6) prison center

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"What have we here" Blair asked as she and Mia walked over to Serena. "Mia when did you get here" Serena asked.

"Thought you were with Nate" Serena said. "I was I got here a few minutes ago" Mia said.

"Bed unslept in hair in missionary disarray and yesterday's dress with today's shame all over it" Blair said. "No shame for your information we just stayed up talking all night" Serena said.

"Oh, so does this charity insomniac have a name" Blair asked. "Colin the van stealer" Serena said.

"So instead of showing him you spend the night with him yeah that'll do it" Mia said.

"It turns out he actually has some redeeming qualities he's handsome in an old Hollywood way he's smart and even though he's a businessman he's more interested in talking about Lichtenstein and Warhol which he collects by the way" Serena said.

"Boring" Mia said. "So, what are you doing here" Blair asked Serena.

"He also collects women that he puts into cabs a new one each morning and I'm not gonna be one of them I won't be" Serena said.

"Ever think he's doing it on purpose" Mia asked and Serena shrugged at her. "What's wrong with you" Serena asked Blair. "You look exhausted" Serena said.

"My guess is my brother she really must have gotten to him this time especially if he won't back down for me" Mia said.

"Yes, Mia your right I had another Chuck nightmare it was awful I was in wait until dark and I knew that he was there just lying in wait like in real life but then when he attacked me he turned out to be a, she" Blair said.

"Like Chuck in drag or an actual girl" Serena asked. "I don't know I was blind" Blair said.

"Well, it makes sense you're dreaming about being attacked ever since Chuck declared war" Serena said.

"Always fearing what he's going to do next" Mia added. "I guess" Blair said. "But then why a girl" Blair asked. "And that hair so long and" Blair said.

"B hey can we talk about this on our way to school" Serena asked.

"Without the cab stealer I have no excuse for being late for a class and I promised the dean I'd be a model student" Serena said.

"Uh I'm gonna meet you there there's something I need to do first" Blair said. "Okay" Serena said.

"Everything okay B" Mia asked. "Yeah, everything's fine I promise go" Blair said and Mia left with Serena.


"Juliet" Jordan said once he saw her at the prison center. "Jordan" Juliet said once she saw him. 

"Maybe we should talk" Juliet said and they headed to a bench and sat down. "So, running into each other at a prison that's kind of awkward" Juliet said.

"Yeah, especially because you said you were going to class" Jordan said. "Were you following me or something" Juliet asked.

"Me follow you please I have better things to do then follow my girlfriend around it's actually kind of a secret why I'm here" Jordan said. "I won't tell anyone" Julliet said.

"I'm visiting my mom it's quite a story actually" Jordan said. "What is it" Juliet asked.

"My mom she was off her meds and she uh found out my dad was having an affair I was 10 at the time but I never seen her so mad I still remember it to this day she pulled a knife out on him she was going to kill him, and she would have too if I didn't call the police on time" Jordan said.

"Jordan I'm so sorry" Juliet said. "Just do me a favor and don't tell anyone no one knows not even Mia it's not something I like talking about" Jordan said.

"Of course," Julliet told him. "So, what's bout you who are you here for your brother you told me about" Jordan asked.

"No, I'm a volunteer for the prison literacy program" Juliet said.

"How come you didn't say that this morning" Jordan asked.

"Look all I wanted to do was stay in bed with you and I don't know I guess I just felt weird bailing on you for some convicts" Juliet said.

"Well, I think it's great you do something like that" Jordan said and she smiled. "Well, I should go but see you around but maybe I'll swing by your class later" Jordan said.

"Oh no I just got a text message saying that my session was canceled I'll see you back in the city" Juliet said.

"Okay" Jordan said, and Juliet kissed him before leaving.


"Wow wait you mean to tell me Jenny's back" Mia asked over the phone. "Yes unfortunately" Blair said.

"How did you even find out" Mia asked. "Remember my dream was telling you about" Blair asked. "Yeah" Mia said. "It was her in my dream" Blair said.

"Well, that explains things" Mia said. "But hey thanks for the reminder I'll be sure to avoid her cause if I don't, I may kill her literally alright I gotta go bye B" Mia added. "Bye M" Blair said and hung up.


"Mom" Jordan said going to her seeing her in a hospital bed. "Jordan" she said. "Are you okay what happened" Jordan asked.

"I have no idea I was just reading in the library one minute and the next minute somebody was taking batting practice with a dictionary" she said.

"Do you have any idea who it was do you have a problem with something" Jordan asked.

"I've never seen them before" she said. "But hey, don't worry about me sweetie I'm okay" she said, and Jordan looked at her. "Mom" Jordan said.

"Jordan I'm okay just tell me about this girl you've been seeing" she said, and Jordan nodded.


"Did you hear Jenny was in town" Mia said to Nate. "No, any idea why she's here" Nate asked.

"No not really I don't really care to know either" Mia said.

"Well does this mean I have you all to myself for the rest of the day since I'm assuming you're avoiding her" Nate said.

"Yes, it does" Mia said and looked at Nate. "Lucky me" Nate said. "Lucky you" Mia said and Nate kissed her.


"Hey sorry I just got home" Jordan said over the phone. "Can you come over" Jordan asked. "I don't think so" Juliet said. "My mom's gonna be okay thanks for your concern" Jordan said.

"I'm glad but Jordan" Juliet said. "But what" Jordan said. "Oh god this is so hard" Juliet said and Jordan sighed before sitting on the bed.

"Okay well let me make it easy for you, you find out about my mom, and you can't handle it" Jordan said.

"No that's not it" Juliet said. "No that's exactly it you know what don't say anything it's okay goodbye and don't call again" Jordan said and hung up.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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