4) Meeting Juliet

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Mia woke up that morning only to see Nate, walk in with a breakfast tray causing her to sit up. "Morning" Nate said and gave Mia a quick kiss before sitting the breakfast tray down.

"Pizza for breakfast" Mia asked. "I know it's your favorite thing and considering you barely like breakfast I figured this was the next best thing besides you could never go wrong with pizza for breakfast" Nate said.

"No, you can't" Mis said smiling before grabbing a piece. Nate grabbed a piece after her and they started to eat.

"Oh, Jordan called I told him you were asleep" Nate said. "What did he want" Mia asked.

"He wants you to meet Juliet, I told him we could drop by his place before our date tonight" Nate said. "We have a date tonight where are you taking me" Mia asked. "You'll see" Nate said.

"One thing I didn't miss was those surprise dates" Mia said. "You'll survive" Nate said.

Barely" Mia said as Nate shook his head at her. "Just finish your pizza so we aren't late" Nate said and Mia smiled at him before doing what he said.


There was a knock on the door and when Jordan went to answer it he saw both Mia and Nate. "I brought brownies" Mia said happily.

"Juliet they're here" Jordan said. "Come on in" Jordan told Nate and Mia and they walked in.

Jordan closed the door behind them before taking the brownies from Mia and setting them on the table. "You didn't have to make brownies" Jordan said. "Tried telling her that" Nate said.

"We had some free time it was no big deal" Mia said and Juliet walked over. "You must be Mia" Juliet said to Mia.

"That's me" Mia said. "I'm Julliet I've heard so much about you" Juliet said. "I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing" Mia said. "It's good I promise" Juliet said.

"Oh, I love brownies" Juliet said taking one and Mia looked at Nate giving him a look. "Okay, okay you were right" Nate said and Mia smiled.


After talking to Jordan and Juliet for a while Nate and Mia eventually left and headed to their date.

"Our surprise date is at an ice cream shop" Mia asked smiling before looking at Nate. "Every time I passed by here, I thought of you" Nate said.

"And why is that" Mia asked. "Cause they have your favorite I couldn't hardly eat ice cream without thinking of you" Nate said.

As much as I love Ice cream you care if we go back to your place and do something way more fun" Mia said. "Anything for you" Nate said.

Nate and Mia held hands and headed off back to Nate's place.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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