1) Belles de Jour

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Act IV

Cousins and accidents

(Episode 1-22)


"Nothing beats a summer abroad but when traveling far from home it's always nice to bring an old friend from the neighborhood Cobblestones and Cafe de Flore Serena's locked down the left bank and become a muse to us all meanwhile Blair and Mia rules the right bank side by side storming the shops and consuming the classics and sampling sugary snacks like a modern Marie Antoinette But we hear Serena's stories sizzle while Blair's are more fizzle she shopped at Saint Laurent and dined at Drouant but the only beau B had this summer is on her headband" Gossip Girl's post said and Serena made her way to Blair and Mia and sat down.

"Our cute waiter gave me his number" Serena said. "Blair what are you doing" Serena asked.

"We said we wouldn't check Gossip Girl all summer" Serena said. "I tried to stop her" Mia said. "Summer's almost over" Blair said. "So, what does it say about Chuck" Serena asked.

"I couldn't be less interested" Blair said. "Mm- hmm" Mia said giving Blair a look.

"No new posts he's been MIA since he left town in spring" Blair said. "And what does it say about us" Serena asked.

"Ooh la, la Paris is burning, and Serena, Mia, and Blair lit the match" Blair said reading the blast.

"Of course, your flame is hotter than mine everyone knows that the only guy who's been in my pants all summer is the tailor at Pierre Balman" Blair said.

"And who's to blame for that" Mia asked Blair. "B just as many guys have flirted with you, I just happen to have a thing for French waiters" Serena said.

"And bartenders and museum docents anyone on a Vespa or a bicycle" Blair said. "Or wearing Zadig and Voltaire" Mia said.

"Okay you don't get to talk, you had just as many guys as I did maybe more" Serena told Blair who smiled shaking her head. "B what's wrong" Serena asked Blair.

"I thought you were having fun" Serena said. "I am the best but all summer I've been sitting in front of my favorite Manet and reading Colette in the park hoping that I'll lock eyes with somebody who's doing the same thing as me and feeling the same things I am" Blair said.

"That's really romantic" Mia said. "But alas not effective for all my efforts I'm heading back home with a Chuck sized cloud over my head, and I don't even need to find a great love I just wanna go on one nice date" Blair said.

"Well then this calls for some more Sancerra" Serena said and stood up.

"Come on I know a great wine bar down the street, and it happens to have a very cute bartender" Serena said and left with Blair and Mia.


"Mia hey I didn't expect you to call" Nate said over the phone. "Yeah, well I figured I check in" Mia said.

"Well, it's always nice to hear your voice" Nate said as he loved hearing the sound of Mia's voice.

"It's always nice to hear your voice too" Mia said. "You haven't heard from my brother have you" Mia asked. "No but I'm sure he's okay" Nate said.

"Yeah, me too I just worry" Mia said. "I know but hey I'll call you if I hear anything" Nate said.

"Okay thanks talk soon okay" Mia said. "Looking forward to it" Nate said and Mia hung up.


"So, tell me why you and Nate aren't back together" Blair said to Mia. "He and Serena just broke up B" Mia said.

"Yeah, well it's obvious why he broke up with Serena because he still loves you he told you before we left, he made a mistake and is willing to do whatever it took to get you back" Blair said.

"I know" Mia said groaning. "Then what's stopping you" Blair asked. "Guess I'm afraid to get hurt again" Mia said.

"M sometimes you have to take a risk and the entire reason why you haven't been with one guy this summer is because of Nate and don't try to deny it" Blair said.

"I hate when you're right" Mia said. "No, you don't" Blair said and Mia sighed.

"Come on M get your man back before it's too late" Blair said, and Mia thought about what she said.


"But the Grimaldis aren't a very large family he's probably a first cousin at least but just to be sure" Blair said. "B what are you doing" Serena asked.

"Cinderella did not google Prince Charming a mystery man shows up at your painting just like you wanted, and you cannot make this about some social agenda" Serena said.

"You're right and so what if my fairy godmother is my credit card" Blair said.

"Hey if anyone is going to be your fairy godmother it will be me" Mia said and Blair smiled at Mia. "This is fate" Blair said.

"Wait before we lose you to another shoe coma there's something I wanna talk to you about that package I got yesterday" Serena said when Blair interrupted her.

"S, I want to hear all about how brown offers a major in raw foods but it's Louis" Blair said and gasped.

"We're going to Baccarat I have just the thing to wear, and you have to pick up a little something too his friend Jean Michael showed up unexpectedly in town and our date is now a double" Blair said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea" Mia asked. "This is your moment Blair not Serena's yours" Mia said.

"Please if you don't come, he's gonna cancel and those brown boots would look amazing on you" Blair said to Serena. "Brown what did you want to tell me about college" Blair asked.

"It can wait let's go buy boots" Serena said. "Come on B I saw the perfect pair for you" Mia said leading Blair.


"Hey how was the date" Mia asked once Blair walked in. "Started out bad but then it got better" Blair said.

"Good" Mia said. "Have you spoke to Nate" Blair asked. "No but I will" Mia said. "When" Blair asked.

"Hopefully when I see him if I don't chicken out" Mia said and Blair smiled.

"Good you two are meant to be" Blair said. "Thanks B" Mia said smiling.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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