14) Serena's gifts

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"Wakey wakey upper east siders spring break is done, and I'm starved for the dish were you sunning in Capri or sinning in Croatia give me the deets and has anyone spotted our ex-queen b where does the dethroned royalty vacation these days" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia walked into the bathroom after hearing Chuck and Serena. "What's going on" Mia asked.  "Your brother is lighting up in my bathroom that's what's going on" Serena said.

"Well if I lit up in mine then the folks would know it was me sis" Chuck said. "Oh, okay let's get one thing straight our parents may be insisting on blending our households, but I am not your sister I do not share any of your DNA nor do I ever wish to only Mia shares your DNA" Serena said.

"Then I suggest you get new hand towels" Chuck said. "Chuck leave her alone" Mia said. "No, it's fine, forget it" Serena said. "You can use mine if you need to" Mia said. "Thanks M" Serena said and left with Mia.


Serena and Mia saw Eric and went to them with Chuck behind them. "What are you doing" Serena asked.

"I'm hiding from my valet he wanted to put my socks on for me this morning your servants are very attentive" Eric said and they made their way downstairs.

"You should meet Brigitta the new Latvian maid" Chuck said. "No, no, no he should not meet Brigitta" Serena said. "I'm with Serena" Mia said.

"He's 14 avoid this person" Serena said. "May I remind you Serena that you used to have a sense of humor" Chuck said. "No" Serena said. "Morning father" Chuck said as they all made it to the dining room.

"Morning daddy" Mia said. "Hey" Eric said. "Morning kids" Bart said. "Morning" Serena said. "And how is Lily Bulow today" Chuck asked and kissed her hand.

"Oh, I have a headache I had a very frustrating conversation with the wedding planner this morning" Lilly said. "Well may I say aggravation becomes you" Chuck said sitting down.

"You may but I won't believe it" Lilly said. "So, first day back at school huh" Lily asked. "Yeah, we have to go Blair's waiting" Mia said. "Eric" Serena asked. "Go ahead we'll take the limo" Chuck said and Mia and Serena left.


"At least you get to wake up from your nightmare I'm living with mine" Serena said. "Hey" Mia said. "Sorry Mia but you know how your brother is like" Serena said.

"Okay you got me there but at least you have plans with Dan tonight to take your mind off it" Mia said. "Finally, the return of some normalcy" Serena said. 

"B what are you doing" Serena asked as she and Mia noticed Blair stopped walking.  "Giving homeschooling some serious consideration" Blair said and Serena and Mia pulled her to them.

"Look Mia and I know you think everybody's still talking about you, but your three-week-old scandal is ancient news" Serena said.

"S is right you can't let it control you B" Mia said. "Did you even hear the dirt that happened over break" Serena asked. "Who would I've, heard it from Dorota" Blair asked.

"Well after much concerted effort Maya finally made it into Brody Jenner's cell phone" Serena said. "Bout time" Mia said.

"Oh, and Kati's dad moved her entire family back to Israel yeah and Constance's bad girl turned good Serena Van Der Woodson moved in with Chuck and Mia Bass" Serena said.

"So, you're thinking this whole thing could have blown over by now" Blair asked. "Has to be" Mia said. Serena stuck her hand out for Blair's sunglasses.

"Come on" Serena said and Blair gave her, her sunglasses. "That too" Serena said taking off her headwear.

Blair, Mia, and Serena made it to the school and saw everyone whispering. "Don't worry B" Serena said. 

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