4) Carter's tricks

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"Hey Upper East Siders there's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than a surprise and we heat Blair Waldorf's got a three for one special her mom Eleanor who just returned from Paris and Serena Van Der Woodson and you cannot forget about Mia Bass brunch buddies" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was with Serena and Eleanor having brunch waiting for Blair talking amongst themselves when Blair suddenly got up and saw the three. "Hey you're up" Serena said. "Don't we have plans" Blair asked making her way to Serena and Mia.

"Darling it is impolite to interrupt I was just telling Serena and Mia that Bendel's is interested in carrying my line" Eleanor said.

"Really oh that's fantastic" Blair said. "Why didn't you say something" Blair asked. "I came back from Paris early to put together my look book and if they like what they see it could be the beginning of an entire lifestyle collection" Eleanor said.

"Because more people should be like you, mother" Blair said. "Before you tuck into that you might find the low-fat yogurt more appealing" Eleanor said and Mia rolled her eyes at what Eleanor said and Blair had noticed and smiled at Mia.

"I happen to think she looks beautiful the way she is" Mia said. "I lost two pounds when you were away" Blair said.

"And you look marvelous" Eleanor said. "Wow these are beautiful Ms. Waldorf" Serena said looking at the dresses.

"Well, they will be if they're not all squished from traveling" Eleanor said. "Darling please eh" Eleanor said to Blair and Mia just shook her head at her going unnoticed by Blair but Blair sent her a smile.

"Serena, you have to come back later when everything is unpacked, I would love to hear your thoughts" Eleanor said going towards Serena.

"You have great personal style" Eleanor said. "Oh, thank you" Serena said. "So do you Mia but I bet that comes with being a Bass" Eleanor said. "It has its perks I guess but I always loved Blair's style" Mia said.

"I don't think we'll be able to Blair Mia, and I have plans today" Serena said. "We do" Blair asked.

"I don't remember having plans with you and Blair" Mia said. "Girl's day with us three it's been forever" Serena said. "I can't I already made plans with Chuck and Nate" Mia said. "Next time" Serena asked. "Sure" Mia said.


"Serena and Blair might have plans for the day but Nate, Mia, and Chuck are fully booked for the weekend if they survive it" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Found it" Nate said giving the watch to Chuck. "Piaget" Chuck said once Mia walked in. "Alright I'm here" Mia said. "There's my baby sis" Chuck said. "Yeah, okay hey Nate" Mia said.

"Little Bass" Nate said smiling at her. "Can't you just call it a watch" Nate asked Chuck. "If it costs more than 10 grand it earns a proper name" Chuck said.

"How about this" Nate asked handing a baseball in a case. "Definitely that Babe Ruth's called shot the most famous homer he ever hit" Chuck said putting it in a drawer locking it.

"Better safe than sorry" Chuck said. They heard a knock on the door. "Here we go" Chuck said.

Soon the party had started, and everyone was drinking talking and laughing while Mia stayed with Nate.

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