18) Much I do about nothing

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Dan was with Mia and Blair after Serena told him about Georgina needing their help. Dan called Georgina only to get her voicemail posing as Sarah. "Voicemail" Dan said.

"Okay like we talked about" Blair said. "You can do this" Mia said. "Hey, hey it's me Dan um after you left Serena and I got in a huge fight and she said all this crazy stuff I honestly don't know what to believe but, but what I do know is that I wanna see you so uh call me" Dan said and hung up.

"Excellent work she's totally calling back" Blair said. "This is so weird I don't normally do plots against people" Dan said. "Don't worry virgin we'll talk you through it" Blair said and Dan's phone ring.

"Speaking of the witch" Mia said. "Right on schedule" Blair said and Dan quickly answered the phone.

"Hey" Dan said. "Hey, I just got your message" Georgina said. "Oh good, good so sorry about this morning with Serena that was very awkward to say the least" Dan said.

"Yeah, a little bit" Georgina said. "Last night really changed things for me Serena and I kind of left things uncertain so I think I wanna end it I know I do" Dan said.

"Will you meet me" Dan asked. For a moment Georgina didn't say anything. "Our spot in the park by the pond" Georgina asked.

"See you there" Dan said and Georgina hung up. "Humphrey you are a born liar" Blair said. "I'm impressed" Mia said. "Thanks, I think" Dan said.

"All that stuff about last night was genius" Blair said. "Yeah, almost too good" Mia said. "Anything you wanna tell us" Blair asked. "Uh no like you said just born to lie" Dan said.


Dan was with Georgina at the park going along with the plan. "Honestly Dan last night was fun, but I didn't really know what it would all mean to you" Georgina said.

"Well, I normally don't jump into things like that so when I do it means a lot "Dan said. "Me too that's why I think we should be together forever" Georgina said.

"Georgina look" Dan said and they stopped walking. "Serena told me everything alright and I believe her" Dan said.

"No, you don't understand she was upset and jealous I'm sure she told you all kinds of things to make you think the worst of me" Georgina said. "No just stop it" Dan said.

"I never meant for this to happen, but it did, and I know you feel it too" Georgina said. "I mean how else do you explain last night" Georgina asked.

"I don't know, I don't know, and I wish I could" Dan said. "So, you're just gonna go back to Serena like nothing happened and just leave me all alone" Georgina asked.

"Oh, you're not alone G, Mia and I are here now" Blair said as she and Mia made their appearance and Georgina turned around.

"And we brought some people who really, really wanna see you" Blair said. "You remember your parents right" Mia asked as Ms. and Mr. Sparks turned around.

"The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan mom and dad leave it to Blair Waldorf and Mia Bass to know that witches don't just happen they're made by parents even more wicked than their offspring" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Okay um uh mom dad this is not what you think you have to believe me" Georgina said. "There, there Georgie it's gonna be okay" Blair said.

"No, this time it won't" Ms. Sparks said. "Or it won't your parents were so worried G they told Mia and I everything how you're supposed to be on the equestrian circuit but sold your show pony for cocaine" Blair said.

"That was a difficult time, but I've put that behind me" Georgina said. "When, when you were in rehab" Blair asked.

"It's hard to get clean when you hitchhike into town steal a credit card and book a ticket to Ibiza" Blair said. "Well B looks like you got this see you at the wedding" Mia said and left.

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