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Rick came into the prison with a women on his back and a girl following him

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Rick came into the prison with a women on his back and a girl following him. 

Carl get a blanket, Beth water and a towel. Rick asked. 

I helped Beth get a towel. Once we got what Rick asked for we set it down where he was gonna lay her. 

She's not coming in the cellblock's. Rick said as he set the women down and poured water in her. 

It's all right, it's all right. Rick assured the women as she woke up. 

Hey, look at me, who are you? Rick asked the women. 

The women than tried to get to her sword, I turned my safety off and aimed my gun at her, getting ready to shoot her. 

Rick kicked the sword out of the women's grasp. 

No. We're not going to hurt you, unless you try something stupid first, all right. Rick said. 

Rick. I turned around and saw Daryl. 

Who the heck is this? Daryl asked. 

You wanna tell us your name? Rick asked. 

The women was silent. 

You wanna tell us your name? Rick asked once again. 

The women still said nothing. 

Y'all come on here. Daryl said. 

Everything alright? Rick asked. 

You're gonna wanna see this. Daryl said. 

Go ahead. Carl, get the bag. Rick said. 

Rick grabbed the sword and tossed it to me. 

Will keep that safe and sound. Rick said. 

I didn't ask for your help. The women said.

Doesn't matter, can't let you leave. Rick said. 

As we were about to lock the cell the women said something. 

Where's the girl. She asked. 

What? I asked. 

I travelled here with a girl, where is she? The women asked once more. 

Michonne! I  turned around and saw a girl with reddish hair running into the cell where Michonne was. 

It's ok, their gonna help us. The small girl said. 

Rick than locked the cell and we walked with Daryl. 

Daryl guided us to a cell block where someone was waiting. 

It was Carol, the women I thought died along with T-dog . 

Carol hugged Rick first, than Hershel, than me. I hugged her back. Are you ok? I asked. 

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