17) Nate's surprise party

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"Every war has its weapons but on the upper east side the rules of battle are simple there are no rules" Gossip Girl's post said.

"The look on his face was so sad and I wanted to call him back and say I didn't forget your birthday I've got this big party planned" Serena said.

"Cruel to be kind S, Nate will be fine" Blair said. "I'm guessing no word from my brother" Mia said.

"He's sitting down with Satan this morning" Blair said. "Yeah, about that it would've been nice to know the devil also known as my uncle was in town" Mia said.

"Sorry M" Blair said, and Mia waved her off. "He's gonna lay everything out on the table see if there's anything in the world, he could offer Jack to give up the hotel" Blair said.

"Okay does no one tell me anything" Mia asked having no idea about the hotel.

"Chuck didn't want to worry you" Blair told Mia. "He's come so far; become the person I always knew he could be, but he could lose it all because he opened his heart to that raven haired con artist" Blair said.

"If I could put her in a hospital without going to jail I would" Mia said.

"Everything will be fine Blair, Mia no matter what Chuck has you two and he loves you both the empire is just a hotel" Serena said.

"Excuse me" Mia said. "You don't understand the hotel is proof that Bart was wrong about Chuck it's become who he is" Blair told Serena.

"Well then you have to show him that he has so much more" Serena said. "Starting with buying this dress" Serena said and shown Blair the dress.

"Come on B once Chuck sees you in it, he'll realize empire, or no empire Blair Waldorf loves him and no one else can say that" Serena said. "It does suit you B" Mia said.

"Thanks, you guys" Blair said. "I have to go get everything ready for Nate's party" Serena said.

"Are you gonna be okay" Serena asked Blair. "Yeah, I have Mia" Blair said. "Okay let me know if Chuck calls you and buy that dress" Serena said and left.

"She's right it is a remarkable dress" Jack said coming over. "Ugh who let you in here" Mia asked.

"Made only more so by you in it" Jack said. "I'm going to be sick" Mia said. "M I got this" Blair told Mia who nodded. "What are you doing here besides stalking me" Blair asked.

"Please I was just window shopping and saw something I liked" Jack said.

"For what your manhood sorry you can't buy something you don't have" Mia said and Blair had to hold back a laugh.

"You're supposed to be meeting with Chuck" Blair said. "Oh, we met ideas were discussed voices raised expletives used and how's your morning been gorgeous" Jack asked.

"Ugh please make it stop my ears are bleeding" Mia said. "You think you've won but Chuck will find a way to get back what you stole there's always a way" Blair said.

"I told him how to get back his hotel and here's the kicker it wouldn't cost him a dime" Jack said.

"What are you talking about" Blair asked. "I'm saying Chuck can have the empire and all it would cost is you spending the night with me" Jack told Blair. "How'd that grab you" Jack asked.

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