12) the kids are not all right

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"It's a cold new year upper east siders time to donate that fall wardrobe to the help and to present the world with a better version of you which could mean facing your future and forgetting past mistakes or finally settling on a brand-new path, but a new year doesn't wipe away old problems" Gossip Girl's post said.

"Hey man how was New Zealand" Nate asked Chuck over the phone. "I have to say it was an extraordinary bust Jack was out of the country" Chuck said.

"Oh, I'm sorry man I knew you were counting on his help" Nate said.

"At least I had my baby sister to keep me company even though I begged her countless times to go home" Chuck said looking at Mia who rolled her eyes at him.

"Anyways, as fate would have it, I might've found one last ally my father's old friend Russell Thorpe is in town from Chicago he's hosting a party at Apella this afternoon Mia and I are on our way to his field office to see if I can get a meeting" Chuck said and Mia heard shouting over the phone.

"Please tell me I'm not missing a Blair Waldorf party" Mia said and Chuck put the phone on speaker. "Don't worry you're not" Nate told Mia.

"That's right your father's out on parole how's it been" Chuck asked.

"I know he's earned the right to blow off a little steam, but it's been nothing but spas and restaurants and nightclubs to be honest I'm glad Mia is with you and not here" Nate said.

"I mean shouldn't he be concentrating on his future" Nate asked. "Maybe you my loving fiancée should dock his allowance" Mia said.

"Hey Nate need one more for a foursome you in dude" Howard asked. "Okay did I hear that right" Mia asked.

"That's not what it sounded like" Nate said. "Better not be" Mia said.

"I promise it's not, but I should go good luck" Nate said. "You too" Chuck said and hung up.


"Well Mr. Thorpe can't meet at noon so you can push, or you can cancel whichever you prefer thought so" the woman said hanging up the phone and Chuck and Mia made their way to her.

"If I could impose on you to pop back up to the office and tell Mr. Thorpe Chuck and Mia Bass is here to see him, I'll take a coffee and today's Pravda and Mia will take a hot chocolate if it'll be a few minutes" Chuck said.

"I'm sorry who are you" the woman asked. "Chuck Bass" Chuck told her. "And I'm Mia Bass darling pleasure I'm sure" Mia said.

"We just flew in from New Zealand got the invitation to Mr. Thorpe' s party thought we'd stop by early to discuss business" Chuck said.

"Would you mind telling me what this is regarding" the woman asked them.

"I don't usually impose my private matters to assistants" Chuck said. "Assistant I prefer the term secretary don't you why not just call things as you see them" she asked.

"Couldn't agree more" Chuck said. "Hmm I like her" Mia told Chuck.

"So, since I'm sure your boss will see me and my sister if you just tell him we're here" Chuck said.

"That won't be possible" the woman said. "Let me save your job sweetheart and tell you why it is possible I'm trying to block the potential sale of Bass industries my dead father's legacy and since Mr. Thorpe and my father were business associates when they were starting out, I'm sure he'd like the opportunity to help me intervene" Chuck said.

"I meant that won't be possible because Mr. Thorpe hasn't touched down from Chicago yet and I probably shouldn't tell you this but" the woman said.

"You have our attention go on" Mia said. "In my position here I'm privy to certain information and it appears you may be out of the loop" the woman said. "Great" Mia said and sighed.

"The potential sale of Bass industries is very real there's a deal on the table and it's fast tracked to close in 24 hours I'm guessing I'll be seeing you two at my boss's party later" the woman said and left.


Chuck saw Serena and Dan and the link stopped as Chuck and Mia got out of the limo and faced them. "Serena a moment" Chuck said.

"Uh now is not a good time" Serena said. "Yeah, well unfortunately time is why we're here" Mia said.

"Unless we stop her your mother is going to sell Bass industries in 24 hours, I think I have a plan that can get us both what we want" Chuck said.

"Well, we've waited this long what's a few more hours" Serena told Dan.

"Sure, my interview's at 2:30 so" Dan said. "Okay we'll meet at the Waldorf's at 2:00 and then can down there together" Serena told Dan and got in the limo with Chuck and Mia.

The limo then drove off. "Watch your back Lily these kids are definitely not alright" Gossip Girl's post said.


"As I see it, we have two distinct goals Mia and I wanna block the sale of Bass industries you wanna get old Ben out of jail a single strategy may satisfy us both" Chuck said.

"Which is" Serena asked. "Blackmail obviously" Mia said. "You act more like your brother every day" Serena said. "And that's a bad thing" Mia asked.

"But I can't pressure her unless I have hard evidence" Serena said.

"Oh, while you were bunching Mia, and I took the liberty of checking the safe at the house" Chuck said.

"Did you know she has a safety deposit box at the Dorset Bank on Madison" Chuck asked.

"No" Serena said. "I know you've spent your entire life not wanting to become your mother, but desperate times" Chuck said.  "I think I'll sit this one out but keep me updated" Mia said.


"Nate" Mia said walking into the living room. "Nate" Mia said again, and Nate came over. "Hey sorry I was in the shower" Nate said.

"Without me" Mia asked. "Sorry you can join me next time" Nate said and Mia smiled. "Good then for now you can make it up to me by making me dinner" Mia said.

"I'm on it" Nate said heading to the kitchen. Mia smiled to herself and sat on the couch. "I love you" Mia yelled to Nate. "I love you too" Nate yelled back.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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