6) the masquerade

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"Long ago when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry couture and canape are just another Saturday night until you add a mask but preparing for a ball is an event in itself which is why queens invented handmaidens" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was with Blair and Serena at Blair's in her room. "So, Kati mentioned something about a custom-made corset, and I hear there are wigs involved" Serena asked. "It's a masquerade you have to conceal your identity, but I do have something special planned for Nate tonight" Blair said.

"That's great Blair" Mia said. "It's a game it's a scavenger hunt Nate starts the night with a clue which leads him to a lady in waiting who gives him a clue to the next lady" Blair said.

"Wait hold on you have ladies now" Serena asked. "If he finds me before midnight when the masks come off, he can claim his prize" Blair said. "And what's that" Serena asked.

"Wow S didn't realize you were slow" Mia said jokingly. "Oh yeah right sorry" Serena said. "I just figured that after everything's that happened or hasn't happened, I should find some way to make it special" Blair said.

"B you don't need to do it if he doesn't see how great you are he's an idiot" Mia said.

"Well, that's really romantic Blair really look um if you don't want me to come tonight, I totally understand I could just" Serena said.

"What no I want you to come, and Mia I need both of you there" Blair said. "In fact, I was hoping, you or Mia be one of my ladies" Blair said.

"Not it" Mia said. "Would you give Nate the last clue" Blair asked Serena. "Well, are you sure you want me to" Serena asked. "Tonight, is all about starting over" Blair said.

"For both of us" Mia added. "I trust you and him" Blair said. "Well then I will be honored to serve you my queen" Serena said and they all laughed. "Well besides your bringing Dan right" Blair asked.


"I know him a masked ball wait, wait, wait Dan would never wanna go to something that pretentious where he has to wear a mask and a tux" Serena said.

"He likes you he would wear a tux and a mask and one of my mother's dresses if it meant that he could go out with you come on" Blair said.

"He would even wear my headband" Mia said. "What are you worried that he already has a date I mean he is Dan Humphrey" Blair asked. "Oh, shut up" Serena said chucking.

"I don't know I guess a masked ball is better than a regular party because then all those kids from school that he hates he won't even recognize them" Serena said.

"That's the spirit" Mia said. "Alright invite him I insist" Blair said and gave Serena her phone.

Serena called up Dan. Soon enough he had answered the phone. "Serena hey" Dan said. "Hey hi" Serena said and she looked at Blair and Mia. "Go ahead do it" Blair said.

"Don't make me do it for you" Mia said and Serena got up from the bed. "Uh, h, h hey I was just wondering are you uh are you doing anything tonight" Serena asked.

"Tonight no, no nothing why" Dan asked. "Good because there's this thing and you're probably gonna think it's stupid but" Serena said.

"Try me" Dan said. "Who's that" Serena asked a few minutes later after hearing someone else on the other line. "Uh it's, it's my sister" Dan lied. "But you, you, you were saying something" Dan said and Jenny walked in.

"Hi Blair, what do you want me to do with this stuff" Jenny asked. "Oh, just leave 'em over there yeah that's fine I left you another list" Blair said and Jenny grabbed the list before leaving.

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