. 

Please just for a minuet. Carl said. 

Okay. Fine. I said. 

Carl took me to his house where Judith had paint on her hands. 

I picked up Judith and held her. 

She is getting really big. I said. 

Yeah, she is. Carl said, but he looked sad looking at Judith. 

Hey you okay? I asked. 

Yeah, just admiring the world around us. Carl said. 

Hm, never heard you talk like that before. I said. 

Sorry, um just realized that you can take life for granted. Carl said. 

Yeah, I guess. I said. 

The rest of the day Carl, Judith, and I spend the day together. It was nice to, but later on Carl told me he had to check something in the sewers. 

I gave Judith, to Rosita, then I went out for bullet practice. 


Later that night I was sitting outside. Carl came back and sat down with me. 

Dylan, do you think we could ever try and not kill all the saviors. Carl said. 

I don't know, but I do know that Negan has to die. I said. 

What if he doesn't, what if he can just stay and a cell and rot for the rest of his life. Carl said. 

Carl, we can't, I know you want that to happen but we just can't. 

Before Carl could talk we heard Negan. 

Hello! Ricky I got some present's for you and friends. Negan said. 

I got my gun out, I could end this here and now. Carl than grabbed my shoulder. 

Dylan no, we need to protect this place first, look I'll distract Negan you get Nathan, Mae and Tara to help you put grenades around. Carl said. 

Carl. I said. 

We need to do this! Carl said. 

Fine. I said. 

I ran and grabbed everyone. While Carl was talking to Negan. I trusted Carl, we all waited for Carl to give a signal to us  to activate the grenades. 

Carl than gave the signal, we activated the bombs. It gave us the opening to attack the saviors. 

We all shot at the saviors. But me I was aiming for Negan. 

Well if it isn't the man himself. Dylan. Damn I got to say you make me shit my pants. Negan said. 

I shot at him several times but he managed to doge them. 

Damn it. I said. 

Carl than yanked my arm. 

Dylan come on we have to go. Carl said as he guided me into the sewers. 

When we got in there, I noticed that Carl was really pale and he looked weak. 

Dylan can you set me down here? Carl asked. 

I did. 

Carl, what is going on with you, you need to tell me. I said. 

Michonne and Rick came then Carl looked at me. He lifted up his shirt and I saw a bite mark. 

No, np, no ,no.  Tears started forming in my eyes. 

Rick fell down on his knees. Michonne went to Carl for his aid. 

My heart was racing, I felt like I couldn't breath. Carl grabbed my hand. 

Just breath. Dylan I chose this. I got bit because I was trying to help someone. It wasn't for me, he just needed help. So I helped him. You know in a way it reminded me when I first met you. I remember sitting in an RV, and I saw a small boy who looked my age, and we almost ran you over, heh you reamer that? Carl asked me. 

Yeah, yeah I do. I said trying to smile at the memory. 

Then, when I got bit I got a flash of all types of memories of my life, playing cards with you, traveling with Payton and Nathan, Thomas teaching us how to shoot a gun. All types of memories. And they all made me happy. Really happy. Carl said. 

I know, they did.  I said with tears in my eyes. 


I sat with Carl for a little bit, Rick was talking with the rest of the group. 

Carl was telling me all about the dreams he was having about Alexandra, and how much it could grow. 

Dylan, in that dream, I only see it happenings, if we don't kill all the saviors.  There has to be something after. Something for people to look for hope. Carl said. 

Before I could say anything Rick pulled me aside. 

Dylan, I can't go with you guys to Hilltop. Carl won't make it, and I have to stay. Rick said. 

Okay, then I'll stay. I said. 

No, I need you to take Judith. Rick said. 

Rick I can't just leave Carl, here . I said with pain in my voice. 

You have to Dylan. Carl said as I went up to him. 

Carl, please I can't leave you like this. I said. 

Dylan, when I first met you, I knew you were kind, determined, smart. I'm glad that I can call you my brother Dylan. You hear me your my brother. And that's why I know if you do this you won't be able to move on. So it's okay. Hey it's okay. Carl said. 

Carl. I can't please, I can't lose another brother. I said with tears coming out of my eyes. 

   Yes you can, Dylan you are strong. I know you can do it. Carl said as he hugged me one last time. 

I stood up and picked up Judith. I looked behind me and saw Carl gave me a look, of assurance. 

That was the last day I saw Carl, my brother, my best friend.

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