13) a thin line between Chuck and Nate

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"What's the difference between gossip and scandal so glad you asked UES forever anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz but in order for gossip to birth a true scandal it requires the right person to be in the wrong place take one it girl on a pedestal add a crowd eager to see her fall and give them the means to knock her down" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was sitting with Blair and the girls on the steps when Jenny came over and sat beside Mia. "Hi" Jenny said. "Hey Jenny" Mia said.

"You're late" Blair said. "Yeah, I know I had to drop some books off at the library sorry" Jenny said. "Would you do me a favor" Blair asked. "Anything" Jenny said. "Move down a couple steps" Blair said and Jenny did so. 

"You know this whole hazing thing is getting a bit old" Jenny said. "Don't you think B" Jenny asked. "First of all, the hazing stops when I say it stops and for future reference only my friends call me B just like only Mia's friends call her M" Blair said. 

"You know I'm actually gonna go I have a lot of stuff to do before class" Jenny said and got up. 

"Jenny" one of Blair's minions said. "Please she'll be back" Blair said and Serena made her way over. "Hey guys" Serena said. "Hey S" Mia said and everyone stayed silent.

"I'm not pregnant" Serena said. "Ah cool" Kati said. "Congratulations" Isa said.

"Celebratory drinks after school" one of the minions asked. "Yeah sure" Serena said. "Blair, Mia can I talk to you guys" Serena asked.

"Of course," Blair said. "Always" Mia said. "Excuse us" Blair said and Serena, Blair, and Mia went to get some privacy. 

"Did you get my text" Serena asked Blair. "Of course, yes I did but" Blair said.

"So, then you know I told Dan I'm not pregnant" Serena said.  "Yes, and I'm so happy for you close call huh" Blair said. "Blair stop denying it please" Mia said. 

"Are we really gonna play that old game B" Serena asked. "From the looks it seems we are" Mia said. "I have no idea what you're talking about" Blair said. 

"Whenever something happens that's not a part of your plan you pretend like it doesn't exist you act like you're in this movie about your perfect life then Mia and I have to remind you the only one watching that movie is you, you admitted that your period was late" Serena said.

"Yes, I've been very stressed I had that Chen test on Friday" Blair said. "And you're acting like a total witch because you're not hormonal" Serena asked. "Maybe I am a total witch did you ever think about that" Blair asked.

Serena pulled out the test and gave it to Blair. "Just take the test B" Serena said.

"Stop it" Blair said. "Just take the test you need to know if you and Chuck are gonna have a baby" Serena said.

"Be nice to know if I'm having a niece or nephew or not" Mia said. "And for a scandal to really blow up all it needs is an unexpected turn" Gossip Girl's post said and Serena left.


Mia was hanging out with Chuck in his room laying on her stomach on his bed when Serena came to his door. "Hi Chuck" Serena said. "Please call me brother" Chuck said.

"Please don't" Mia said. "I need to talk to you" Serena told Chuck. "About getting knocked up" Chuck asked and motioned Serena in.

"I must say I was a little disappointed you weren't more careful" Chuck said and Serena went in as Chuck closed the door. 

"Chuck I really need to trust you I'm hoping that deep down inside you're actually a decent person and not just to Mia and won't make me regret this" Serena said. "What are you doing S" Mia asked.

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