9) lies

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"I mean who gets wasted on Thanksgiving" Blair asked as she and Mia were helping lead Serena. "Seriously S it's thanksgiving" Mia said.

"The holidays are lonely for people I wanted to keep 'em company" Serena said. "Whoo" Serena said spinning around. "Your mom is freaking out, so my mom is freaking out" Blair said.

"Yeah, S come on not on thanksgiving" Mia said. "What which means you freak out along with Mia" Serena asked.

"Blair, Mia just cut the word go nuts come on let's do shots come on" Serena said. "I told Lily that you were buying a pie" Blair said. "Oh pie" Serena said.

"Where's your purse" Blair asked. "Oh, my purse" Serena said. "Uh great alright you stay here okay Mia, and I are gonna go look don't drink or hit on anything" Blair said and she and Mia went to look.


Blair and Mia saw Serena talking to Dan and they rushed over to her. "And you need to keep your hands off of her" Blair said hearing their conversation while Dan looked at Mia like he reminded her of someone.

"Quit your staring pal" Mia said. "Don't make me call her brother" Blair said. "Blair, Mia" Serena said.

"Trying to take advantage of her on the holidays come on let's go Serena" Blair said as she and Mia led Serena. "What a pig" Mia said. "Bye Dave" Serena said as she got in the cab with Mia getting in the middle.

"Bye, bye" Dan said and Blair got in the cab and the cab took off.


Serena and Mia were at Blair's in the kitchen when Blair came over. "I have to find this recipe before my dad gets here" Blair said. "Harold Waldorf's famous pumpkin pie" Serena said.

"The only pumpkin pie I can actually like" Mia said. "Well, it may have been Bobby Flay's, but it didn't stop my dad from taking credit for it it's gonna be perfect" Blair said.

"Look at you quite the chipper sous chef" Serena said. "Well, I'm in a good mood it happens sometimes cause, I increase my Lexapro sometimes because my dad's in town" Blair said.

"And sometimes mostly because things are good with a boy" Serena said.

"You and Nate get back together" Serena asked. "You mean since gossip girl published pictures of him and some skank" Blair said. "So that's a no" Serena said.

"Okay moving on" Mia said. "What's Chuck doing today" Serena asked Blair. "Why are you asking me and not Mia" Blair asked.

"Well, you guys are friends and Blair look you know you can tell me anything and Mia" Serena said. "Yeah, we won't judge" Mia said. "Mia's right" Serena said.

"With good reason" Blair said. "Blair, I saw you with Chuck" Serena said. "You were with my brother" Mia asked.

"I don't know what I was thinking I mean sleeping with him once maybe you could understand but twice" Blair said. "Okay TMI I think that's my cue" Mia said and left.


"Don't tell me I'm late to the party" Mia said as she walked in the kitchen seeing Nate, Blair, and a drunk Serena. "Mia" Serena said. "Hey Mia" Nate said smiling at her as Mia made her way to the table.

"Mia no not at all you're about to witness the return of sober Serena" Harold said. "We sure about that" Mia asked seeing Serena still drunk and Nate noticed a bruise on Mia's eye.

"What's that" Nate asked. "What nothing" Mia said. "It's something you're my best friend you can tell me" Nate said.

"I fell down the stairs it's no big deal" Mia lied. "Ah Nate" Serena said getting up going to him.

"Oh no, oh no" Nate said. "Or maybe not" Harold said. "Sweetie, would you take her upstairs out her in the bath before your mother gets wind of this whole situation" Harold asked Blair.

"What and leave you all alone thanksgiving, is our thing" Blair said. "Wow those steps sure did a number on you Mia" Harold said seeing the bruise.

"Yeah, well clumsy me" Mia said. "Nate will you please take care of Serena please" Blair asked.

"Oh, I will come on" Nate said leading Serena. "Daddy, can I help with the pumpkin pie" Blair asked. "Of course," Harold said. "Thank you" Blair said. "Crush them" Harold said. "Thank you very much crush them" Blair said.


"Tastes good mum" Nate said. "Thank god Citarella was still open I had to improvise since we were dis invited from the Waldorf's at the last minute" Anne said.

"Uh thanks for having me things are kind of weird over there with Serena and Blair and I didn't want you guys to be alone for thanksgiving" Mia said.

"Of course, Mia your always welcome" Anne said, and Nate smiled at Mia. "Just like I was asked to step down from the committee for the snowflake ball and how I wasn't asked back to the Lincoln center foundation I thought at least your father's lawyer might join us for dessert" Anne said going back to the previous subject.

"Maybe I should go" Mia said. "Mom stop you were all for acting like nothing was wrong until it landed on you" Nate said. "Nate" Howard said.

"I forgot to call the bail bondsman maybe he has nowhere to go" Anne said. "Mom no one is more, mad than I am but this is not the right way" Nate said.

"Nathaniel, I don't need you to fight this fight for me" Howard said. "Come on Mia let's go" Nate said after a moment and he and Mia got up. "Where do you think you're going" Anne asked. "Anywhere but here" Nate said as he and Mia left.


Nate and Mia were sitting together and when Nate was going to call Blair or Serena he stopped. "You okay" Mia asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry about dinner" Nate said.

"Don't be it's not your fault a lot of things are going on" Mia said. "I'm glad I still have you" Nate said. "You'll always have me" Mia said.

"Hey last year you had a bruise on your eye you said you fell down the stairs was that true because it just didn't seem like you were telling the truth" Nate said.

Mia thought back about the real reason behind the truth. "Mia" Nate said, and Mia looked at him. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you" Nate said.

"You know that right" Nate asked. "Yeah, I know but It was the truth I promise" Mia said but Nate didn't believe her but let it go for now. "Okay" Nate said.


After checking on Nate, Mia went home and went up to her room remembering the events of last thanksgiving like it was yesterday.

She had tried to hold back her tears, but she broke down.

Chuck had rushed into the room seeing Mia cry and pulled her to him as they slid down the wall. "It's okay, it's okay" Chuck said comforting her.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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