16) Georgina

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"Spotted Jenny Humphrey wading in the met fountain fishing for change Blair Waldorf seen dallying with an off-duty doorman at the Blarney Stone on a Monday night it looks like the battle between the Queen B and little J has moved from the streets to the blogs who's sending this debasing dish I have a feeling" Gossip Girl's post said as all the girls sat down on the met.

Blair threw a dime at Jenny as Mia saw. "A nice shiny dime to add to your collection" Blair said. "Why the fruit cup B lost your taste for yogurt" Jenny asked.

"You want fruit cup in your hair" Mia asked. "Because I'm not afraid to do it test me again" Mia said. "So, what are we doing tonight" Blair asked.

"Asher's parents are in Cannes so he and Jenny are throwing a party at his house" Penelope said. "It's a really small get together with just our closest friends sorry Blair" Jenny said.

"No, you're not" Mia said. "Blair can take my place" one of the minions said. "Invitations are nontransferable she's new to the group" Jenny said.

"Says who you" Mia asked.  "Just because your name is on the invite doesn't make you a hostess" Blair said and Jenny's phone rang.

"Oh, then why is the party planner calling me" Jenny asked. "You mean your dad" Mia said and Jenny got up and left. 

After a moment Jenny came back. "Sorry floral emergency oh and you will be happy to know that the entire unity Lacrosse team RSVP'd" Jenny said and saw Asher as she went to him.

"That's Asher" Mia said. "How did little Jenny Humphrey become the next Brooke Astor" Blair asked. "The same way they all do" one of the girls said. "Marry up" the one beside Mia said.


"It's a snub from one party B" Serena said as she sat next to Mia. "Plus, what's the big deal anyway" Serena asked. "You don't even like Asher" Serena said.

"I barely remembered him I was glued to Chuck's side a lot, if you remember" Mia said.

"I didn't like last season's Louis Vuitton patchwork bag either but that doesn't mean I want to see it all over town on Jenny Humphrey's arm" Blair said.

"Touché" Serena said. "What do you say we have a girl's night out tonight" Blair asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry I can't I have dinner with the family" Serena said. "That's tonight" Mia asked and Serena nodded.

"Let me remind you of a little promise you made don't go to France I'll be there for you" Blair said. "I'm really sorry I've been distant, but things will be better soon I promise" Serena said.

"Obviously starting tomorrow" Blair said and Dan came over. "Hey" Dan said. "Hey" Serena said, and Dan kissed her. "Ugh barf" Mia said. 

"What's wrong" Serena asked Dan. "You look stressed even for you" Serena said.  "I'm still worried about Jenny" Dan said sitting down. "You mean because she's self-obsessed self-serving self-centered self" Blair said.

"Okay Blair, we get it" Mia said. "No, no I wish it was about her and herself but it's more about who she's with I can't get through to her I tried, and she just completely blew me off and she dissed my pants" Dan said.

"Maybe I underestimated her" Blair said. "She's just going through a phase we all went through it and apparently some of us still are in it" Serena said.

"All that matters to someone like Jenny now are the four G's guys, girlfriends, and Gossip Girl" Blair said.

"It's true don't feel bad unless it's coming from one of them, she's not gonna hear it" Serena said. "Sorry Dan" Mia said.

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