5) The Serena also rises

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"When the white tents blossom in Bryant Park it can only mean one thing fashion week the time of year when any Park Ave princess would trade her last Prada pochette for front row seats to the best shows and we hear the seating chart for Eleanor Waldorf's show is being made by our very own B" Gossip Girl's post said.

Mia was with Blair when Chuck walked up to them. "Ah the besieged queen" Chuck said.

"Don't act like you didn't have anything to do with it I know you that well" Mia said. "What do you want Chuck" Blair asked.

"To help your throne's, in danger and you can't wage war on Serena without an ally you need me" Chuck said. "There is no war now that Marcus has been booted back to Brighton, I'm free to focus on my old life" Blair said.

"You're lucky he left before I got my hands on him" Mia said and Blair smiled at Mia. "Serena's just been keeping my seat warm" Blair said.

"And how do you plan on making the girls fall at your feet you going to trip them" Chuck asked. "A true monarch bestows favors its fashion week and I'm the only Constance girl with clout" Blair said and she along with Mia went to the girls.

"Ladies I trust tomorrow night you won't embarrass me" Blair said and gave them the tickets and handed Mia hers.

"Oh my god second row seats to your mother's show" Nelly said. "Oh my god those are total movie star seats" Penelope said. "Serena is in woman's wear daily" Hazel said.

"With Poppy Lipton" Isobel said. "Serena could like die now knowing that she's lived a fulfilled life" Hazel said and Serena came over.

"Hey guys" Serena said. "Oh my god is Poppy nice" Hazel asked.

"She looks so nice" Hazel said. "What" Serena said, and Hazel shown her the paper. "Oh gosh I haven't even seen that" Serena said.

"Wanna go" Mia asked Blair who nodded, and they got up heading to leave when Serena stopped them. "Blair, Mia where are you going" Serena asked.

"If I wanted to talk about you 24/7, I'd go to a talk show" Mia said. "We'll just leave you to your fans" Blair said and she and Mia went to Chuck.

"Watching you fail spectacularly gives me so much joy" Chuck said.

"And you know what you give to everyone Chuck" Blair asked. "Misery there's a reason your always out here alone well when Mia isn't with you" Blair said.

"Nate just happens to be away at his grandparents" Chuck said.

"Nate's only friends with you out of habit the only person with fewer, friends than you is Dan Humphrey and at least his lame 90s dad likes him and that's because he's something you'll never be a human being" Blair said.

"Wow Blair don't be mean he's still my brother" Mia said.

"He even managed to become friends with your sister who is supposedly your mini me" Blair said and left. "Sorry bro you know how she is" Mia said and followed Blair.


Mia and Chuck went downstairs after hearing the elevator go off.  "Dan hey" Mia said once she and Chuck approached Dan.

"It's like the plague only instead of vermin on my doorstep I get the human being who managed to get my baby sister to be friends with him" Chuck said. "Chuck stop" Mia said.

"Beat it Humphrey my sister doesn't dig stalkers" Chuck said. "I wish you would stop calling Serena that" Mia said.

"Actually, as strange as it sounds, I'm here to see you I know we don't like each other you think I'm a boring sheltered nobody" Dan said. "I don't think of you" Chuck said. 

"Oh right of course you don't but uh, but I've been thinking of me, and I've come to the conclusion that I need to get out of my comfort zone I need to experience new things" Dan said.

"Bout time you realize it" Mia said. "Are you gay" Chuck asked Dan.

"Now that would be out of my comfort zone but no uh, I just need to get out of Brooklyn for one night I'd like to experience the world of Chuck Bass" Dan said.

"You're lucky I'm bored" Chuck said. "Good luck with that both of you" Mia said and left.


Mia was with Blair trying to calm her down after what happened at school.

"Don't ever go to high school Dorota the girls are spoiled, stupid, and ungrateful one snapshot with a socialite and it's all Serena, Serena, Serena" Blair said.

"Blair calm down" Mia said. "Some tea will calm your nerves" Dorota told Blair.

"Don't they know that without me they'd never see the inside of a fashion tent they'd be stuck behind the barricades with PETA in fact I will leave them outside with PETA maybe that'll teach them some manners" Blair said.

"Blair" Mia said. Blair grabbed the seating chart and saw it was changed. "Something's different" Blair said and Mia looked.

"Who put Serena and that Poppy person in the front row and all those socialites" Blair asked.

"Someone changed this chart the chart my mother asked me to do" Blair said. "Who changed it" Blair asked.

"Eleanor said Miss Jenny change" Dorota said. "Jenny Humphrey, I guess she didn't learn her lesson last year looks like someone needs a refresher course" Blair said.

"Oh no" Mia said. "What would fashion week be without a fashion victim looks like little J just started her own trend wearing a bullseye on her back" Gossip Girl's post said.


Lily and Bart were having dinner together that night while everyone else was at the fashion show when Lily saw letters, she wrote to her college boyfriend that Bart had.

"You have letters that I wrote to my college boyfriend" Lily asked. "You mean the professor you slept with while at school" Bart said.

"Bart where did you get these" Lily asked. "It doesn't matter Lily; I love you and my concern is for our family" Bart said.

"Bart I'm not ashamed of who I am I may have concealed things in the past but not anymore I want my children to know their mother" Lily said.

"Is this something you want your kids to know" Bart asked and gave Lily the forms and she looked at them.

"Who gave this to you" Lily asked. "I do have to ask you something" Bart said instead of answering her question.

"When were you gonna tell me that you're my daughter's mother" Bart asked.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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