8) friendships

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"In Manhattan some parties are VIP only others are strictly private, but some parties are political, and those lines are drawn by the most established of the establishment and once those lines are drawn, they can never be crossed" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Welcome to my new suite we may patent the media system interactive hi def 3d gaming instant access to the world's largest media library and all in house food spa services" Chuck said.

"Isn't this the place you bought so Mia could live with you" Nate asked.

"Yes, and don't think I haven't seen you sneaking in just to be with my sister you're my best friend but we both know if you hurt her if she doesn't kill you I will" Chuck said and Nate laughed while Mia made her way to Chuck.

"Would you relax big bro nothing will happen" Mia said.

"Hey, I basically raised you I have a right to be overprotective" Chuck said and Mia smiled.

"Very well but maybe we should get back on topic" Mia said and Chuck nodded. "Just touch the button Blair's favorite part real time surveillance playback it's naughty" Chuck said.

"Yeah, no kidding she woke me up a few times just so I watch with her not that I'm complaining" Mia said.

"Well, it certainly is a step up from the Columbia dorms" Nate said. "Most penthouses are Nathaniel" Chuck said.

"There's two bedrooms including Mia's room though I'm assuming you'll be crashing with Mia most nights feel free to crash anytime you like" Chuck said and saw Tripp and Maureen make their way over.

"Excuse me while I go vomit" Mia said not liking the sight of Maureen and went over to Nate and Vanessa who was by the pool table.

"Tripp, Maureen" Chuck said greeting them. "Hey Chuck" Tripp said fretting him. "Wow your sister is more like you every day huh" Tripp said.

"Maybe meaner" Chunk said. "Hey, all the behind-the-scenes stuff is really great" Vanessa said.

"Really you sure about that cause I can make it more interesting by punching someone" Mia said. "Mia be nice" Nate said and Mia rolled her eyes.

"Thanks again for letting me film Tripp's campaign" Vanessa said to Nate. "Oh no problem" Nate said.

"Charles well you've outdone yourself" William said going to Chuck shaking his hand.

"My pleasure sir I can't think of a better way to christen the ballroom than with a Van Der Bilt victory party" Chuck said and Nate went to William leading Mia with him.

"Your generosity will not be forgotten by me or my family we're very much looking forward to tonight's event" William said.

"Thanks again Chuck even if the night ends in defeat at least we'll have a good party" Tripp said.

"Sweetie don't talk like that" Maureen said. "This morning's polling numbers aren't great we're down where we should be up and where we are up, we're barely hanging on" Tripp said.

"That's what makes it exciting right" Maureen said. "Yeah sure" Mia said. "Excuse me" William said and left with Nate.


"You see the news" Mia asked Jordan. "Yeah, must be his lucky day" Jordan said and Mia stayed silent.

"What something wrong" Jordan asked. "No" Mia said. "Mia" Jordan said.

"Okay maybe it's just me but it just kind of seemed like it was staged" Mia said.

"You think that guy faked it" Jordan said. "Okay I love Nate and I love his family well most of them but sometimes they're not always as they seem" Mia said and Jordan looked at her.

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