12) Christmas 2.0

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Winter in New York a gossip girl checklist to surviving the cold cashmere stole for ice skating at Wollman Rink, Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window shopping the holiday displays, and the perfect date to the Senior Snowflake Charity Ball" Gossip Girl's post said.

"B I have other things to do today" Serena said. "Serena this is the holiday event for high school seniors the crème de la crème from all the big private schools will be there the pictures dominate the society pages through the new year I need a ringer" Blair said.

"And I need a boyfriend oh and strawberries but that's not happening anytime soon" Mia said. "Mia not helping" Blair said.

"Wait have all of these guys asked you already" Serena asked. "Of course, you think Angelina Jolie even considers a project without an offer on the table in strictly a pay or play dater" Blair said.

"Just out of curiosity who's in the lead to play guy with no future" Chuck asked coming over.

"What makes you think I'm not looking for something long term" Blair asked, and Chuck sat next to Mia. "Call it a hunch" Chuck said.

"Blair just tell him or he be trying to bug me all night about it" Mia said. "Keith Nelson" Blair said. "Are you kidding have you ever seen him without gum" Chuck asked.

"The oral fixation alone would drive you insane" Chuck said and Blair marked it off.

"Andy Clark" Blair said. "Outscored your verbal on the SATS" Chuck said. "Okay this is gonna take a while I'll leave you to it" Mia said and left quickly.


"Nate just the person I wanted to see" Mia said smiling and Nate smiled at her. "Hey Mia" Nate said and Mia walked up to him. 

"My hero" Mia said and Nate laughed at her. "Do I want to know" Nate asked. "I have no clue" Mia said. "Well to be in the safe side let's not discuss it" Nate said.

"Good idea" Mia said and noticed Nate was looking at her like he was in love. "What's that look about. "What look" Nate asked.

"That look your wearing right now on your face" Mia said. "I always wear this look on my face" Nate said. "No, you don't" Mia said. "Well then maybe, you bring it out by being so beautiful" Nate said.

"What's going on with you" Mia asked. "You never compliment me" Mia said. "Maybe I finally want to stop pushing my feelings back and want what I want" Nate said.

"Which is what" Mia asked but before Nate could respond Mia's phone went off. "I have to go catch up later okay" Mia said and left.


Chuck walked up to Nate after seeing him talking to Mia with a look he recognized too well.

"Hey what was that look about" Chuck asked. "What look" Nate asked.

"The goofily eyes you were making at my sister" Chuck said. "You in love with her or something" Chuck asked.

"I think I might be" Nate said. "Since when you never shown a bit of interest to my sister till this year" Chuck said.

"That's where your wrong I've always liked her I got her that necklace that she always wears cause of how in love with her I am I just never said anything cause she had a boyfriend and now I'm afraid I may be too late we barely hang out anymore even though I have no idea why it's like she can't be around me cause it hurts too much and I've pushed my feelings aside when I got with Blair until they started fighting their way out again" Nate said.

"My sister of all people it had to be my sister" Chuck asked. "Relax it's not like it's going to happen" Nate said and left.


There was a knock, on Mia's door and she answered it seeing Nate. "Nate hey" Mia said. "Hey, you weren't at the ball" Nate said.

"I wasn't really up to it, so Lily allowed me to skip it" Mia said and Nate nodded.

"You're doing it again" Mia said. "What" Nate said. "Looking at me with that look like you love me or something" Mia said. "Oh sorry" Nate said. "It's okay" Mia said.

"But hey while you're here" Mia said and gave Nate his present. "Merry Christmas" Mia said, and Nate smiled before handing Mia hers.

"Merry Christmas" Nate said, and Mia smiled before opening her present.

"Earrings to go with my necklace it's beautiful thanks" Mia said, and Nate nodded. Nate opened his seeing a picture of them when they first met. "It's when we first met" Mia said.

"I remember it was the best day of my life" Nate said. "Mine too" Mia said and Nate looked at her smiling.

"Well, um it's getting late so see you tomorrow" Mia asked. "Yeah, sure see you then" Nate said. "Wait Mia, you know you can tell me anything right" Nate asked.

"Yeah of course" Mia said. "Okay just making sure I'll uh see you" Nate said and left.


Serena walked over to Dan and his date with Aaron when she saw him. "Dan hey" Serena said.

"Hey guys what's up" Dan asked. "Do you mind if I talk to Dan for a second" Serena asked Aaron. "No, no I don't I'm gonna I'll grab us a cab" Aaron said and left.

"I'll get one for us too" Dan's date said and left. "I just want to apologize for how I acted earlier I um I had no right" Serena said.

"No, no apology necessarily" Dan said. "Good because I didn't want you to go off tonight and uh do whatever it is you're gonna do um without me just clearing the air first" Serena said.

"Well, uh well consider it cleared and by the way I didn't mean to pry earlier about all that stuff" Dan said. "No, I know" Serena said.

"Well, uh good, good we can both go with clean air" Dan said. "Yeah, yeah I guess so" Serena said going to leave when Dan stopped her. "It was meaningful with you it was the greatest night of my life" Dan said.

"Mine too" Serena said. "Well why does this it why does this feel like we're cutting some mythological tie" Dan asked.

"I don't know, I don't know but it, but it does are we" Serena started to ask when Lily came over.

"Serena where's Charles" Lily asked. "I don't know" Serena said. "I need to find him, and I need you to go get Mia" Lily said. "Mom what's wrong" Serena asked. "Bart's been in an accident" Lily said.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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