10) engagement party

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"Okay Blair I agreed to an engagement party even though I know I didn't want one but I don't want it to be insane" Mia said looking around.

"Come on M there's only one Mia Bass and one Nate Archibald this is your dream come true" Blair said. "I know it is but this it's too much" Mia said.

"Not for me it's on me you deserve the best engagement in the state let me do this" Blair said.

"You're not gonna stop until I say yes are you" Mia asked. "You know me so well you tell me" Blair said and Mia sighed.

"Alright, fine, fine" Mia said, and Blair smiled. "That's more like it" Blair said. "Now the party is at 8 on the dot" Blair said. "Got it" Mia said.

"You need help with anything" Mia asked. "No today is all about you" Blair said.

"Blair I can help" Mia said. "I know you can, but I got it okay you are not lifting a single finger today all I need from you is for you and Nate to be on time" Blair said.

"Okay" Mia said sighing. "See you at the party" Blair said and Mia smiled at her before leaving.


Eventually it was time for the party, and everyone was talking, laughing, dancing just having the night of their lives. Mia saw Nate at the punch bowl and went to them.

"Hey there you are" Mia said. "Hey" Nate said and put his arm around Mia. "Blair sure knows how to throw an amazing party" Nate said.

"She always has her parties were always my favorite" Mia said. "Is that why you always let her help Chuck throw you a birthday party" Nate asked.

"Yeah of course come on you can admit she had amazing taste" Mia said. "Okay, alright fair point" Nate said.

"I didn't even have to really ask we always knew that one day she would be my maid of honor and I would be hers" Mia said.

Nate smiled at Mia and kissed her cheek as they continued to enjoy the party.


Soon the party ended, and Mia made her way to Blair. "Hey, you threw an amazing party as usual" Mia said. "Thanks M" Blair said smiling at her.

"You existed" Blair asked Mia. "And nervous" Mia said. "Why are you nervous" Blair asked.

"It's just one thing to be someone's girlfriend or fiancée but wife" Mia said.

"Hey, you're going to be an amazing wife and maybe one day an amazing mother which I'm hoping I'll be the godmother to" Blair said.

"Thanks B" Mia said and hugged Blair. Mia pulled away from Blair after a moment.

"Just so you know you have always been more of a sister to me than a best friend" Mia said. "Same to you" Blair said.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Mia said. "See you then" Blair said and Mia left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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